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In the Era of High-Tech Law Enforcement, Who Will Keep Our Privacy Safe? - 7 views

    While the Western world was watching and grieving over the slaughter in Paris last week, and my colleagues in the media were fomenting a meaningless debate about whether President Obama should have gone to Paris to participate in a televised parade, the feds took advantage of that diversion to reveal even more incursions into our liberties than we had known about.
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    I really don't like being watched by other people. We should think that we can talk to someone privately without someone knowing. BUt we can't, I really don't think we are free doing anything in our daily lives.
    Supposedly law enforcement having access to all of this information is in our best interest. But is it really? I know as well as you that there are some crooked cops out there. Who knows what they could do with that information. It does concern me that there are too many people that have access to everything we do or have on devices. This is a major violation of rights who is to say that they don't start violating our other rights just because it MIGHT keep us safer.
    I don't think that it's right that the government has a right to see our bills, listen to our phone calls, see our emails, etc. I think that if there isn't something that gives them a reason to suspect you they shouldn't be able to go through our stuff. In my opinion, it is absolutely ridiculous.
    This problem won't be faced until the populous takes action and that may take to long for the majority to realize the problem and the violation of privacy.

Silently protesting Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally - - 2 views

    Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant sitting in the stands directly behind Trump, stood up Friday during Trump's speech when the Republican front-runner suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with ISIS. Trump has previously called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
    its ridiculous that the people are being so rude, just because trump thinks its okay. she has a right to stand up and protest she wasnt being violent or anything she has the freedom of speech.
    I think that this situation was handled terribly by Trump and shows that he is not the man that should be the President of the United States. It shows that he is not someone who knows how to handle a situation correctly and properly.

Clerk in Kentucky Chooses Jail Over Deal on Same-Sex Marriage - 17 views

    ASHLAND, Ky. - A Kentucky county clerk who has become a symbol of religious opposition to same-sex marriage was jailed Thursday after defying a federal court order to issue licenses to gay couples.
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    When the law was passed for gay marriage in the U.S. she should have gotten a new job or something. It is her job to give people marriage licenses. It is outrageous that she would refuse and its not fair to those couples.
    That law was passed for a reason. If she doesn't agree with it then she should get a different job.
    Regardless of your opinion on same sex marriage a law is a law and you must follow it. Especially if you are the one dealing with the law
    Some people have strong opinions over different things and that freedom to believe in what we want is our right, here in the United States. However, her belief clashes with her job so if her beliefs are really that important than she should have found a different job where they didn't conflict.
    I understand the people have opinions the go against same sex marriage and that totally okay. She has the right to express her opinion but when it interferes with her job she cant discriminate. Now that same sex marriage is legal, I'm sure there are many people upset about it but they cant let that effect how they preform in the work space. Especially if you could go to jail over it.
    She had no right to do that, they were not braking a law. Also everyone has there own opinions on same-sex marriage, so if she had a problem with it then she should have kept it to herself, it is her job if she doesn't like it then she should find a new job.
    I think everyone is initiated to there own opinion on the subject. It is her job though so if she doesn't like it then she could always find a new one. I like how she is being civil about it though.
    same here, even though I feel that I feel this is wrong he made a choice, it won't change much though.
    good for her
    I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is your job. Depending on the job you get, some consequences for refusing to do your job can vary. As a government worker she had to face the consequences. However, I think she could have easily just found another job that wouldn't interfere with her views.
    Good discussion on this topic so far!
Bryan Pregon

Will Obama's gun moves face a legal challenge? - - 8 views

    Obama is announcing "executive orders" which have the same power as a law, but there are many Republicans who believed that the President should not be able to take actions in this way without getting a law passed through Congress. What do you think?
    I believe that this might be a good safety measure but it takes our freedoms further away.
    This is a step in the right direction for proper gun regulation but I believe that the president of the United States shouldn't be able to enact this as a law without congress because if he can that is too much power for one person.
Bryan Pregon

