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Janeth Cano

Why be against same sex marriage? - 37 views

    A student from ISU stands up for same sex marriage as he tells his story. Very powerful!
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    This student's name is Zach Wahls and this was a very powerful speech. Here is another link for the story with some more details . I also know that he did a reddit AMA recently but I can't find a link right now.
    "marriage- ... 3) an intimate or close union" i think that if you asked a random person on the street what they thought marriage was this would be close to what they said, so why WOULD we be against it?
    If they are together the same as a man and a women are, why shouldn't they get the same benefits? I mean their relationships generally last longer then "legitimate" marriages so why shouldn't they be treated the same? By not allowing them to get married, are you doing anything? Besides denying them the benefits of that little piece of paper...such as lower insurance rates, higher health benefits, what happens if their partner dies? Then simply because they weren't ALLOWED to be married, the living partner does not get their belongings unless it is in the written will, they wont get any of the insurance money because that only goes to family, so if they are just "dating" they don't get any money to help them through the hard times...I think they should allow same sex marriage simply because if they are going to be together whether or not you allow them to get married, they should get the same benefits as everyone else.
    I don't mean to start a fight or anything like that, I just don't think it's right in the biblical sense. I am very close minded about this topic, and can't seem to change and I don't plan on it. I can see where people come from, but I bet some of those people don't believe in God, or the bible. It even states it in the bible that is wrong.
    I am glad to see opinions on both side of this issue in the comments. Discussion groups like these can easily turn into arguments with little information on either side. Thanks for being respectful in your comments! To continue the discussion, Americans are almost equally divided on gay marriage. Here is the most recent poll data to see how we have changed our opinion since 1996...
    I don't think that religion can play a part in what marriage is in today's world. Marriage now in the eyes of our government is a way for 2 people to share benefits that the government gives them.
    casue it sthe same sex it shold not be
    this is a hard question to answer. I believe very strongly that gays have the right to be together and form a union, so i think that marriage is all well and good, but there is another issue. No matter what the dictionary says what the definition of marriage is, it doesn't take superiority over the bibles definition, which clearly states marriage is only to be formed between a man and a woman. Some say that the bible was not very clear on that, and that it is up for debate, but if one looks at leviticus 18:22 it states "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." I don't think it is abominations, but the concept of christianity, and judaism does, which is where it gets tricky. Does the government have the right to force the church to do things against their belief such as allowing gays and lesbians to marry? quite frankly i don't think so. Its not like the pope can just say, hey gays are ok now. It would be blasphemous. the only way gays would be allowed is if God himself came down from heaven and made it publicly known that he has changed his mind on the concept. If i was lets say jewish and had my own resteraunt, and i didn't serve pork due to my belief that pork was a dirty meat, would you go to the mayor and convince him to force me to change my rule even though its against my religion, and causes the lord to look down on me with disdain? I dont think you would because its preposterous. So i believe we need to meet in the middle. Make a union that gives gays all the same rights and privileges as regular marriage, but make it a different term than marriage, or at least make it known that the church is not ordaining it. The trick is not to force people to do things against their will, but to find new methods to do things so that we can all co exist without such petty argument.
    I just think people come up with poor excuses for gay marriage not to eligible..
    they do, but many people are scared of change. its going to change i believe, but its going to take time.
    I think that if a gay couple want to be want to be married, why can't they? There isn't a negative effect of a gay marriage, and you can see from the young man in this video that they can be just the same as a straight marriage. Infact I think that man was in more successful than any of us coming from opposite sex parents would be at that age. I also think that they provide a better family life for their children as well. His family seemed alot closer than most families today. So theres no reason a gay couple can't be married. Sure you can say that its wrong because its against Gods will and all, but being gay isnt a choice. Its who you are. God created man, and if being gay is really as terrible as they say it is, then God wouldnt have made them gay. And to the guy who says people that are for gay marriage aren't christian or don't belive in God, guess what? I go to church, believe in God, and I am for gay marriage. Who's to say that gay people can't have the same rights as straight people? The only difference is the gender we prefer. Why should gay marriage be outlawed and ridiculed? Where has prejudice ever gotten us?
    I do not think religion has anything to do with marriage. After all atheists can get married can't they? Also if you have read the entire bible there are more things that god has said is wrong then gays, and i guarantee everybody has done something god has said is a sin. It is up to the people getting married whether they want their marriage to be religious or not. If we let religion be a part of our everyday lives we would go insane with all of the "rules" the bible states. Who is to say that gays shouldn't have the right to get married? If that is the case then maybe we should limit what straights can do.
    Dakota, If you look at Americas past there has always been prejudice. And in the end it united America. Look at the way people treated colored folk, or women for that example. There has always been prejudice in the past and there will always be in the future. People are going to voice their opinions no matter how ignorant or naive they are.
