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Bryan Pregon

New wrinkle in pot debate: stoned driving - 23 views

    This women is given a medical drug. When she drive's when she's is still high? So if she is getting medical weed and they make a law stating that you can not be "high" or drugged up before driving. Then why doesn't the government give them transportation, sure buses work if you live in the city, or taxi's. But why should she have to pay when the hospitals are giving it to her.
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    Or maybe instead they should just not drive. if smoking marijuana impairs you to the point to where your incapable of driving then don't drive, its not the governments responsibility to provide transportation to someone who chooses that as a medicine. and yeah the hospital gave it to her, but the hospital gives people a lot of other drugs that have warning labels stating not to drive and use heavy machinery. so why should the government have to provide transportation when people know that using that medicine might not allow them to be able to drive?
    Why Shouldn't they? there handing it out? Right? So if the government made the decision to give out marijuana to those who would like to have because of health problems then they should take Responsibility for the people there giving it to . Plus people wouldn't listen any ways, people drive under the influence all the time. No matter what its going to happen, that's why I think that the government should keep tabs on people who have medical drugs and make sure there safe, and make sure there not hurting someone else.
    if people wouldn't listen, then there is no point for the government to pay to transport someone around who would just abuse it in the first place. and keeping tabs on all of the people who use medical marijuana or any drug that could impair you would take a ridiculous amount of time and money that our government probably isn't willing to do. if someone wants or needs that medical drug then they should be responsible for their actions while using it not the government.
    Then why make a laws and expect people to follow this one. It's pretty evident that nobody listen's anyways. So enforcing the law by keeping tabs might save people's lives and save them from injury? So how would that be a waste of time? And yes the thought is unrealistic but, I was just throwing out an idea.
    i think its ok to be given the drug for a medical problem and to be able to drive, but if its worse then being drunk and then driving afterwards then you shouldn't be able to drive and be under an influence of a medical use of drugs. they should have special ways of transportation.
    I believe it's impossible to be too dough'd to drive!
    I think that yes government should provide the transportation if your under medication that you should not be driving or using heavy machinery. Then there is also the thought of who is to say that some one won't just get high and say its hospital medication? It will always be a battle no matter what happens. you could have the government provide the transportation but the only way you can use it is by providing proof by like wearing a I.d. bracelet or having to keep the container with you. Then there are still ways that people will get around like taking other peoples bracelets or containers or them expiring. So there is almost no way to decide and make it possible! Not everyone is going to follow the laws or ever will!
    i dont think it really matters wether they make it legal or not, people will still abuse it just like alcohol. they can set an age limit on it, but you still see 9 yearolds getting their hands on cigaretts even though ur supposed to be 18. and as far as transportation goes, i dont believe the government will provide transportation. if you choose to smoke pot, then its ur problem wether to drive or not. i dont think its a big deal if you smoke a bowl or two and then drive to the store, but can the police actualy tell or test you for thc? argue all you want i say let people be free and smoke whatever plant they want wether its tobacco or marijuana, its a natural god given plant.
    There's no reason that the government should use the money, that we don't have, to provide transportation to someone who doesn't need it. Does she need marijuana? Clearly, she may however, that does not constitute the necessity to have someone pay for her to get around. Maybe, she should try taking the bus.
    I believe she should not be driving while under the influence. Even if she is prescribed the drug, there should be warnings and other precautions taken to prevent accidents.
    Maybe she should try cocaine I heard that works too.
Jeremy Vogel

Should the world's last smallpox virus be destroyed? - 1 views

    Get a behind-the-scenes look at the latest stories from CNN Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen and the CNN Medical Unit producers. They'll share news and views on health and medical trends - info that will help you take better care of yourself and the people you love.
Bryan Pregon

