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Bryan Pregon

US Police Can Copy Your iPhone's Contents In Under Two Minutes - The Next Web - 7 views

    that's a total invasion of privacy, whether your hiding something or not. The police shouldn't be able to search your contents unless they have reason too, not just for a minor traffic violation..
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    FTP. Such an invasion of privacy.
    Captain Crunk.... stop being ignorant
    Stop being red.
Bryan Pregon

Rep. Larson wants Mexico to reimburse Texas for illegal immigrants - 0 views

    SAN ANTONIO - State Rep. Lyle Larson is asking Mexican President Felipe Calderón to reimburse Texas for services the state provides to illegal immigrants. Larson, R-San Antonio, sent a letter to Calderón in late March. He wrote that Texas spends between $6 billion and $8 billion each year on illegal immigrants, including education, health care, housing and incarceration.
Derek Large

Five charged after Chinese teen sells kidney to buy iPhone - 2 views

    Five people in southern China have been charged with intentional injury in the case of a Chinese teenager who sold a kidney so he could buy an iPhone and an iPad,
Jake Radford

Michael Jordan's money - 7 views

shared by Jake Radford on 30 Mar 12 - No Cached
    I thought this was really interesting considering all that's happening in the world with economy and how some have it so bad. MJ certainly doesn't.
    Have to get to the end to get the punchline... Nerds win indeed.
    If only I could be as big of a baller as Jordan...
Bryan Pregon

Arizona Lawmakers Rethink Bill That Outlaws 'annoying' Tweets | Fox News - 5 views

    I definitely think that they should revise this bill. It was way too overreached that they would outlaw lewd and profane language, because they would have to punish an unreasonable amount of people. I believe they should step back and just enforce the no threatening or offending (the latter to a certain extent).
    Twitter is wack anywho!
Kenzie Pike

Nebraska Inmate Lawsuit Bill Set For Final Vote - 1 views

    A bill that would limit the number of frivolous lawsuits prisoners can file at public expense is set for a final vote in the Nebraska Legislature. Lawmakers are scheduled to vote on the bill when they return to the Capitol on Tuesday. The proposal by Omaha Sen.
Kenzie Pike

Woman Violates No Dogs Probation Order - 6 views

    Woman Violates No Dogs Probation Order A 49-year-old Iowa woman on probation for dumping 23 dead or dying dogs in a Nebraska cornfield in 2008 has admitted violating probation by living with 13 dogs. A judge told Denise Withee, of Mapleton, Iowa, that she'll be re-sentenced on April 26 and that she could face prison time.
    I hope she has to do time. Harming animals is wrong and unjustice. I dont see how anyone can do it
    She should be in jail just for the first crime
Bryan Pregon

Suicide of Moroccan girl reportedly wed to rapist spurs outrage - - 11 views

    What a horrible law, who in their sane mind would think that a rapist could get away with his crimes by marrying the VICTIM? Absolutely disgusting.
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    But more-so sad because of the trauma she endured and then committing suicide...
    That is ridiculousness. To think that you can get away with raping someone just by marrying them? Its stupid and unjust, she's getting forced to live with the very person who raped her. Its not right.
    I know, where's the fun in that? I'd rather be raped by a stranger.
Suzanne Peterson

