member since 2007-03-13
member since 2009-01-08
member since 2009-04-27
member since 2009-12-14
member since 2009-01-17
member since 2011-09-16
stvalentine stvalentine
StValentine is a single male,22, Eager to make friends all over the world and share useful information. Interested in All technology, Automotive, Real Estate, and all the current events that go around. I'm interested in People( Male,Female)who have sense of humor, can share great information about...
member since 2010-05-06
Al Tucker
I teach kids Commercial Art at the Center for Arts & Technology in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.
member since 2010-01-01
Ann Darling
9-12 art and multimedia teacher, also community college adjunct faculty. Interested in photography, photoshop, graphic design, drawing, ceramics, cycling, camping and backpacking in the Rocky Mountain West...whew!
member since 2009-08-03
Garry Golden
Garry Golden is a professionally trained Futurist (MS Future Studies) who writes, speaks, and consults on issues shaping society and business in the 21st century. Garry has consulted on wide range of projects related to the future of infrastructure for energy and transportation, education/learnin...
member since 2011-07-28
member since 2010-02-22
member since 2010-11-01
member since 2011-01-02
Mysticle W
Entrepreneur: Co-owner of Rickbischoff - Rustic Contemporary Spirit eMarketing, Web 2.0, blogging, Art/Design, LoA, sustainability, animal rescue, nature-loving Sagittarius
member since 2009-03-27
Jungle Jar
JungleJar.com - For all of your Web Design, Web Development, Web Application, and everything inbetween type needs.
member since 2009-03-31
member since 2009-08-24
member since 2010-11-04
member since 2009-03-02
member since 2011-01-26
Group Members
683 members total, 17 receiving alerts immediately, 403 receiving alerts daily, and 110 receiving alerts weekly.