Iowa Lawmaker Still Seeking Medical Marijuana Law - 2 views

    "Legalizing medical marijuana will again be debated in the upcoming legislative session, though Iowa lawmakers have so far been loath to embrace a policy that is finding acceptance elsewhere."
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    I don't think this will happen..
    If it's gonna happen then their should be strict "laws" to follow for it. Although it probably wont happen.
    I think that if it does not happen now it is inevitable for the legalization of marijuana. The government has noticed that when it was illegal the money made a year in the "business" is in the billions. The government does not want to miss out on that much money to conclude.
    I think they should go for it, just because it eases some symptoms for some diseases and that's good for the people suffering from those disease. So why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I think it would be better for the government to legalize marijuana because we have spent millions trying to stop the distribution of the drug with nothing to show for it. The government should legalize it so instead of wasting money trying to stop it we can make money, or spend the money on more pressing matters.
Bryan Pregon

Minnesota Dept. of Health approves medical cannabis for Alzheimer's patients - Story | ... - 7 views

    "Patients certified to have Alzheimer's will be eligible to enroll in the program on July 1 and can begin receiving medical cannabis on August 1. There are currently 13 qualifying conditions for cannabis treatment on the state's list."
Bryan Pregon

Special Report - Nebraska v. Colorado: The War on Weed - 22 views

    "Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson in western Nebraska as he built the state's lawsuit against Colorado. His ultimate goal is to shut down the pot industry. "To me, people are being sold a bill of goods from people who stand to make millions from this industry. Our culture is at a pretty critical time where a whole generation of youth are at risk and adults need to step up and say this is a real potential harm to fight against.""
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    I feel that if they try to close down the pot industry they will just be wasting their time. People will still be using marijuana even if its not legal or being grown.
    I think that if people try and shut down the pot industry, that it will be hard and it wont be easy. pot users and pot lovers will always use pot and will do all most anything to keep it legal.
    It surprises me that the traffic related fatalities in people who had marijuana in their systems has been raised so much. I didn't realize it was that big of a problem. Maybe adults do need to fight back more for this potential harm.
    I don't feel they should be fighting this war. This because they don't have a valid point saying that marijuana is harmful in all actuality peanuts kill more people annually than marijuana and actually there hasn't ever been a death directly caused by it. Further more alcohol and cigarettes are far more harmful and are still legal.
    I think Nebraska has every right to sue the state of Colorado because they can't contain it in their state. That or they need to change their law saying only people who have a Colorado ID can purchase it.
    I feel like legalizing Marijuana is a good idea in my opinion. It can be used to help man medical conditions and also is saving people's lives that really need it. It is used as a stimulate. If the government would legalize it they would make a profit by taxing the product. Therefore benefiting themselves. People are going to do what they want with marijuana, there would have to be certain restrictions on it though. I don't think Colorado will regret this law because it's not only helping them but their society.
    i feel like nebraska is just doing everything it can to get its way and not let the people have what they want. if nebraska would just make it legal, these problems would cease
    Although people are going to continue to use marijuana illegally, that doesn't mean we should stop trying to clean our states of it. Shutting down the pot industry may take awhile, but it's a good goal.
    I can see why Sheriff Adam Hayward of Deuel County, Nebraska, would want it shut down. It has a dispensary near their county, and makes it a little easier to bring marijuana into Nebraska. And may cost more for patrolling.
    I think no matter what you do marijuana will always be here. At least as long as it continues to grow people will continue to use it. I think Nebraska has a good point on how it is affecting costs for more paroling and road searches for people trying to sneak the drugs over, but the world is changing in so many ways and people just need to learn to adapt. I think Nebraska needs to find a way to adapt some how because it's their state thats having problems don't blame Colorado.
    This should not be tolerated, Colorado is Colorado and Nebraska is Nebraska. There's different laws.
    The only reason I am for the legalization of marijuana is because medical marijuana could help my mother. She has a severe nerve condition called trigeminal neuralgia. This is an inflammation if the main nerve in the face. There is research to suggest that medical marijuana could ease the suffering of people like her without all the health risks with what they use now as treatment. The current treatment is round the clock narcotics and this damages the liver. My mother already has liver damage so this could be a safer alternative.
    I think Nebraska could be taking it a bit to far with going to court about it be I also think Colorado could be doing more to prevent this.

