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isabella R

Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims - World news, News ... - 0 views

    "In the 1970s, paedophilia was theorised as something fully in conformity with man and even with children," the Pope said. "It was maintained - even within the realm of Catholic theology - that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a 'better than' and a 'worse than'. Nothing is good or bad in itself."
isabella R

Nun 'abused' by priest appears before court seeks to engage lawyer - General | hindujag... - 0 views

    Jyeshtha Amawasya, Kaliyug Varsha 5114 Why popular secular media channels are silent on this. Is it because Hindus are not involved in this ? Trichy (Tamilnadu) : All the five accused in the Sister Florence Mary rape case appeared before the mahila court in Trichy on Wednesday, even as the victim submitted a petition before the judge, seeking permission to officially engage a lawyer for the prosecution, along with the public prosecutor before the start of the trial. Meanwhile, defence lawyer A Rajendran, who appeared for Fr Rajarathinam, a Jesuit priest and accused number one in the case, asked the judge to grant more time to counter the victim's plea. Judge Rahman posted the hearing to May 28. Fr Rajarathinam, the former principal of St Joseph's College, Trichy was accused by Florence Mary (31), a former member of St Anne's congregation in Trichy, of rape in 2006 and later in 2008. The priest was granted anticipatory bail by the Madras high court on November 3, 2010 after he allegedly went underground for over a month. The other accused in the case were Fr Provincial Mudiappasamy Devadoss, Fr Joe Xavier, Fr Xavier Vedam, the principal of Arulanandar College, Karumathur and Dr Suchitra attached to Kavery hospital, Trichy who had allegedly conducted the abortion on the nun who was allegedly raped by Fr Rajaranthinam... Source : TOI
isabella R

Francis Xavier : A Saint or Ruthless Father of Bloodiest Inquisition in Goa - General |... - 0 views

    St. Francis Xavier landed in Goa on 6 May 1542, with a resolve of 'uprooting paganism' from the soil of India and planting Christianity in its place. And so all plans of persecution and oppression of the Hindus came along with him. All religious policies and procedures of forcible and fraudulent conversions and demolitions of the Hindu Temples and idols were undertaken under his guidance and missionary zeal. Thus it was St.Francis Xavier who laid the foundation for the 'compassionate' (barbarous!) for an organised system of Holy Inquisition against the Hindus in Goa.
isabella R

US priests accused in 700 sex cases in 2011: Report - General | - 0 views

    Washigton (USA) : About 700 people launched new claims of sexual abuse against Catholic clergy in the United States last year, including 21 who are still minors, according to a new report released by US bishops.
isabella R

Arlington lawsuit says priest sexually assaulted woman during 'exorcisms' - The Washing... - 0 views

    Thomas J. Euteneuer-A-gain
isabella R

Pro-Life Org Sued for Sexual Abuse During Exorcism | Religion Dispatches - 0 views

    Thomas J. Euteneuer...Again
isabella R

Multiple deaths at boys' home were no accident | Radio Netherlands Worldwide - 0 views

    A Roman Catholic brother administered a deadly overdose of medication to 37 severely handicapped boys at a home for the disabled in the Netherlands 60 years ago, the Dutch public prosecution office has confirmed. On the heels of a castration scandal in the church this spring, a deeply macabre cold case has been solved.
isabella R

Santorum on Election of Muslim Brotherhood Candidate in Egypt... | Religion Dispatches - 0 views

    Santorum recently complained that Egyptians had elected a Muslim version of himself.... Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum issued the following statement regarding the election results in Egypt where Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, is the expected winner: "President Obama and his Administration contributed to the pushing out of a key U.S. ally in Egypt and unfortunately accelerated elections prior to laying the foundation for meaningful democracy. President Obama's confusion and ignorance over America's long-term interests in the world and the threat of Radical Islam has helped transform Egypt, who was a friend in a key region of the Middle East, into a center of leadership for Islamists. "The United States and its leaders should fight against Radical Islam and violent jihadism; and instead stand for freedom of religion and conscience and for the equality of women. In Egypt, strong advocacy by the United States for meaningful democracy which protects the rights of minorities, including Copts, would have promoted our security and interests and the security of our ally Israel. Tragically, a great opportunity has been missed. We cannot afford four more years of naive and politically-correct foreign policy under President Obama." I condemn the Egyptian people for voting the way they did. President Obama should stand up for American values and reject Egyptian democracy. How dare they pick the Muslim version of me?
isabella R