Louisiana student says prayer was forced at school, so she sued - CNN - 4 views

    "The change came because Kaylee Cole and her mother Christy had finally had enough, and decided to take on the school system by filing a lawsuit alleging there is systematic official promotion of religion at Webster Parish schools in violation of the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution."
    The school forcing religion among the students goes against the first Amendment, we as citizens of the U.S. have a freedom of religion and it is against the law for public schools to force a religion on anyone.
    Cole had a great offense when her school was promoting to pray. Which was something she did not please. To the fact that the school she attended was "public".
Bryan Pregon

Abortion laws in the US: Here are all the states pushing to restrict access - CNNPolitics - 2 views

    "These laws may be unenforceable because of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all 50 states. But abortion opponents are hoping that the legal challenges will serve as a vehicle for the Supreme Court to eventually overturn the Roe ruling."
    banning abortions is against the constitution because the 14th amendment gives a women the right to have a abortion or not
    While I personally agree that abortions should be legal, the 14th amendment doesn't give any particular rights to anyone. The 14th amendment basically just says the government can't take away the inalienable rights away from legal citizens (such as freedom of speech, press, religion, right to a trial, etc.) Nowhere in the constitution does it guarantee an abortion for any reason. That's the exact reason this debate is so large and divided. There are no legal standards because we've never had the technology for these procedures before. The only standard is the Roe v. Wade decision which essentially says that first trimester, there can be no regulations. Second trimester, the government can impose regulations that are reasonably related to maternal health. Third, states are allowed to entirely prohibit third-trimester abortions. But even Roe v. Wade is just a supreme court decision that can be overturned.
Bryan Pregon

Georgia High School Students Expelled for Racist TikTok Video Had Their Free Speech Rig... - 1 views

    The TikTok was taken at home but it held racist comments and content on it. The school had no Right to punish them because it was not their business, on their property, or targeting anyone in particular. However, Racist, Lewd, or illegal Content is not ok and surpasses the first amendment; Freedom of Speech.

Clinton consumed with Russian meddling, she writes in new book - CNNPolitics - 5 views

    I don't think Hiliary had the right to go and meet the Russian president like that and then write a book on how much she didn't like Trump. When I don't like someone and they make my skin crawl I can't do anything about it but since she is rich and former White House 1st lady she can?
    You actually can do things about it. And yes, she can. She is allowed to say that Trump made her uncomfortable.
    I actually think almost the exact opposite. While I think Hilary went a little overboard, she had every right to do so, as stated in the first amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." And if it wasn't in Hilary's right to write that book and state her personal opinions on this matter, then what gives us the "right" to bring back nazis and treat others as second class citizens, saying it's all opinion and just exercising their free speech? And yes, you could do something about it, and many people are doing something about it. Hilary is just much more likely to get noticed and was noticed by the press because of her status.
Bryan Pregon

It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown - The Washington Post - 11 views

    "Russia has banned a picture depicting President Vladimir Putin as a potentially gay clown."
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    best headline
    I don't understand why Putin is making a big deal of this, if it was anyone else he probably wouldn't mind and might even laugh behind closed doors. But because it's him it's a big issue?
    I think Putin is definitely making a big deal out of one picture, if he doesn't want people to make fun of him or say what they want about him he shouldn't put himself in the spotlight.
    Freedom of speech isn't much of a right in Russia, but clearly Putin has some insecurities if he went this far.
    Why is this surprising at all? He is one of the most powerful rulers in the world why would he allow his people to mock him with pictures? Especially pictures depicting him as a gay clown. Not only is it disrespectful it is just dumb in my opinion.
    Putin is taking this to the extreme. It was just people protesting what they believe in and he got so upset about it that he decided to put people in jail for it.
    I think that this is being over dramatics. The picture is not harming anyone, people should not be put in jail over a stupid picture.
    As a public figure, like any, Putin should accept the pros and cons of being in his position, this included.
    I dont think they should have went that far and banned any images of vladimir because he should know that being at such a high power people are going to be making photos and comments that arent so pleasing.

Jason Riley: I used to sit for the National Anthem too | Fox News - 1 views

    I believe that every single American colored or not should stand during the National Anthem to show the little most respect for the ones who have fallen for our freedom.