Iowa Bans Most Abortions As Governor Signs 'Heartbeat' Bill : The Two-Way : NPR - 21 views

    I am glad this law has been put in place. It still protects unborn life but makes exceptions for "rape, incest or medical emergency". I hope other states decide to put this law in place.
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    I agree with Audrey, we should be able to protect unborn life, but also make an exception for if she was raped,or if it is an incest baby
    I think this is a good decision to put this law into place because it allows exceptions for "rape, incest or medical emergency" but can still protect an unborn life.
    I feel that the law is too restrictive because most women do not know they are pregnant and if you are 18 and have a kid then you might not be financially stable enough to take care of the child, then we have another kid not growing up with their parents or going into a foster care program.
    I highly disagree with this. Women have the right to control what goes on with their bodies if they don't want to carry a child at all they shouldn't be made to do so. Just like if a women is married and doesn't want to have kids she should be able to get herself "fixed" she should be required to have two or more children before doing so or get approval from her spouse.
    I feel this ban in unfair, as most women wouldn't know they are pregnant until it is too late. With this ban in place it eliminates the women's choice whether they want the child or not.
    I agree with hayleigh35, most women can't even tell if they're pregnant by 6 weeks, so the bill really doesn't work in that sense, but I am glad that they put the exceptions of rape, incest or medical emergency. When they're raped, women don't get to choose whether they want to have a kid or not because it is forced upon them. In that case, they should be able to abort the child.
    I disagree with this. These people are not going to care about them once they are born so why does it matter or effect them in any way?
    i disagree because women should have a choice on what to do with that baby
    I disagree with this. At 6 weeks there is a very slim chance of knowing whether you are pregnant or not. Many women have irregular periods and can be off by two weeks even. This can lead to people being unable to get abortions before they even know that they are pregnant. Even though this may make exceptions in the terms of "rape" it still is not an effective way or limit

Trump Signs Memo Implementing Ban On Transgender People Enlisting In The Military : The... - 9 views

    "President Trump has signed a memo implementing his new policy on transgender people serving in the armed forces."
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    So what is the difference between a Transgender already serving and a Transgender trying to enlist to serve their country? They're still humans, and they still have the same rights as everyone else. "The only exception is for transgender service members already in treatment."
    @mason_mower Transgender individuals that are currently in the military can stay, but no money will be spent on any medical costs for them. I agree, anyone should be allowed to serve their country, considering they are mentally and physically capable, no matter their identity.
    I wish I could understand the logic coming from this. Discrimination is just wrong.
    It's interesting that while campaigning in 2016, Trump stated ""Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.", but now he has become a person that threatens their freedoms and beliefs. His main reason for banning transgender people is the cost of surgeries and other care. Saying that the military was being burden by "tremendous medical costs." However, a study in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2015 put the number at of transgenders at 12,800 and the cost of care at $4.2 million to $5.6 million and concluding that "doctors agree that such care is medically necessary." And that the cost of care for transgender people is only a tenth of the cost of the annual $84 million dollars the military spends to treat erectile dysfunction.
    This is a big step backwards for the trangender community. makes me sad
    "The privacy of service members must not be infringed. This means that no soldiers, including those who identify as transgender, should be allowed to use the sex-specific facility of the opposite sex. When it comes to barracks, bathroom, showers, etc., the privacy of all service members must be respected. Given the nature of military living quarters, it is unclear where soldiers who identify as transgender could be housed." One of the reasons I don't believe transgender should be allowed to serve in the Military.
    @stocktonthomsen Although I understand your concern Stockton, many transgender individuals are completely comfortable being housed in the sex specific facilities of the opposite sex. Considering some of them have stalls or something along those lines, the transgender individuals could change clothes and use the restroom/bathing facilities without exposing inappropriate parts. Also, considering the large military budget we have, we could afford either building separate barracks for the transgender individuals, or at least adding stalls to certain barracks so the individuals can wash up and use the restroom in peace.
    Also, why does the gender matter of the person fighting? As long as they are capable of fighting, it should not matter. They want to fight for their country, so let them. @stocktonthomsen
    "As far as the actual psychological issues at play, it used to be called gender identity disorder; now they call it gender dysphoria. The idea that sex or gender is malleable is not true. I'm not denying your humanity if you are a transgender person; I am saying that you are not the sex which you claim to be. You're still a human being, and you're a human being with an issue then I wish you Godspeed in dealing with it in any whatever way you see fit, but if you're going to dictate to me that I'm supposed to pretend, I'm supposed to pretend that men are women and women are men, no. My answer is no. I'm not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjective sense of what you are." -Ben Shapiro Desiring to be trans is ridiculous
    @stocktonthomsen I do not trust your quote source, as he is not an expert in the field of biology/psychology. Fun fact: Brains have actually been scientifically proven to be genderless. If you want to bring up biology, I'd like you to know that it is possible to be a female bodied individual with three X chromosomes, a female bodied individual with one X chromosome, a male bodied individual with two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome, a male bodied individual with one X chromosome and two Y chromosomes, etc. And what happens when a transgender individual actually has the bottom surgery? What then? Do you seriously want to say that they are still women (if they were born female) or that they are still men (if they were born male) even though they have the sex organs for the opposite sex? Would you still say they should be in the barracks of the sex they were born with? Would you still say that person should use the bathroom of the sex they were born as? If you really want to convince me that I should not serve in the military because of my gender identity, you need to bring in stronger arguments and better sources.

