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tech vedic

How to disable built-in spell-checker in Internet Explorer 10? - 0 views

    The release of Microsoft's latest OS Windows 8 is coming with a new version of Internet Explorer. This version is Internet Explorer 10 which also has a built-in spell checker tool. This tool automatically checks and corrects spelling and grammar in webpages. But, many users want to disable this feature permanently. Go through the Techvedic's present tutorial.
Doug Peterson

18 Accessible Cloaking Checker Tools | - 1 views

    Cloaking is a technique wherein different versions of a page are presented to human visitors and search engine crawlers. The content being seen by human visitors which is the actual web page is very different from the content being read by search engine robots crawling the site as it is full of spammy SEP techniques like keyword stuffing.
Peter McAsh

High Scalability - High Scalability - Netflix: Run Consistency Checkers All the time to Fixup Transactions - 1 views

    Good article about real world database issues. Likely best for 4U, unless you just want students to get an overview of the complexity.
tech vedic

How to fix annoying cursor jumping problem while typing documents on laptops? - 0 views

  • How to fix annoying cursor jumping problem while typing documents on laptops?
    Typing a document on a laptop is an annoying and frustrating experience. Perhaps, you may have noticed the cursor moving or jumping randomly, whenever you are going to type some text on a document or on a Web browser or anywhere else. It reduces the typing speed and overall performance.
tech vedic

ow to Enable Built-in Facebook Messenger and Social API in Mozilla Firefox? - 0 views

    Here is good news for Facebook lovers. If you are a Mozilla Firefox user and spend most of your time on Facebook then the latest Firefox version is coming with a new feature called "Social API" which is helpful in accessing social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. As per this new feature, you can add social network buttons and sidebars in Firefox window so as to chat with your friends, checking messages, notifications, etc. get quick and easy.
tech vedic

How to get Windows 8 Blue Login Screen for Windows 7? - 0 views

    Personalizing the Windows look has always remained in agenda for users, no matter which versions they are running on their computers. Windows 8 brought a new UI,i.e. "Metro Tiles", which received wide acclaimation from computer fraternity. Provoked by the new look, experts at Techvedic thought differently. And, they came with the same UI on Windows 7.
tech vedic

Ransomware-now-targeting-mac-users - 0 views

    Now, Mac is the next target of hackers. Till now, Mac operating system was untouched by hackers and Mac users were accessing web freely.
tech vedic

How to password-protect a PDF before e-mailing in OS X? - 0 views

    Protecting a document containing sensitive information is very important. Thus, protecting it with password is a better option. This tutorial contains steps for protecting your PDF document with password before sending it to receiver.
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