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uTorrent Web - Privacy - 1 views

  • The µTorrent Web servers do not see the details of your torrent activity. If you add a torrent, for example, we know that a torrent was added, but not the torrent URL or infohash.
  • µTorrent Web uses a cryptographic protocol called SRP, the Secure Remote Password protocol.
  • your web browser serves as the client and your uTorrent client as the server. The µTorrent Web servers act only as a channel between the two.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • uses JavaScript to authenticate to your client
  • SRP allows each side (browser and uTorrent client) to independently arrive at the same value for a cryptographically-strong secret. This secret is then used as a session key to encrypt the body of the request (which contains the infohashes, URLS, etc.) using the AES encryption standard. This occurs entirely in your web browser, before the request is sent to µTorrent Web for proxying to your uTorrent client.
  • An attacker or intermediary who has access to the entire SRP negotiation should gain no information which would enable him to recover the password. It is effectively a zero knowledge proof ( to the server that the client has the password.
  • SRP provides perfect forward secrecy: even if an adversary is able to somehow compromise your password, it will not allow the decryption of past sessions.
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Hivelogic - The Anti-Spam Email Address Enkoder Web Form - 2 views

    This is a page titled The Anti-Spam Email Address Enkoder Web Form, and tagged with email, address, encoder, enkoder, encoding, anti-spam, web, form.
    The only way to truly prevent Spam is to never publish your address at all, ever, anywhere. :)
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