Virginia move to abolish death penalty part of broader wave of change - - 27 views

    Do you guys think the death penalty should still be around?
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    It's hard to say because it's not right to take someone's life. I'm sure morality is a big part of why they're taking the death penalty away in Virginia. However, I've watch a lot of true crime shows to know that there are evil people in this world. Serial killers kill for fun and have no compassion for victims. It gets to the point where one wonders if they deserve their life because they've caused so much destruction. So, I guess, there's too many factors for me to have a set opinion.
    I do think that the death penalty still has its uses. Though it is still flawed the most recent method of lethal injection is still done incorrectly so I believe that once we find the most reasonable way it should be in play.
    There are so many different factors that go into whether the death penalty is appropriate or not. Part of me thinks that if you do something horrible enough it's fair for people to want to take your life in exchange for what was taken from them. But part of me says that it's the coward's way out, that rotting in jail for the rest of their life is better than being able to just die and get away from it. You look back on cases like that of Jeffrey Dahmer and think "wow, why didn't he get the death penalty?", but he was beaten to death by fellow inmates later on in his sentence, so either way he was going to die. You look back at Ted Bundy and the horrific murders that he committed and you're glad he got the death penalty, right? A life for a life, it seems fair. There are just so many things that go into it and it's so personal and complicated for everyone.
    I think that if somebody did something where they truly do deserve the death penalty then it should stick around for those terrible people who only harm society.
    I think the death penalty shouldn't be a thing anymore. Even this woman who lost her father at a young age doesn't want her father's killer to receive the death penalty. She wants justice, however not in the form of the death penalty. It should no longer exist anyway, it's cruel and people should have to pay for their crimes.
    I agree yet disagree with the death penalty. First, I would say that it would give certain families who are for it justice for loved ones that were lost or hurt. Second, I would say that it would prevent future crimes from occurring if that person only had received a life sentence. On the other hand, I would say it is an "easy out" and certain families could be against it for that reason. Additionally, if that person was wrongfully killed, that would be completely on the court system and no justice would be served, it would be a longer, more "drug-out" process.
    I agree with Allison. The killing of a perpetrator is not justice. The death penalty is outdated and should be abolished.
    I think the death penalty should still be a thing but I think that they need to change what crimes fit the death penalty.
    I think the death penalty should remain however I think it should only be if you killed another person on purpose or multiple people.
    I think it shouldn't be abolished because there are still many criminals out there that have done several bad things and but I also think that the death penalty should change the crimes it's in.
    I understand that there are bad people in the world and that the death penalty is sometimes used on those people. However, I believe that the death penalty is not morally right. The methods that are used can be flawed and not always go right. In the end, it's difficult to pick sides because I can see both reasons as to why it should or should not be used.
    I agree with Sydney, I don't think the death penalty is morally right. Even though there are awful people in the world, killing them doesn't bring justice to the people they've hurt.
    The death penalty I feel is an oxymoron on its own. How are you going to prevent killing by killing? It makes no sense. I feel if the crime was super severe, maybe the family of the family could come up with a punishment. I just don't think it should be allowed, especially if it is for a petty crime. We are the only developed nation in the world that still has the death penalty.
    They should punish the people that do bad things instead of giving them the death penalty because death is not scary
    I think that the death penalty is a sort of necessity. If we don't have it, then murders and serial killers will be able to live, even though they contribute nothing to society.
    I think that if someone committed a terrible crime such as murder or rape, the death penalty is reasonable. How can you let someone of that nature still live? I personally believe it would be giving them what they deserve, prevent it from happening again from that same person, and save jails money rather than basically giving them free food and shelter. Of course with major restrictions on why someone should get it, but I think it should most definitely still be around.
    I have mixed emotions about the death penalty. I know some families would consider the death penalty justice for those who have lost loved ones due to a murder or something of that sort. I also believe life in prison can have more of an effect on the person who committed the crime and they would have to think about what they did for the rest of their life knowing they will no longer have freedom. I don't really have a definite stance on the subject.
    I dont agree with the death penalty. I dont think that they should have the power to take someones life away. And in some cases people used be given death penalty for things that they did not even do. I think that a life in prison is would be better because the wont be free they wont have a life anymore and they will die there. and in my opinion that is a good punishment.
    I think the death penalty should still be around. There are some extremely disgusting or disturbing things that people could do that deserve death. The only problem is that they need to be 100% sure the person is guilty so they don't kill someone for no reason.
    I believe that the accused should be able to decide between life in prison or death in these situations.
    I think the death penalty should still be around. Personally if I had one of my family members killed I would want the killer to have to suffer for life in prison rather than not having to face their consequences. The death penalty is just way of reassurance to make sure they wont do anything bad again.
    I believe that the death penalty has its uses in certain situations like on terrorists or mass killers. It's simple they killed many and it shouldn't be allowed to happen again and that's the cruel but necessary action. If someone that I cared about was gone because of someone id want my peace.
    I think they should have kept it for certain times where it was the best course of action.
    I think that the accused should be able to choose between life in prison or the death penalty.
    they should not have the death penalty anymore. If someone does something really bad, they should get life in prison because they will forever suffer.
Bryan Pregon

