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pjt111 taylor

Woodhead (1988). "When psychology informs public policy" - 10 views

    "Woodhead, M. (1988). "When psychology informs public policy." American Psychologist 43(6): 443-454."
    Jenal Austin December 2010 "When Psychology Informs Public Policy" According to this article, there has been significant evidence that early childhood programs in the United States increase cognitive competence, school readiness, school achievement, social development, and health status in young children. Regardless, the government has not fully acknowledged the importance of such programs on the political agenda. Leaders should know that providing preschool education is a solid financial investment for the country. Children who attend these programs have shown promising long-term impact including higher high school completion rates, greater occupational aspirations, and improved employments rates and reductions in referrals to special education, juvenile delinquency, and teenage pregnancy. However, the author reminds us that there are limits to how much we can generalize these findings. He explains that this will not be a one-all, fix-all solution to our society's complex social and economic problems. It is also important to understand that the effects of early childhood intervention cannot be taken in isolation from the context in which it occurs and it may not be possible to replicate all aspects of an experiment of such programs on a national level. "..Effects are the result of a complex interaction of variables in home and school, throughout the school years and beyond, but also… the children themselves play an active part in the process through the images they project and the self-concept they acquire of themselves, either as competent and motivated, or apathetic, problematic, and unwilling." Governments should use the research on the positive impacts of preschool education when designing public policy; however they should not expect a simple solution. "..Where human development is concerned even an experimental approach can rarely yield definitive universally applicable statements about the extent to which a program is effec
pjt111 taylor

Taylor (2005). "Epilogue" - 5 views

    "Taylor, P. J. (2005). "Epilogue," in Unruly Complexity: Ecology, Interpretation, Engagement. Chicago, University of Chicago Press: 203-213."
pjt111 taylor

CEDAC (1995). Our Economy: Our Future - 4 views

    "CEDAC (Community Economic Development Advisory Committee) (1995). Our Economy: Our Future, Final Report. York, Ontario: City of York"
pjt111 taylor

Backer, et al. (2002). "Case study and analysis.." - 4 views

    Backer, T., J. Chang, A. Crawford, T. Ferraguto, D. Tioseco and N. Woodson (2002). "Case study and analysis: The Center for the Improvement of Teaching, University of Massachusetts, Boston."
pjt111 taylor

"Madison Metropolitan School District (2001). "Classroom action research." - 3 views

    "Madison Metropolitan School District (2001). "Classroom action research.""
    This website is a very helpful tool for anyone taking on the task of an action research project. In the section "Reasons to Do Actions Research" it cites collegiality, personal/professional development, consistency, and challenging the norm, all as reasons why action research needed to be done in this situation. Under the section, "A process for Analyzing Your Data" the site goes through some steps to go through in order to get a big picture of the data that has been collected. Some of the steps include, look for themes or patterns, identify the main points, and draw the information together to include some of the evidence which supports each of your themes. The site also has many other links to topics such as "What is Action Research?", "Guidelines for Developing a Question", "Techniques for Collecting Data", and "Ideas for Your Final Write-Up".
pjt111 taylor

Greenwood and Levin (1998). Introduction To Action Research - 4 views

    "Greenwood, D. J. and M. Levin (1998). Introduction To Action Research: Social Research For Social Change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (pp. 187-202)"
pjt111 taylor

Catalog of forms of diagramming with examples - 2 views

    All diagrams simply; many do so in a way that makes it hard to depict the way the situation has developed and the way further influences can move the situation into new places. Some of the diagrams cataloged here, e.g., the force-field diagram, allow for a more dynamic sense of competing influences and possibilities of change.
pjt111 taylor

Unsettled by the dialogue process (as used in classroom discussions) « Probe-... - 2 views

    "My own thinking is often unsettled by the dialogue process used in classroom discussions-issues get raised that I have not positioned in some framework that I would be able to convey to others."
pjt111 taylor

Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition - Google Books - 2 views

    relevant to uptake (adoption and adaptation) of tools/processes learned in workshops and to building a constituency
pjt111 taylor

Response to Comment on "Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Stud... - 2 views

    Response to questions of their paper that claimed that retrieval practice produced meaningful learning of concepts and did so better than concepts mapping
pjt111 taylor

Senge, et al. (2000). "Fostering communities that learn" - 2 views

    "Senge, P., N. Cambron-McCabe, T. Lucas, B. Smith, J. Dutton and A. Kleiner (2000). "Fostering communities that learn," in Schools That Learn. New York: Currency,459-465"
pjt111 taylor

Hitchcock and Hughes (1995). Research and the Teacher - 2 views

    "Hitchcock, G. and D. Hughes (1995). Research and the Teacher: A Qualitative Introduction to School-based Research."
pjt111 taylor

Hunt (1985). "The dilemma in the classroom" - 2 views

    "Hunt, M. (1985). "The dilemma in the classroom: A cross-sectional survey measures the effects of segregated schooling," in Profiles of Social Research: The Scientific Study of Human Interactions. New York: Russell Sage,51-97"
pjt111 taylor

Carr and Kemmis (1986). Becoming Critical - 1 views

    "Carr, W. and S. Kemmis (1986). Becoming Critical: Education, Knowledge and Action Research. Geelong: Deakin University Press., chapters 6 & 7 (up to p. 200)"
pjt111 taylor

Implementing Change at SJUSD - 1 views

    "Implementing Change at SJUSD (San Jose Unified School District): An Unfinished Case Study"
pjt111 taylor

Mapping Dialogue - Pioneers of Change - 1 views

    "profiles ten dialogue methods in depth, and another fifteen more briefly. The methods covered conceptually and in case studies include Deep Democracy, Open Space Technology, Scenario Planning, World Café, the Israeli-Palestinian School for Peace and many more."
pjt111 taylor

McLeod, et al. (2001). "Changing how we work." - 1 views

    "McLeod, M., P. Senge and M. Wheatley (2001). "Changing how we work." Shambhala Sun(January): 29-33"
pjt111 taylor

Metcalf, S. (2002). "Reading between the lines." - 1 views

    "Metcalf, S. (2002). "Reading between the lines." The Nation" (Jan. 28): 18-22."
pjt111 taylor

Preventive Medicine Research Institute - 1 views

    Dean Ornish's organization. Journal artciles evaluating effects
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