Toddler forced to run through snow: but it is a form of training.... - 26 views

    He could have let him have some clothes on...then it wouldn't have been so bad
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    I saw this last friday, its kinda sad. Why would a dad do that? Put some clothes on him then itll be fine
    welll, at the time it might seem messed up, but when this kid never gets sick, he will be thankful!
    no parent should do that to their child. it was wrong and down right cruel.
    This is awful! Poor kid! :(
    this kid is training to be the next ninja warrior!
    it does not matter that he was training to be the next ninja warrior. its dumb and the kid should of had at least something on.
    When training, I think you should have more than just underwear. You should at least have a pair of pants.
    Nahh, ninja warrior is some serious sheeet. I would ride a unicycle through fire naked while juggling blow fish and eating glass in order obtain adequate training for that show.
    If he's training to be on Ninja Warrior, it is neccassary to run through snow in underwear. He may actually have TOO much clothing on for this exercise.
    it's a form of abuse no matter how you look at it.
    i can see that the parent was trying to make his son different from others but there would be a lot of different ways to do that. i think it is a form of abuse.
    Its abuse and the kid should be taken away from his dad that's upsetting! >.<
    Well what is abuse? Is limiting and stifling a child of it's full potential abuse? I think so. Children need to grow strong mentally AND physically. If that means making my child must run through the snow, by golly, that kid isn't running in the snow. He's sprinting.
    xhotxsoccerbabe, do you have no morals? A child needs a well rounded exercise routine. You can't just make him run sprints in the snow! what about upper body exercise such as push ups in the snow or strength training by carrying very heavy objects? Or a what about a proper regiment of metabolic steroids and human growth hormone?
    Oh, excuse me Kevin. I totally forgot the importance of using all of the body's muscles. How can one be a successful Ninja Warrior with out proper dispersment of muscle tone? His dad should treat him like a Spartan warrior and leave him in the mountains. He cannot return till he has the hide of a giant wolf.
    I don't think that he should have did made him run through snow at all. With or without clothes on. I see this as torture and there are other ways to stay healthy and keep your immune system strong.
Samuel Blazek

National Healthcare Will Require National RFID Chips - 7 views

    An interesting concept for sure. Although the author might be overstating the possibility of this kind of technology, I would be shocked if most people would agree to this sort of tracking. But then again I was shocked to see how many people are OK with the TSA "naked scans" at airports too... guess privacy isn't as concerning to Americans as it once was.
    As much as the vast majority of people dread the thought of this, I personally think that it has potential to make the world a much better place.
Bryan Pregon

New wrinkle in pot debate: stoned driving - 23 views

    This women is given a medical drug. When she drive's when she's is still high? So if she is getting medical weed and they make a law stating that you can not be "high" or drugged up before driving. Then why doesn't the government give them transportation, sure buses work if you live in the city, or taxi's. But why should she have to pay when the hospitals are giving it to her.
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    Or maybe instead they should just not drive. if smoking marijuana impairs you to the point to where your incapable of driving then don't drive, its not the governments responsibility to provide transportation to someone who chooses that as a medicine. and yeah the hospital gave it to her, but the hospital gives people a lot of other drugs that have warning labels stating not to drive and use heavy machinery. so why should the government have to provide transportation when people know that using that medicine might not allow them to be able to drive?
    Why Shouldn't they? there handing it out? Right? So if the government made the decision to give out marijuana to those who would like to have because of health problems then they should take Responsibility for the people there giving it to . Plus people wouldn't listen any ways, people drive under the influence all the time. No matter what its going to happen, that's why I think that the government should keep tabs on people who have medical drugs and make sure there safe, and make sure there not hurting someone else.
    if people wouldn't listen, then there is no point for the government to pay to transport someone around who would just abuse it in the first place. and keeping tabs on all of the people who use medical marijuana or any drug that could impair you would take a ridiculous amount of time and money that our government probably isn't willing to do. if someone wants or needs that medical drug then they should be responsible for their actions while using it not the government.
    Then why make a laws and expect people to follow this one. It's pretty evident that nobody listen's anyways. So enforcing the law by keeping tabs might save people's lives and save them from injury? So how would that be a waste of time? And yes the thought is unrealistic but, I was just throwing out an idea.
    i think its ok to be given the drug for a medical problem and to be able to drive, but if its worse then being drunk and then driving afterwards then you shouldn't be able to drive and be under an influence of a medical use of drugs. they should have special ways of transportation.
    I believe it's impossible to be too dough'd to drive!
    I think that yes government should provide the transportation if your under medication that you should not be driving or using heavy machinery. Then there is also the thought of who is to say that some one won't just get high and say its hospital medication? It will always be a battle no matter what happens. you could have the government provide the transportation but the only way you can use it is by providing proof by like wearing a I.d. bracelet or having to keep the container with you. Then there are still ways that people will get around like taking other peoples bracelets or containers or them expiring. So there is almost no way to decide and make it possible! Not everyone is going to follow the laws or ever will!
    i dont think it really matters wether they make it legal or not, people will still abuse it just like alcohol. they can set an age limit on it, but you still see 9 yearolds getting their hands on cigaretts even though ur supposed to be 18. and as far as transportation goes, i dont believe the government will provide transportation. if you choose to smoke pot, then its ur problem wether to drive or not. i dont think its a big deal if you smoke a bowl or two and then drive to the store, but can the police actualy tell or test you for thc? argue all you want i say let people be free and smoke whatever plant they want wether its tobacco or marijuana, its a natural god given plant.
    There's no reason that the government should use the money, that we don't have, to provide transportation to someone who doesn't need it. Does she need marijuana? Clearly, she may however, that does not constitute the necessity to have someone pay for her to get around. Maybe, she should try taking the bus.
    I believe she should not be driving while under the influence. Even if she is prescribed the drug, there should be warnings and other precautions taken to prevent accidents.
    Maybe she should try cocaine I heard that works too.
tyler woodruff