Most of Obama's "Controversial" Birth Control Rule Was Law During Bush Years | Mother J... - 0 views

    President Barack Obama's decision to require most employers to cover birth control and insurers to offer it at no cost has created a firestorm of controversy. But the central mandate-that most employers have to cover preventative care for women-has been law for over a decade. This point has been completely lost in the current controversy, as Republican presidential candidates and social conservatives claim that Obama has launched a war on religious liberty and the Catholic Church
isabella R

Fighting Irish Thomas: Corapi corrupted part III: SOLT sheds light on The Black Sheep D... - 0 views

    He did have sexual relations and years of cohabitation (in California and Montana) with a woman known to him, when the relationship began, as a prostitute; He repeatedly abused alcohol and drugs; He has recently engaged in sexting activity with one or more women in Montana; He holds legal title to over $1 million in real estate, numerous luxury vehicles, motorcycles, an ATV, a boat dock, and several motor boats, which is a serious violation of his promise of poverty as a perpetually professed member of the Society. --Rev. Gerard Sheehan, SOLT
isabella R

Fighting Irish Thomas: The penitent priest and the Catholic crackpot: the "Saving Fathe... - 0 views

    "I take full responsibility for my own poor judgment, my weakness and my sinful conduct that resulted...[in] one particularly complex situation...[that] led me to imprudent decisions with harmful consequences, the worst of which was violating the boundaries of chastity with an adult female who was under my spiritual care…[w]hile I would much prefer to allow this public act of contrition to stand alone, I regret having to address the malicious falsehoods...[of] every crackpot with a website. --from Father Euteneuer's January 31 confessional statement..." THANKS TO THE "CRACKPOTS"OR WE WOULD NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH....AND WOULD REMAIN LIKE SHEEP WAITING TO BE SLAUGHTERED, BECAUSE THAT IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN CAUSING SCANDAL
isabella R

Interview: Michelle Goldberg on Sex, Power & The Future of the World | Bitch Media - 0 views

    Goldberg's investigation into the intersection of the war on reproductive freedom and the global war for power spans four continents. From the HIV/AIDS epidemic to female circumcision to overpopulation to infant mortality to abortion rights, Goldberg analyzes how the means of reproduction influences the health of whole societies--even as women's rights have been sidelined by governments and social movements, and even as reproductive rights are weirdly isolated as "women's issues" only. Goldberg emphasizes how the struggle to control women's bodies is the next great human rights struggle of our globalized world.
isabella R

Father Geoff Farrow: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - 0 views

    "In the writings and speeches of Catholic bishops and evangelical leaders in recent months, "religious freedom" has come to mean something close to its opposite. It now stands for "religious privilege". It is a coded way for them to state their demand that religious institutions should be allowed special powers that exempt them from the laws of the land.
isabella R

The Passion of John Wojnowski | People & Politics | Washingtonian - 0 views

    Almost every day for the past 14 years, Wojnowski has stood on the sidewalk outside the nunciature with signs familiar to any Washingtonian traveling on Massachusetts Avenue in Northwest DC: MY LIFE WAS RUINED BY A CATHOLIC PEDOPHILE PRIEST or CATHOLICS COWARDS or VATICAN HIDES PEDOPHILES. He carries his signs, like some cross, for hours. He pivots when the stoplight changes, to face the onrush. He walks up to the windows of tour buses so passengers can see.
isabella R

