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Susie Highley

The AppStorm Guide to Google+ - 2 views

    Nice, detailed guide
Susie Highley

Most Essential Tools for Presenters and Conference Organizers - 0 views

    Steps to be a VERY connected presenter.
Susie Highley

30 Day Challenge - 5 views

    EVSC (Evansville Schools)  30 day challenge.  Begins October 24.  You can participate, but aren't eligible for the iPad!  Each day will include a new tool, tips and tutorials.
Susie Highley

S.U.P.E.R. - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Livebinder of resources to support CCSS at each level. While Indiana doesn't use CCSS, some of these could still be very useful to us. Accompanied a liveclass20 webinar on 3-7-15
Susie Highley

educational-origami - home - 0 views

    This wiki has a lot of resources- from Bloom's to 21st century to lots of tech. Will take along time to go through it!
Susie Highley

Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers | Simple Book Production - 0 views

    Creative Commons license
Susie Highley

Web Literacy Education for Educators - November Learning - 0 views

    Information literacy resources from Alan November- check out the rest of his site, too.
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