    I am against gay marraige but I also think that people have the right to chose what they want. they can make their own choices and I will make mine. I have friends that are gay and I have no problems with them or the way they act. I may not like it but im not going to hate them for it.
    i actually have read the whole bible, and i spent 7 years of my life in a private christian school. it doesn't matter if you stole an orange or killed a man, a sin is a sin. what you dont understand is that god weighs all sins the same, and quite frankly if i really should tell the truth gay people are going to burn in a pit, just as that guy with the orange will if they dont change their ways and repent. The church is like a private club, and they say gays cant marry. end of story. they dont care if your not christian, they care about anatomy. anything else people want to ask questions about so i can answer them? or how about making false statements i can shoot down? listen unless we find an alternate to marriage, we should not and i will not stand up for gay marriage. perhaps if it was termed differently and done done in the name of god, i would just say more power to them. no matter how much you want to, you cant change the laws in the bible and call them legitimate.
    "broxton anderson " so your saying that the homosexuals need their own form of union instead of marriage? I thought that most marriages were now legal constructs with religious ceremonies being a personal choice? Does anyone else think this touches on separation of church and government? Should there be a true separation between the phrases "civil union" and "marriage" or is there already and some of us just can't see it yet?
    From a biblical point of view God made women for man and man for women, not man for man and women for women! #RealTalk
    yes it should be a "true separation" that way it removes itself from religion which leaves religions no room to complain. I feel that a civil union should give ALL the same benefits as marriage to. must people truly complain so much over two words? its the same thing, just a different name, and can prevent millions of wasted arguments.
    for those of you that say it is wrong according to the Bible, what happens if you were gay? It's not like you can change how you feel...and if "God" created all people "equal" why shouldn't they actually be treated equal? And i honestly think that simply because gays are the minority, they are being picked's why would "God create" people just to send to the deep south? ...just a thought
    Broxton Anderson- You have read the bible, yet you chose to use the most uncredible source in the bible. Using Leviticus is ridiculous. Leviticus also states that it is okay to own slaves and that if one performs the act of beastiality, that person is to be murdered and so shall the animal. It also states that you may not speak to a women on her menstrual cycle and it is also forbidden to touch pig skin and for men to cut their hair. You are completely fine with ignoring these very radical notions, but when it comes to gay marriage you instantly are against it? Seems to me like there is a lot of hypocrisy in your ways. I am a Catholic, but I fully accept the institution of gay marriage. I myself am not gay, nor do I plan on becoming gay. Leviticus is outdated and does not apply to our modern lives. Do not pick apart the bible and try to sound as if you know the way people should be. Anyone can misquote the bible. If you have a problem with homosexuals, keep it to yourself. They have just as much rights as everyone else in this world and should not be denied rights such as being married. A few men who disliked gay people have started this constant circle of quoting Leviticus in order to make their way sound just. If anything, they are doing more wrong by corrupting the bible to use it to justify their personal views.
    Same goes to Jay Cook. Talking on something you do not understand, or even researched, makes you arrogant and naive. If you are so fine with not allowing gays to be married, then you should be put back into slavery. Fair trade, yes? From a biblical view?
    I compltely agree with you^ Most people that are against gay marriage claim to say they are against it mostly because its against the bible while over half of them have no idea what they are talking about and likly havent read the bible. I think people should be able to marry who they wish the gender should not matter.
    It's too bad the bible is a bunch of tall tales exaggerated, can't trust religion for anything, it's a petty excuse for any argument.
    From an evolutionary stand point homosexual relations don't have an impact other then thinning the human gene pool. Not that I'm against gay rights, but since everyone dismisses religion I thought it would be important to note that in the commonly held belief of evolution, unless a person has offspring, it's as if never existed. Just some food for thought...
    Obviously what he is saying that from the stand point of evolution. He wasn't saying the homosexuals provide nothing to their societies.
    If you think about it the bible states go forth and populate, and that's the premise of evolution....
    Yeah thats a good point but maybe thinning the human population isnt all a bad thing. Also have you even considered how many children gay people adopted from other countris and places were they probably would have not had a good chance in living a good long heaalthy life. I dont understand how people can be so one minded about things. What if you were gay and wanted to marry a person you loved and you couldnt because judgmental people didnt approve?
    I'm cool with gays as long as they don't try and make a move on me.
    I agree with Brittany, everyone as a human being has their rights
    i totally agree with riley its peoples life and they have their own rights
    Thinning the gene pool is a bad thing. Genes that don't get passed are lost, and it could have devastating effects. Also I never said they don't contribute through adopting. I said that in the eyes of evolution ANYONE who fails to pass on genes is nonexistent.
    I believe Brittany said the human population, not pointing out simply the gene pool. The human population rate needs to slow down. It's increasing at a ridiculous rate and with adoptions instead of births it will decrease slightly. However, more people need to understand that everyone has a right as an individual and if a man-man or woman-woman couple wants to get married or adopt children or have their own, I say let them.
Suzanne Peterson

