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United Daughters of the Confederacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • United Daughters of the Confederacy
    • Emmanuel Payano
      These women are a group of decendents of the fallen heros in the CSA.

Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
    "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. "

Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 3 views

  • Slavery in the United States lasted as a legal institution until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. It had its origins with the first English colonization of North America in Virginia in 1607, although African slaves were brought to Spanish Florida as early as the 1560s.[1] Most slaves were black and were held by whites, although some Native Americans and free blacks also held slaves; there was a small number of white slaves as well.[citation needed] Slaves were spread to the areas where there was good quality soil for large plantations of high value cash crops, such as cotton, sugar, and coffee. The majority of slaveholders were in the southern United States, where most slaves were engaged in an efficient machine-like gang system of agriculture, with farms of fifteen or more slaves proving to be far more productive than farms without slaves.[citation needed] Also, these large groups of slaves were thought to work more efficiently if guarded by a managerial class called overseers to ensure that the slaves did not waste a second of movement. From 1654 until 1865, slavery for life was legal within the boundaries of much of the present United States.[2] Before the widespread establishment of chattel slavery (outright ownership of the slave), much labor was organized under a system of bonded labor known as indentured servitude. This typically lasted for several years for white and black alike, and it was a means of using labor to pay the costs of transporting people to the colonies.[3] By the 18th century, court rulings established the racial basis of the American incarnation of slavery to apply chiefly to Black Africans and people of African descent, and occasionally to Native Americans. In part because of the success of tobacco as a cash crop in the Southern colonies, its labor-intensive character caused planters to import more slaves for labor by the end of the 17th century than did the northern colonies. The South had a significantly high number and proportion of slaves in the population.[3] Twelve million Africans were shipped to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries.[4][5] Of these, an estimated 645,000 were brought to what is now the United States. The largest number were shipped to Brazil (see slavery in Brazil).[6] The slave population in the United States had grown to four million by the 1860 Census.[7] Slavery was one of the principal issues leading to the American Civil War. After the Union prevailed in the war, slavery was abolished throughout the United States with the adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.[8]
  • Slavery in the United States
    • Matthew Dumbrique
      Most of the slaves were African Americans. The masters theat they worked for called them negores. They would be bought and sold like they were property. This was very diffficult for blacks to deal with for 200 years.
    • kenny rosario
      If they didnt do there job they would get whipped mulitiple times until the blood ouze out and ended with a splash of salt water
    • Matthew Dumbrique
      They would whip any black slave that either didn't listen to their masters ot did something to make them mad. Francis was a indentured servant who was snetenced to 30 whips. But not only Francis got whipped, possibly many other Africna sprobably got whipped even more!
    • Justin Rodriguez
      francis also has gotten a bigger punishment because some time later she got prgenate by her owner so not only did she get the whip punishment i think she was sent to life in being a slave i dont really know what happend to her baby though ( she was raped by her owner and they punished her instead of her owner thats quite messed up )
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Women's rights
    • Matthew Dumbrique
      Back in the time of George Washington, women had no rights like the African men did. They were "reproducting tools" to whites. They would engage in sexual intercourse with men to produce more slaves, sort of like a business. If they didn't have sex with other African men, they were raped by their masters and most of the time it didn't turn out good for them because her rapist was white. Whites had more rights.
  • Slave Trade
    • Matthew Dumbrique
      The Spanish, The Dutch, and The Portugese were the top slave sellers. They bought slaves like they were candy from a store. The slaves they bought, traded, and/or sold had to plant tobacco, which was very much like money. They would trade slaves for tabacco, vice-versa.
  • Free blacks
    • Matthew Dumbrique
      Free blacks, were not completely free, only half free. They only had certain rights such as having their own farm, panting their own crops, and exploring.
    • Matthew Dumbrique
      Emmanuel was an identured servant. He lost his wife and kids and would NEVER see them again because thy were slaves.
  • African slaves were brought to Spanish Florida as early as the 1560s
    • christopher salinas
      They were brought in ships to the U.S from Africa. They were crwoded in the ships. A lot of them died in the ship and when they died people threw them to the sea.
  • Most slaves were black and were held by whites,
  • Slaves were punished with a variety of objects and instruments. Some of these included: whips, placed in chains and shackles, various contraptions such as metal collars, being hanged, and even forced to walk a treadmill
  • The Whip was the most common form of punishment performed on a slave
  • Most slaves were African and were held by Europeans
  • there was a small number of white slaves as well
  • An animation showing when United States territories and states forbade or allowed slavery, 1789-1861
    • Samuel Melendez
      black people were treated worst after the constetution
    Slavery in the United States lasted as a legal institution until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865
    Slavery in the United States
    slavery was a wrong thing because human being were treated like they were not humans because of their skin color
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