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douglas wissing

Q&A with Douglas Wissing - C-SPAN Video Library - 0 views

    C-SPAN | Q&A: Douglas Wissing talked about Funding the Enemy: How U.S. Taxpayers Bankroll the Taliban, his book detailing his assertion that much of the U.S. taxpayer money spent in Afghanistan is diverted to the Taliban"
douglas wissing » Funding the Enemy: How US Taxpayers Bankroll the Taliban - 0 views

    "Now, a new book by award winning, independent journalist Douglas Wissing, chronicles how the US has in effect, funded both sides of its war in Afghanistan. In "Funding the Enemy: How US Taxpayers Bankroll the Taliban," Wissing establishes a shocking pattern of policies in the Afghanistan war, and their consequences"
douglas wissing

Karzai wants 'at least $2 billion' a year from US | DAWN.COM - 0 views

    "KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday said he wanted "at least $2 billion" a year from the United States after it withdraws its troops in 2014."
douglas wissing

CIA drone war in Pakistan in sharp decline - - 0 views

    "(CNN) -- The past year has seen the number of CIA drone strikes in Pakistan plummet. In the first three months of 2012, there were 11, compared with 21 in the first three months of 2011 and a record 28 in the first quarter of 2010."
douglas wissing

Taliban launches largest attack on Kabul in 11 years | World news | - 0 views

    "In a brazen demonstration of its ability to hit some of the best defended targets in Kabul, the Taliban mounted its largest ever co-ordinated attack in 11 years of resistance to Afghanistan's post-2001 rulers."
douglas wissing

Special Operations, a New Test for Afghan Security Forces - 0 views

    "Afghan experts said Monday that the country's armed forces would struggle to lead the unpopular military special operations, with one analyst describing yesterday's deal with the US as "propaganda"."
douglas wissing

Asian Exodus: The Logistical Nightmare of Leaving Afghanistan - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News -... - 0 views

    "NATO forces are due to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014, but the withdrawal poses a massive logistical challenge. The US and its allies are dependent on air hubs in Russia and authoritarian Central Asian republics to transport its troops and equipment home -- and getting those countries to play along is not always easy."
douglas wissing

The Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN) / Withdrawal in 2014? Myths and realities - 0 views

    "A series of contradictory statements about a possible earlier start to the (mainly US) foreign troop drawdown and a quicker handover of security responsibility to Afghan forces, as well as debate over the likely form of NATO's post-ISAF mission in Afghanistan has caused confusion in the media(1) and wider public sphere recently."
douglas wissing

Afghanistan: A Bleak Report from the Front | Battleland | - 0 views

    "Now comes a decidedly contrary point of view. It's from Douglas A. Wissing, author of the just-published Funding the Enemy: How U.S. Taxpayers Bankroll the Taliban. After spending time with U.S. troops in Afghanistan, he's come to the conclusion that the U.S.-led effort there is flagging, if not already doomed. "
douglas wissing

U.S. Blames Senior Afghan in Deaths - - 0 views

    American officials are pressing the Afghan government to prosecute a former governor for what U.S. investigators say is involvement in the killings of an American lieutenant colonel and a U.S. servicewoman, as well as other alleged crimes."
douglas wissing

Le point de bascule | Agnès Gruda | Agnès Gruda - 0 views

    "On entre dans une situation de crise, c'est un tournant pour les Afghans, mais aussi pour l'opinion publique aux États-Unis et pour les soldats américains», dit Douglas Wissing, journaliste qui vient de publier un livre sur l'engagement des troupes américaines en Afghanistan. Le titre de son livre est éloquent: Financer l'ennemi."
douglas wissing

UK aid projects in Afghanistan must be overseen more closely, warns watchdog | Global d... - 0 views

    "A report by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI), an independent watchdog set up to scrutinise the UK government's aid spending, has raised concerns about the financial management of British development projects in Afghanistan."
douglas wissing

McHugh: Army reviewing mental health programs - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Ira... - 0 views

    "The Army inspector general is conducting a system-wide review of mental health facilities to determine whether psychiatrists overturned diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder to save money, a move that comes as the case of a U.S. soldier suspected of killing 16 Afghan civilians has brought fresh attention to the strains of war."
douglas wissing

Why Karzai is fed up with the U.S. mission in Afghanistan - The Washington Post - 0 views

    "Why Karzai is fed up with the U.S. mission in Afghanistan: For a decade, American troops have fought and died defending Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government. On Thursday, with the U.S. defense secretary looking on from Kabul, Karzai demanded that those troops stop fighting for him."
douglas wissing

U.S. Officials Debate Speeding Up Afghan Pullout - - 0 views

    "The Obama administration is discussing whether to reduce American forces in Afghanistan by at least an additional 20,000 troops by 2013, reflecting a growing belief within the White House that the mission there has now reached the point of diminishing returns. "
douglas wissing

US aid agency prepares switch to Afghan security | World | DAWN.COM - 0 views

    "The main US foreign aid agency is preparing to switch from private security contractors in Afghanistan to Afghan government-provided security this month under a new policy mandated by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, raising concern in Washington that this could put US civilians at greater risk. "
douglas wissing

U.S. and Afghanistan Agree on Detainee Transfer - - 0 views

    "Seeking to break an impasse on a broader strategic arrangement, the United States agreed on Friday to greatly accelerate its handover of detainees to Afghan government control on but will retain a veto over which ones can be released, American officials said. "
douglas wissing

Corruption Remains Intractable in Afghanistan Under Karzai Government - - 0 views

    " As Americans pull back from Afghanistan, Kabul Bank's Mr. Farnood exemplifies how the United States is leaving behind a problem it underwrote over the past decade with tens of billions of dollars of aid and logistical support: a narrow business and political elite defined by its corruption, and despised by most Afghans for it. "
douglas wissing

Op-Ed: Washington is Blind to Realities in Afghanistan - DOTMIL ( - 0 views

    "An old Afghanistan hand told me about a buzzword now popular among U.S. policy wonks in Kabul and Washington: "reify." Ruefully laughing, he explained: Reify refers to a concept about being confused with reality."
douglas wissing

Sprawling air base in western Afghanistan reflects hopes, perils of massive buildup - N... - 0 views

    "SHINDAND, Afghanistan - Across nine square miles of arid flatland in Herat province lies evidence of the shattered past and robust present of Shindand Air Base. Less obvious is the uncertain future of the second-largest coalition forces airfield in Afghanistan, home to the nation's fledgling air force academy."
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