Ban Trump? Not so fast. Florida is about to pass a law to stop Facebook and Twitter fro... - 11 views

    "Ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to… Football World Reacts To Michael Vick's Current 40 Time One of the nation's largest states is taking on Big Tech.  Pause Current Time 0:13 / Duration 7:08 Loaded: 7.04% Unmute 0 Fullscreen VP Harris speaks out in support of Newsom as he faces recall election Click to expand Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is likely to sign into law a bill that would prevent social media companies Facebook, Twitter and Google's YouTube from "deplatforming" politicians such as former President Donald Trump."
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    I disagree with the bill that prevents companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, from banning politicians. According to the bill, companies would have to notify people that their post will be removed/censored seven days before. I think that's too much time. The Capitol riot occurred within hours, not days. Also, it would also suggest that politicians are "special" and can get away with hateful posts for some time.
    I don't think they understand the first amendment only covers government institutions. They always site freedom of speech for things like this but companies have no reason to hold up that standard, they can censor any content they want because they aren't government institutions.
    I don't think this bill should be put in place. Like Jackie said, it makes it seem like politicians are special cases, and that they don't have to follow the online guidelines that we all follow.
    Florida shouldn't be able to control media outlets at all because they are all private entities that aren't affiliated with politics.
    I don't think that Flordia should be able to do this. They shouldn't be able to regulate what a privately own company does when a person using their product violates their rules.
    I completely agree with this idea. Social media cannot stop the president/ politicians from spreading their ideas and opinions as they shouldn't be able to for anyone else. They should get treated the same and if anything is better for us as people to see what they post and get better/ easier insights on their personal views. We have the right to know our president's views and they have the right to express them. Especially since so many people are on social media it helps educate people better than just reading what the news say that they say.
    I dont agree with this becuase it's dumb why would a state be able to control what a private owned company does or doesn't do.

House Republican introduces anti-trans legislation that could lead to genital exams for... - 36 views