A COVID-19 vaccine will still save lives even if it's not 100% effective, experts say |... - 10 views

    I appreciate that the scientist is trying desperately to get a new vac. but even if it's not 100% it really all depends. Some people might refuse to even get the vac. and those people might get contagious and spread it. And if the vac. isn't 100% effective then I won't even matter if you go it or not. In this pandemic everything has been flipped upside down, we all need 100% accuracy to get rid of this thing.
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    I feel like we should have human lab rats for this stuff. Like if there's a mandate for vaccines, we should see what the effects are on people before we give it to the whole population.
    I think there will be no easy way of getting rid of the virus because not everyone is going to trust the vaccine and not everyone is going to be on the same page. I can see this pandemic stretching far into next year which is so annoying and sad.
    If the vaccine isn't going to 100% protect you then why get it? It's starting to seem like the vaccine has the potential to cause more harm than good.
    I have to agree with Lennx partly, why take the vaccine when it is giving people more issues, even though not all vaccines are 100% sure to protect you I I think they should have worked and studied the vaccine longer to make sure it was safer than it is. Also, I don´t think it should be allowed to required medical workers to take the vaccine to keep their job because since people are getting sick from the vaccine more medical workers have to stay home from getting sick and if all medical workers have to take the vaccine and they get sick there is going to be a lot less doctors and nurses working.
    Good discussion so far! I will be getting the vaccine as soon as I can for 2 reasons. One is that compared to the usual 50% effectiveness rate of yearly flu vaccines, 95% effectiveness of preventing COVID is REALLY good. Secondly, in order to get back to "normal" our population needs to hit 75-80% of people taking it for the "herd immunity" to kick in. Although the development of the vaccines was faster than usual, our best experts are endorsing them.
    it's very great that we are coming out with a vaccine. I still don't believe that they were able to come out with this so quickly considering that they still haven't perfected the flu vaccine. not saying that it would be 100% perfect, but it's taken them 100's of years to do so

Congress Considers Limiting Pot Prohibition - 1 views

    Last week Georgia's legislature overwhelmingly approved a bill that allows people suffering from certain medical conditions, including epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, to treat their symptoms with cannabis oil that is low in THC but high in cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive compound with considerable medical promise.
Bryan Pregon

Michigan medical marijuana seller gets prison: 'Federal law has not changed,' judge say... - 1 views

    ""States are changing marijuana laws across the country, certainly that's true, but federal law has not changed," U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney said."
Bryan Pregon

Children Exposed to Nicotine in Utero Have Lower Reading Scores | SciTech Daily - 1 views