Rats are being trained to detect explosives. - 18 views

    SWEET!! But I bet the people making bombs will make the trigger's more sensitive...but for now, the rats are a good alternative and cheaper too. What I am wondering is, how effective are rats at "letting" people know where there is a bomb. In this article/video, they placed a "test" bomb on the ground and the rat sniffed it out, but did they know only when the rat made it to the bomb and assume the rat had found their planted bomb and then rewarded the rat? Or did they wait for the rat to give them a "sign"?
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    Rats are both smart and cute. I think it would be pretty cool if rats could detect bombs... They're the second smartest rodent in the world; they could make a hole in someones wall, and leave it alone for about an hour and then return to that hole, unlike mice who would get confused and make a different hole in the wall. Rats would be pretty easy to train to detect bombs, then give humans signs. I think this would be great.
    I like the idea of them using a smaller animal and one that is also intelligent because that is less money and less of a worry of putting larger animals in a more risky situation.
    If only all rats were trained to detect bombs. New York would be set...
    why not just let the rats run over the bombs to be able to blow up the bombs and it won't be a problem anymore.
    Because if the rats set off the bombs they would destroy whatever the bomb was put to destroy? Obviously that is a horrible idea.
Bryan Pregon

Court Rejects Death Row Inmate Appeal - 20 views

    i think this guy should be executed the way he tortured and killed james thimm as well as beaten like he did to that little boy.
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    i totally agree. he should be treated the way he treated and what he did to james thimm and what he did to the little boy. the little boy was only 5 years old thats just dumb.
    How could you kill a person, let alone beat a five year old to death? What did the kid ever do to him...?
    I think he should be sentenced to death what he did was wrong and completely inhumane
    I think all people should be punished for crimes like that because if you don't other will just do the same
    Treat others the way you would want to be treated so he should be killed
    Great thinking Koontz lol
    Yeah I agree killing killers is good because they killed some one else, so every one who kills some one should be killed by some one else.... wait, then that person would have to be killed. Maybe capital punishment isn't the best policy. Maybe prisons should focus on reform instead.
    I'm with Kevin. Yes, they did something wrong, but to kill them is just as wrong. Plus, you can sit behind a computer and say that you think he should die, but to actually be the person to do it is much different. You don't get that held on your conscience for killing someone, so of course you're fine with the killing of them. They're a monster. But still a person, and to kill them puts you on the same level of being a monster. And to do the same thing he did to the kid and the guy is even worse. Do you really think that it would be right to that? Could you personally do that to someone? Because if you can you are LITERALLY just as bad as he was.
Bryan Pregon

Obama rings up Limbaugh's 'slut,' Georgetown's Sandra Fluke | The Cutline - Yahoo! News - 9 views

    I didn't know wanting to prevent an unwanted child birth made you a slut. Atta boy Limbaugh, keepin the pimp hand strong.
Bryan Pregon

Super Tuesday 2012 Results MAP (REAL-TIME RESULTS) - 16 views

    Mitt Romney had a great day yesterday according to the results.

What does Vladimir Putin's return mean for Russia? - - 1 views

    (CNN) -- Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says he has won Russia's presidential election, restoring the former KGB officer to the office he held for eight years before term limits forced him to step down in 2008.
Lauren Myers

NBC/WSJ poll: Primary season takes 'corrosive' toll on GOP and its candidates - 0 views

    Four in 10 of all adults say the GOP nominating process has given them a less favorable impression of the Republican Party, versus just slightly more than one in 10 with a more favorable opinion.
Julia Hetrick

One Out Of Every Ten Wall Street Employees Is A Psychopath, Say Researchers - 0 views

    Maybe Patrick Bateman wasn't such an outlier. One out of every 10 Wall Street employees is likely a clinical psychopath, writes journalist Sherree DeCovny in an upcoming issue of the trade publication CFA Magazine (subscription required). In the general population the rate is closer to one percent.
Bryan Pregon

Prop. 8: Gay-marriage ban unconstitutional, court rules - - 7 views

    This is great news. This might trigger a domino effect on the rest of the nation on gay marriage rights. I feel after the 2008 vote on Prop 8 the whole country, not just California, closed the doors on their rights.
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    I like this gives everyone the right to be happy and finally we all get to stop fighting for this so hard.
    Im happy people are fighting for this. i think everyone should be happy with who they are.
    I feel like the government shouldnt be able to control who you marry regaurdless of their gender. If you love them you love them. Gay marriage should be allowed in every state.
    I'm all for people getting married to who they wish. It's their choice, they should be able to do what they want to be committed and forever bonded.
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