Vatican Blames Lack Of Priests On Secularism, Abuse, Parents - 0 views

    It's hard for me to dismiss the thought that this refusal to consider any change in the priesthood is because the Vatican is currently being run by a group of entrenched 80 something year old clerics who function on the spiritual and emotional level of self absorbed teen age boys.  It's their priesthood, their little clique and by God to join it, a man has to play by their rules. After all, they played by these rules their entire lives.  To change now would be to cheapen and disavow the sacrifice they and their predecessors made.  In short, it's all about them and to hell with the People of God who are enduring an unchosen sacramental fast for the sake of the priesthood of Benedict XVI. 
isabella R

The Hindu : Kerala / Kottayam News : Former police officer dead - 0 views

    Dead: VV Augustine, former Additional Sub-Inspector of police; (right) police personnel in the compound at Ithithanam, near Changanasserry, where the body of VV Augustine was found on Tuesday KOTTAYAM: V.V. Augustine, former Additional Sub-Inspector (ASI) who had carried out the inquest on the body of Sr. Abhaya 16 years ago, was found dead in a compound near his house on Tuesday afternoon. He was 72.
isabella R

Amen - Autobiography of a Nun, by Sister Jesme, alleges sexual abuse and corruption in ... - 0 views

    A suicide note that accused another nun of sexual harassment Photo: Sister Anupa Mary Photo: Sister Anupa Mary On August 11, 2008, Sister Anupa Mary committed suicide in St. Mary's convent, in Kollam. She left a suicide note that accused a senior nun, in the convent, of sexual harassment. In a fit of uncharacteristic originality, the Superior of St. Mary's convent denied the allegations by saying that sexual abuse is impossible because the nuns sleep in a cubicle which is only 6 feet high. And two orphans try to kill themselves.. On August 26, 2008, two girls living in the Nithya Sahaya Matha Balika Mandiram, an orphanage for girls, tried to commit suicide. The orphanage is part of the Holy Cross order in which Sister Anupa was ordained. The two girls who had consumed poison and were admitted in a hospital run by the church gave a rather garbled explanation. They said that an apprentice priest Benedict spoke to them in a humiliating tone when he was counselling them and also told them that he had come to know that they were not good girls. Another girl who was also present at the counselling session told the Kerala State Women's Commission the priest had only blessed them by putting his hands over their heads and told them to be good girls.
isabella R

The Euteneuer trial: why I believe Doe - 0 views

    Victim Jane Doe: [in the chapel, and about to be touched inappropriately by Fr. Euteneuer] Are you sure this is alright? Fr. Euteneuer: [impatient; looking at the tabernacle and then back at Jane] Well, He would stop me if it wasn't! ------ Finally, when Father began to beg me to remain mum, I started to get the feeling he was mostly concerned with saving his own butt, but just to be sure I played devil's advocate and asked him if he believed there were ever any circumstances that justified a victim's story being made public. "No," Father said definitively. "But what about in the case of the Legion of Christ?" I was trying to think of their defrocked founder's name, but in the end Euteneuer supplied it for me. "Are YOU comparing ME to Marcial Maciel?!#" Euteneuer was instantly and utterly enraged, so much so that I was glad I was speaking with him over the phone and not in person. Eventually he calmed down, gave me his priestly blessing (something I surely did not solicit, and, under the circumstances felt pretty creepy receiving) and signed off.
isabella R


    While the world is focused on Islamic fundamentalism, a similar revolution is occurring in the spread of Christianity throughout the world. We investigate the modern techniques being employed by Christian missionaries to convert entire communities. The program was shot on location in Nigeria where Christianity and Islam are facing off in a direct struggle for power, with often-violent results. Premiered on Discovery Times Channel, USA
isabella R

Heresy & Humor - 0 views

    Well, after all the Vatican has now conceded that it cannot make sense!  By appointing a spokesman.  Someone to shape and mold the message.  (Yes, those exact words were used!)  Which, if you consider what Jesus said about this very topic, is a little like shaping and molding fruit.  (As in: "You will recognize them by their fruits...")  Which is a rather like finding moldy fruit (at the  PR kiosk) actually.  (I hope you're finding this humorous...)
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