    Interesting that they assume nicotene does this. 20% lower scores is pretty concrete results though.
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    I would like to see this put to test in AL or Council Bluffs and see if it is still accurate.
    It was not as surprising to me that these tests have happened. To me being exposed to nicotine while they are still in the developing process is very harmful. I don't think mothers should ever expose babies to that, if they want them to have a brighter future.
    if they were exposed to marijuana the would have had better reading scores
    I don't find this surprising. Nicotine is a known mutagen, so I think it's actually foolish to assume that it won't affect fetuses which are exposed to it. It will be interesting to see if this study actually gets any media attention, though. Unfortunately, I doubt it will. People, especially Americans, are usually content to overlook any negative consequences to their actions.
    A quick google search for the effects of nicotine on fetuses came up with a number of medical journals on the subject. Research into this subject has been done at last as far back as 1996, and smoking cigarettes during pregnancy is documented to have a large number of possible adverse outcomes even worse than poor reading skills, including spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and sudden infant death syndrome. Here's a link to an article from the Oxford Journal on the subject.
Jeremy Vogel

Is Veganism a Religion Under Anti-Discrimination Law? An Ohio Federal District Court Sa... - 0 views

    Justia columnist and Cornell law professor Sherry Colb comments on a discrimination case in which the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center fired a Customer Service Representative, Sakile S. Chenzira, for refusing to get a seasonal flu vaccine, in contravention of hospital policy.

white house proposes contraceptives compromise - 2 views

    the government shuld not have to provide free birth control for women if their not going to use methods of not getting pregnant
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    re:patrick -- perhaps I misunderstood your comment, but outside of abstinence what "other methods of not getting pregnant" are there besides medical birth control options? Like other articles posted here, I was as interested in reading many of the comments on the NYTimes site after the article, there were very compelling arguments on each side. I found myself siding with many who said that employers should not get the choice to opt out of providing this coverage. This was one such post: "Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in blood transfusions. Does anyone believe for one second that we would be debating whether a Jehovah's Witness-owned company should cover blood transfusions for its employees? I seriously doubt it--which means that the debate we are having is not actually about religious freedom at all. It's about whether contraception is an essential part of women's health care, just like blood transfusions."
    i agree with Patrick if women don't wont to get pregnant they should stay to the precautionary treatments to not become pregnant
    I think this page will help you boys understand a little more about what birth control actually is: Personally, I think that it should be covered by insurance. Besides being a popular contraceptive, it control many different hormones in a woman's body. It's used to cure things like ovarian cysts, and irregular periods. It can relieve those pesky cramps that you get on your period, or just at random points of the month. It will clear your acne, and even help prevent cancers. And, the hormones being consumed by taking the pill, can balance our emotions, possibly making us more tolerance of ignorance towards women's health. The church aspect of this story is, in my opinion, ridiculous. Them refusing to cover a product that would help their employees be healthier, prettier, nicer, and more likely to remain cancer free, is unreasonable. Just because the typical use is frowned upon by their religions, doesn't mean it's right to make their employees spend their hard earned money on measures to maintain a healthy body, that could be covered by their companies insurance.
    I don't see why taking measures to prevent a pregnancy is so bad. People are always saying that teenagers are getting pregnant at a young age when the truth is, maybe these girls can't afford it. No, they should not be having sex so young but sometimes you have to face the fact that girls are having sex at a young age and instead of turning a blind eye, they should take measures to prevent the pregnancy from happening. Just like Kirsten said, it does more than just preventing pregnancies. Some girls need it and can't afford it.
Jeremy Vogel

NRA's enemies list: Most of America - 1 views

    Question: What do George Clooney, Chaka Khan, the American Medical Association, Bon Jovi and C. Everett Koop have in common?
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    'One of my favorite lyrics by U2 says: "Choose your enemies carefully, 'cause they will define you." The NRA, like too much of the conservative movement, has chosen its enemies indiscriminately and seems defined in opposition to most of modern America.' haha yep
    i think it wont make a difference if america band guns or not, people will always find a way and when you take the guns away you'll be left vulnerable to robberies.
    i thin k the nar needs to stop making everyone an enemy so they can focus on how to get firearms still legal
    And I thought the NRA was crazy when their phone calls started with "I'm so-and-so, and I'm a gun-totin' Texan." Their list is both foolish and callous. Adding the American Trauma Society to their list? The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence? It almost seems like the NRA wants an increase in violent crimes, if you look at their list. Possibly an increase in violent crimes against women, as it looks like they've included every women's association in the US.
Andrew Jensen