    so it says "House Republican introduces anti-trans legislation that could lead to genital exams for school girls"
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    Im angry about this be because it's already been moving to pass in Mississippi, Connecticut, and Tennessee. It's sad to see so many people retaliate against the trans-community. They see us as disgusting monsters. They don't feel bad when they take away the rights of trans youth because of their lack of understanding of what being transgender actually is. I'm not speaking for all trans people, but I would have rather never been born than to be trans. for many reasons because most are too personal to say. and when old 1900s people take away our basic rights, and others seem to never care, it angers me.
    This is simply disgusting. Have people really become this ignorant and transphobic? Maybe they should... hear me out here...
    I personally agree that transgender women should be banned from women sports because biologically they are still male and for all of human history males have been proven to physically superior to females and when you put a transgender women whos been a male for most of their life vs a women whos been a woman all of her life it's gonna be pretty obvious whos gonna win I would hate to be a girl in a wrestling team and get destroyed by a transgender women whos been a male for the longest time ever.
    I disagree with the House of Republicans introducing anti-trans legislation that could lead to genital exams for females. America is a free nation where everyone has the right to choose and be identified based on their gender decision. As a female and one day future mother, I suggest not allowing this legislation because it will only spread narcissism and homophobia. Females should never be forced to go through an "examination" to prove their gender. The First Amendment guarantees our right to free expression and we should maintain it active no matter what.
    I disagree, I think people have a right to be who they want and have a right to participate in the things that they want. Just because you fear what you don't understand doesn't mean you can force HUMANS to go through these traumatizing experiences so you can tell them they can't do something. They have a right to play sports if they want to and people shouldn't stand in their way.
    I completely disagree with this. This is teaching young girls that it's okay for people to expect you to show them their genitals, this is teaching young girls that they don't have the choice to say no, this is teaching young girls to let old white men control our lives and the way that we handle our bodies. This is only adding to the rape culture of the present day by teaching girls that we don't have control over our bodies.
    I disagree with this whole thing. Females have privacy and should keep it. I don't even see the big deal in allowing someone who identifies as female to play a sport that is only for girls. People should be able to be who they identify as without facing discrimination. I thought we've moved on already.
    I disagree with the legislation. No one should have to have their genitals checked just to play sports in general. Also, people in the trans community already face enough humiliation and bullying, the old white men writing the legislation should stop worrying about what sports trans people play and instead work on attempting to end the global pandemic at hand.
    how do you not see the problem with trans people playing sports? Men are scientifically stronger than females creating an unfair advantage. These trans people will just take opportunities away from women, like scholarships. If you are say a female wrestler, would you want to wrestle a male? No, because it's unfair.
    I disagree with this completely. We should not have to show our genitals or get them checked in order to play sports. The trans community gets so much hate and suffers enough as it is. The people writing the legislation need to quit being so concerned with the trans community and what sports they're playing and also quit trying to pass laws that could invade young womens privacy. It's disgusting that this is even being considered.
    Personally I think people should be allowed to do what they want, transgenders playing sports included. Politicians spend too much time creating conflict and fighting among themselves, which creates division among the people too
    I also feel like most don't really care about the highschool sport. They just don't want trans people participating. I think when they imagine a trans woman, they think of a pedo looking dude, or very masculine. When in reality, many trans women look very much like women. I understand a physical sport, like wrestling, but that's basically it. Maybe weight lifting, but everything else is just based on the fact that some people don't understand the transgender mind and body and how they work. Who cares about high school or middle school volleyball that much to be so concerned to want to check any women's genitals? invasion of privacy and just embarrassing.
    I 100% disagree with this. First off girls shouldn't have to show their genitals in order to play sports, it's an invasion of privacy and just disgusting. And secondly, this legislation perpetuates the idea that trans women aren't women, which simply isn't true. If a trans woman, or just a trans person in general, wants to play a sport on the team that aligns with their gender identity they should be able to.
    I completely disagree with the statement "I also feel like most don't really care about the highschool sport". These high school athletes put in many hours of their week into participating in their sport. These people care a lot. For some kids, this could be their only way out of a bad situation they are in. Also, it's not only wrestling that this would create an unfair advantage. Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Swiming. The list just goes on. If you say that "Most people don't care" you must not be involved in any type of sport seriously.
    true, I don't participate in sports. I guess I didn't think about how big and important even middle school sports can be, and I'm sorry bout that. What I was trying to say before is that most of the people passing these laws don't care about the sport. They just don't. They see Biden allow trans people back into the military, and they got mad. Another thing is that for the people saying it's a disadvantage, idk what to say to ya'll. Yall All could ban mentally disabled girls because it could "bring the team down". yall could ban stronger girls with muscle because they are "too strong compared to the other girls and its unfair". Anyone can make excuses to discriminate against a group they don't understand or care about and make it sound like they have the best of intentions. And maybe they do, but the fact they think they can stop the freedom of that individual because its unfair to them, shows the lack of understanding they have on that issue. I'm a trans person, and I personally live through small micro-aggressions and just blatant transphobia in my own house every day. So when I see discrimination with no consiterate thought on how to solve an issue (instead of finding a solution, they just ban people from playing all together) that's when I have an issue. I'm sorry this is long btw (:
    the fact that they could say "I also feel like most don't really care about their highschool sport" is wrong the people who participate in their high school sports aren't just doing it for fun that may be one of the only ways they can start a career they want or it may be their only way to get out of a bad situation they also take hours out of their weeks to perfect their skills I personally think most people just don't understand the time & dedication.
    I don't think that it should truly matter as long as they are doing what they need. The girls who are putting time and dedication into the sport should get to play, that is all that matters.
    I agree with the ban because I feel it would always result in an unfair advantage however if there are ways to make it fairer then I suppose I would have no real problem with it
    I disagree with this because it could allow children to think that other people looking at their genitals and that's just disgusting. Also, I feel like someone who is transgender is going to be taking certain hormones to change their body and while they are transitioning they shouldn't have the possibility of being looked at in this way because trans people already struggle with body dysphoria and this may just worsen it.
    I feel like if you were born a male then it is fair to switch to a female or do whatever makes you happy but, it is definitely unfair for someone with the genetic make-up of a man to be competing against women in sports. Man are known to generally be stronger and more athletic than women and I feel like if they were competing in a physical activity it would never be fair.
    This is a disgusting bill that has begun passing in some conservative states. The people writing these don't understand that Transgender (Male to Female) start hormone therapy that degrades their muscle building and strength overall so people would not have that much of an advantage. Also, no one is upset if it was a Transgender female to male.
    Whether you think transgender athletes should be able to participate in sports or not I think this bills is unacceptable and unethical because it allows for a challenge where an examination of the students genitals is required. In high school sports a place known a lot of times for coaches sexually assaulting young athletes and taking advantage of them I don't think under any circumstance a proposition like this should be acceptable.
    I do believe that this bill violates citizens' rights and is unethical. People should be allowed to be trans and should be allowed to identify as one. However, when it comes to sports they still should be separated because even if I was a woman it is still conflicting with nature. If the woman/woman is ok with the competition then it's fine to me.
Bryan Pregon

