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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mallory Huggins


Swiss vote to keep their guns at home - 1 views

    The article is from 2011, but I think it's really interesting considering the current gun control debate going on in the U.S.

Group brings national right-to-die movement to state legislature - 1 views

    Personally, I support the right to die movement.
  • This article doesn't mention the movement in the U.S., but I really like what Sir Pratchett says about the opposition to the right to die movement.

Iowa court rules boss can fire employee he considers an 'irresistible attraction' - 0 views

    A 53 year old dentist in Iowa fired one of his employees because he feared that he would try to start an affair with the 32 year old.

Hobby Lobby: The First Martyr Under Obamacare? - 0 views

    Someone posted this, but it wasn't possible to comment
    First point: I fail to see how denying a single cell the chance to go through mitosis is abortion. It's no more aware than bacteria. Also, the author is referencing the morning-after pill. For some reason there's a lot of confusion about how the morning after pill actually works. It prevents the egg from joining the sperm, or depending on where the woman is in her cycle, prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs. Contrary to what pro-life proponents apparently believe, conception does not happen immediately after having sex. If using the morning-after pill is abortion, we may as well call abstinence abortion. Secondly, "the mandate requires private citizens who are also employers to purchase private goods (health insurance services) with private money from non-government companies." This is clearly written by a sensationalist. What it really means is that a company has to use its own money to provide healthcare. (And everyone seems to be forgetting that employees don't just receive healthcare plans for free). There is a difference between being a private citizen and being an employer. Owning a public company and employing people is about as far from private as you can get. "Requiring private citizens to pay for abortifacients is more akin to requiring the Amish to use their own money to purchase weapons from a private gun dealer or be forced into bankruptcy. Or kind of like forcing anti-pornography legal scholar Catharine MacKinnon to buy pornography for her law students." This is simply ludicrous and shows that the author clearly doesn't understand what a business is. It's a corporation, it employees people, it isn't a private citizen. I will admit that if Hobby Lobby employed only people who were in complete agreement with the beliefs of the owners I would support them in their case. However, the reality is that many of Hobby Lobby's employees don't share the exact same beliefs as the owner. And it would in fact be illegal for Hobby Lobby to choose their employ
    ees because of their beliefs. And the last time I checked, in America we don't make people follow certain religions or beliefs. In fact, the law isn't supposed to be based in religion. I know it sounds shocking, but it actually isn't okay to force a religion on people, or to make everyone live in accordance with one belief system, which is exactly what Hobby Lobby, and everyone who argues against this provision in the new health care law, is trying to do. Lastly, the author says repeatedly that this law essentially discriminates against Christians, which is a complete lie. Christians is a broad term. There are Christians who believe in all kinds of birth control and then there are those who think all birth control should be outlawed. There are even Christians who get abortions. So, and this is a message to anyone who writes articles of this kind, stop saying just saying Christians. Tell the truth and call yourself a Fundamentalist. Saying Christians make it seem like the majority of people who believe in Jesus Christ agree with you, and they don't. You're a minority, and you need to accept that. And maybe read a little about how our government works. It's a majority rules system.

Obama to nominate Hagel, Brennan for top national security posts - 0 views

    It's interesting to read about the controversy over Obama's pick defense secretary and counterterrorism adviser.

Let's get real about abortions - 1 views

    "OK, Mr. Mourdock, you say your principles require a raped woman to carry the rapist's child to term. That's a heavy burden to impose on someone. What would you do for her in return? Would you pay her medical expenses? Compensate her for time lost to work? Would you pay for the child's upbringing? College education?" A look at the economy and its impact and abortion rates.

Romney Reminds U.S. Who Pays Federal Taxes - 2 views

    Oops. I didn't see that Jeremy had already posted the original article on here. This isn't meant as a rebuttal to his article.

BPI sues ABC News for $1.2 billion in defamation - 1 views

    Interesting article. Another issue this causes which wasn't discussed in the article is how this will affect ranchers in SD. It's too late for them to cut back on breeding, and this could give some ranchers difficulties in selling their cattle. With how high the price of feed has gone this year, this could mean that SD cattle ranchers may see a serious drop in profit this year.
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