Why not legalize pot? - 4 views

    Now that we know Nixon was wrong about marijuana when he made it illegal, why isn't it legalized and sold today?
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    Exactly. I'm not a pot smoker but I see the silver-lining. We would make a profit just off taxes alone. Its a gold mine, in other words.
    I agree with everything they are saying. The government can make a lot of money on the taxes from selling pot and on top of t hat is it really that bad? We are accept alcohol and it is far more dangerous. How many violence issues, accidents, deaths, and overdoses have you heard of from pot compared to alcohol or any other drug. Pot is looking pretty well now compared to them.
    I agree that legalizing marijuana is a good idea. After all, alcohol is a far more dangerous and more addictive drug and our society practically expects people to drink. The only problem I have with this article is that it implies legalizing marijuana will end the "war on drugs." Legalizing marijuana won't stop people from using other, more dangerous, drugs.
    In my opinion the biggest obstacle to widespread legalization is the lack of a quick, real-time test which allows us to determine the level of impairment. I certainly don't want people driving drunk and there are many tests that we can administer to determine if the person is under the influence right now. Tests for marijuana can show use in some cases for weeks past. There are plenty of activities that people should not do while high or drunk, but how can we be certain of misuse without a more reliable way of testing?
    I understand that marijuana is not addictive or has as bad of an effect as drinking, but there is no quick test or "legal limit" like there is with alcohol, so how could we make it somewhat safe? Being high impairs your reflexes and ability to function normally, as does being drunk. I for one, wouldn't want to be anywhere and have someone just start smoking a joint and have to breathe in the smoke and worry about getting contact high. Smoking marijuana would have to obey the smoking cigarettes law of not being able to do it in businesses. And what would the age limit be, 18, 21? Smoking pot around children would need to be against the law because they wouldn't be of age to breathe it in. And what about the people like me who don't want to be around it? I could understand if you do it in the privacy of your own home, because that doesn't bother anyone. Also, would you be able to drive while high? Does every user know the effects it has on their body like cigarette smokers do because its on each packet? There are many situations that would have to be considered in the legalization of marijuana. I see no problem with it if it's in your own home or a place, like a bar that is for smoking pot, because isn't that what bars are for, drinking alcohol? So keep all possible situations in mind when forming an opinion on the legalization of marijuana.
    Legal or not people will continue to smoke pot when they please no matter what the age.
    What are the states who legalized it going to do when out of state people come and smoke their pot there?
    I can understand maybe being prescribed marijuana for medical purposes, because I know that does happen, but I'm not too keen on making it legal in other ways. Even if it has no addictive effects, it smells really bad. And there's also the getting high part.
    weed is from nature. it wasn't made by humans is dose not harm you.
    A great number of things from nature are extremely harmful.
    If stuff from nature isn't harmful that means I can finally try eating belladonna and hemlock! And get the pet cobra I've always wanted. (They ARE from nature)
    I believe pot should be legal because its grown in nature and it does less damage to your body than cigarettes and alcohol.
    My mother said that mary jo aunna is the devils daughter.....
    so that government can tax it and create more money for them.
Mallory Huggins

Let's get real about abortions - 1 views

    "OK, Mr. Mourdock, you say your principles require a raped woman to carry the rapist's child to term. That's a heavy burden to impose on someone. What would you do for her in return? Would you pay her medical expenses? Compensate her for time lost to work? Would you pay for the child's upbringing? College education?" A look at the economy and its impact and abortion rates.