Flag burning: President Donald Trump calls for Supreme Court to reconsider flag burning... - 14 views

    I think it's honestly disappointing that Donald Trump is going against our first amendment right to burn the flag because I just think it's a piece of fabric and there are tons and tons of flags sold almost everywhere in the U.S.
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    Yes, he is the president, but the first amendment was made the first amendment in 1791 and is still the first amendment today. In today's day in age, change is all around us but, we choose no to change certain things because why fix what's not broken. if the first amendment hasn't changed since then, then there is no reason to fix it.
    I think it is completely disrespectful to the people that fought for this country and families who are handed that flag when their kid has died in battle and you people think it's okay just to burn it and think of it as just a piece of fabric. It is a resemblance of what people fought in for..this country, freedom.
    I think burning the flag is so disrespectful. So many people fought for our country and the flag is a way of honoring them. I agree with Trump, it is a disgrace that people think it is okay to burn the flag.
    I think burning the flag is disrespectful. Not just because it is the flag of our country but because so many people have fought and sadly dead for this country and we should respect that. There should be a consequence for burning the flag.
    I think burning the flag is very disrespectful. We have so many people who fight for our country under the flag. I think that burning it is disrespecting the dead soldiers and our own country. I think a punishment should be put in place for anyone who purposely burns a flag.
    I agree with Marissa; burning the flag is very disrespectful, and if this happens I will be very disappointed.
    Burning the flag is definitely not a good thing, as many people above have talked about, it is disrespectful. But I think making laws like "Loss of citizenship" or "Jailtime" is a bit much compared to many other crimes going around unpunished now.
    I agree no one should burn down the US flag because it's not right.
    loss of citizenship is extreme but I understand the concept, like if you hate this country enough to disrespect our most meaningful symbol and the many people that fought for the right to fly the flag why not just leave? they should definitely be punished in some way.
    Historically I can understand why people don't like flag burning, but it should in no way be criminalized. It may symbolize something but when you break it down its just a piece of cloth you can buy for a dollar.
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