Police hunt thief who stole ancient heart of Irish saint Laurence O'Toole - 8 views

    Irish police on Monday were searching for heart-stealer, with a twisted love of history. Officials at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin said they're distraught and perplexed over the theft of the church's most precious relic: the preserved heart of St. Laurence O'Toole, patron saint of Dublin.
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    What they should have done was put it in a vault to keep it from getting stole, unless it is with a priest from the church.
    I hear space pirates are rampant this year.
    I would steal that if I had the opportunity.
melloney keller

apple - 13 views

    It is fun to look at the graph of Apple's stocks, you can see where new products were announced and other major events like the passing of Steve Jobs. But reaching $500 a stock is amazing, then you compare it to Microsoft's stock of $32ish and you laugh at that company.
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    i agree with brice, thats a crazy differential between companies where most people think they are similar
    No matter what apple will go up.
    Apple is a large distributer f products that are used today, so it will go up sooner than later.
    You have to look at the number of shares not the value. While Microsoft is only $32 a share, there are far more shares. By Microsoft splitting stock they can give more people the power to buy in. So in response to Brice stock price isn't important, it's stock history. I will admit Microsoft isn't as solid as Apple currently is but the $32 to $500 isn't a true reflection of the companies.
    Even though Microsoft isn't that big and does not have that much money in shares, I would still go for Apple because if you have shares with Apple you can get a huge amount of money.
Brice Johnson

Obama approval rating back to 50% mark - 6 views

    i love obama
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    Caleb, you know nothing of politics..... read a book.
    I think should get someone else in office instead of Obama because he hasn't been doing so well.
    Yes, Obama hasn't been the best, but he has done a much better job than Bush. Let us not forget that Bush is the one who set us into debt and left Obama on a sliding slope. He has actually made our decrease much better then how Bush left us and he has created a lot of new jobs. An example: Bush's reign is a car. He made this car junky and it barely runs and is steadily getting worse. Obama is then sold the car and he starts to make repairs, but the car keeps breaking and having other parts go bad because of the state it was left in. Obama is doing everything that he can to make this car good again. It's also frustrating that everyone is so against what Obama is doing. I mean if you think he's doing such a bad job, do you think you could do it better? What could you do differently compared to what Obama is doing? This takes time to get out of debt. It's not like you can just snap your fingers and make the debt go away. So, maybe we should think before we just hate our President because everything's not perfect. Perhaps we should think before we just bash on someone.
    Obama is in the 98th percentile for his NCAA bracket. Little fun fact for you guys.
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