Hillary Clinton Body Double: Evidence Begins To Mount As Famous Clinton Body Double Twe... - 6 views

    Conspiracy Theories Exhibit A: The Face Hillary Clinton had some type of medical episode yesterday during a 9/11 event in New York City. A video showing Clinton being dragged into her van surfaced which added more fuel to the fire for the conspiracy theories claiming she has a major illness.
Ember Groover

Todd Akin, GOP Senate candidate: 'Legitimate rape' rarely causes pregnancy - 2 views

    This is really having some political fallout for Akin's comments even within his own party...
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    I can only hope that he does drop out of the race. I don't believe that anyone as ignorant as he seems to be is fit to be a Senator. I would have hoped that if someone were a pro-life advocate they could at least take the time to understand the reproductive system. Not to mention that "legitimate rape" is possibly one of the most offensive things you could say when discussing this issue. Is he trying to imply that there is non-legitimate rape or does he just not realize what he's saying?
    From reading the article I feel as tho they did not get the most current and correct medical information about this subject. I also think candidate Romney is trying to back peddle and correct what he said in a earlier interview and he is not actually legitimately concern with this controversy.
    i agree with Mallory I really would not want someone that ignorant being in power of anything
    I don't think anyone ignorant and has no respect what so ever should have any power.
    This is something I've heard about for the last few days and I really wish I could tell this man how ignorant and stupid he sounds. Does he really think that's true, because if he does then there's obviously something wrong and he needs to get help.
    I just wanted to point out that Todd Akin is a member of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Which I think makes his statement even more ridiculous.
Jeremy Vogel

Massachusetts judge rules for inmate's sex-change surgery - 3 views

    A federal court judge on Tuesday ordered Massachusetts officials to provide sex-reassignment surgery for a transsexual prison inmate, after determining that it was the only adequate treatment for the inmate's mental illness.
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    I think that from the physiological stand point this court case makes seance. How ever I think that our tax dollars should not be used to make this medical procedure happen.
    This is a very odd case to say the least. This prison inmate is at 13x the risk of a sexual assault as the average inmate. So, the question is, is the protection of a near-insane murder worth tax payer dollars? I don't think so, but something has to be done about the inmates safety, perhaps being placed alone, or with people of the preferred gender of the inmate? In the event of tax payers paying, is it really that much? The government comes up with about $2,650 billion yearly from income tax alone. To add on, it is really not that often that this expensive of a situation arises. Is it really that big of a deal for something that almost never happens, but may help someone in the near future?
    This may be what's "best" for the inmate, but he/she (no offense intended, I just don't know what to call them) murdered someone. Don't you think that a murderer should in some way "pay" for what they've done. They don't deserve the best, but they also don't deserve to be sexually assaulted. Also, tax payer dollars should not go towards things like this, that money is for the betterment of the community and/or the country. To fix the sexual harassment problem, the inmate should be put somewhere alone. Yet, another question rises, what about all the other inmates (male or female) who are sexually assaulted? We can't worry about them all, plus they're in there for a reason, they don't deserve tax money to go towards protecting them whenever they put others in danger that led them to be in prison. So, the answer is no, it's not worth it. It's not tax payer's problem.
    if this person wanted to become a women then wouldn't they prefer men? which means that if they are 13 times the risk, wouldn't that be a good thing since they like guys? well if it was a rape then i understand but there are sometimes in prison when it isn't a rape or sexual assault, both want to do it. in that case that person should consider themselves lucky to be around guys all the time.
    haha what if this dude was just really straight and thought that if he gets a sex change that he will be placed with da lady's so he wouldn't be around all da dudes n stuff .
    I agree with Payton just place her alone if its for her safety. If its for her mental condition send her to a prison mental health facility.
    I just don't understand how a PRISON INMATE is allowed that luxury of sex change surgery. Especially considering the price and how much it really is causing taxpayers
    I personally think that this was a great decision. I believe that a person's mental health is the most important aspect in the road to any sort of recovery. Even though the transgender inmate did commit a murder, she deserves to have the resources to stabilize her well-being. Should the rest of America have to pay for it? Perhaps not, but I don't mind helping out someone who desperately needs it. Although, I guess that depends on your belief on the importance of mental health.
    Jenny, this is really not a matter of sexual interests. If this person wants a sex change, it may be because of this sexual interest, but then again, it may not. They may simply want to be a female. The funding should come from the inmate, but the inmate cannot earn funds while behind bars, perhaps the inmate should be allowed to work up to being allowed to have a sex change operation.
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