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Ian Yang

GIMP - Windows installers - 0 views

           I'm upgrading my PC (by purchaing a NEW one - ouch!!) and my GIMP as well. The new, stable version for Windows is 2.4.2, with a prettier GUI. If English isn't your mother language and you prefer reading English like me, they have a solution for you on GIMP Talk. Go to C:\\Program Files\\GIMP-2.0\\lib\\locale and remove all the folders that do not start with en_ and then your GIMP will be ready to take off!

    - Ian
Ian Yang

lf121, Graphics: Gimp: using mask layers - 0 views

    I was searching for a step-by-step tutorial on making an image fade into the background (in GIMP), the knowledge of which, I guess, is quite a essential for all graphic designers, and I still can't believe how I was left ignorant til NOW!

    Ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge, just like what Alfred North Whitehead said.

    - Ian
Ian Yang

GIMP Talk - 0 views

    with 8,612 registered members, i'm sure you can get some helps if you care to ask.
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 11 Free Desktop Graphic Editors of Quality - 0 views

    This article features some of the more useful and free desktop graphics editors I've come across whether you're creating/editing an icon, a vector file or otherwise. I hope that everyone finds this article useful, and I also hope that it's read before you shell out $300 for a commercial graphic editor elsewhere. What you will not find in this article are the more well known image editing applications such as The Gimp
    Looks like it's about time for me to learn some new tricks! ;)
Ian Yang

New Group Avatar - 16 views

Hey guys, I just redesigned the group avatar 'cause we need something new for our group in case unfortunately some of you take me as a lousy administrator (guilty as charged! :P). I chose light blu...

design avatar news

started by Ian Yang on 19 Dec 08 no follow-up yet
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