The project is "similar to Andrew Keen's complaints of Wikipedia as being an unreasonable request upon internet society to create cultural foundations (encyclopedias, art media, etc) without compensation, thus devaluing production."[4]
Nucleus | Art Gallery and Store - 0 views
a place that wishes to spark innovation and awareness of the current artistic culture and movement. Our manifesto is to inspire new ideas, gain exposure, create relationships and obtain interesting products. The purpose of our conception is to support and promote upcoming artists to have an obvious dedication and quality to their craft.
Wikipedia Art - Wikipedia Art - 0 views
Banksy - 0 views
abstract paintings - 0 views
Free: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Offer 474 Free Art Books Online... - 1 views
Ways of seeing - Google Books - 1 views
Borrowed this book from a local library a couple of weeks ago. To be honest, it's a bit shocking to me 'cause this book offers a new and quite thought-provoking perspective that helps me to interpret art in a way I have never imagined. Here is another website that gathers few paragraphs from the last chapter about how publicity disguises itself in the form of art and influences our daily life physically and mentally.
This is a great book and it's stood the test of time quite well. Another book I read recently called Do Good Design by David Berman reminded me of Berger's book. In many ways they are very similar but Berman's book focuses entirely on graphic design and directly challenges designers to take responsibility for the culture they create.
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