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A Question of Catholic Honesty - 0 views

    On October 4, 1984, a paid advertisement appeared in the New York Times under the sponsorship of a group called Catholics for a Free Choice.-Daniel C. Maguire was one of the signers and paid a very steep price for the freedom of conscience and freedom of dissent-which is also part of True Catholicism

Abortion and Moral Consensus: Beyond Solomon's Choice - 0 views

  • Ironically, it is the Catholic tradition that today proclaims so forcefully the epistemological privilege of the poor. In the many senses in which the gospel speaks of the poor -- materially deprived, disempowered, marginated, overburdened, helpless -- women often have been the poorest of all. Their experiences and perspectives, therefore, have a special claim on our attention. Women’s experience will be the hermeneutic of the future. Solomon’s wisdom is worth remembering: let those who are most intimately affected by the consequences of a decision make that decision.
    Ironically, it is the Catholic tradition that today proclaims so forcefully the epistemological privilege of the poor. In the many senses in which the gospel speaks of the poor -- materially deprived, disempowered, marginated, overburdened, helpless -- women often have been the poorest of all. Their experiences and perspectives, therefore, have a special claim on our attention. Women's experience will be the hermeneutic of the future. Solomon's wisdom is worth remembering: let those who are most intimately affected by the consequences of a decision make that decision.

Bishops Play Church Queens as Pawns - - 0 views

    Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York recently told The Wall Street Journal that only "a tiny minority" of priests were tainted by the sex abuse scandal. But it's a global shame spiral. The church leadership never recoiled in horror from pedophilia, yet it recoils in horror from outspoken nuns

Enlightened Catholicism: Bishop Morlino Threatens A Wisconsin Parish With Interdict - 0 views

    It's hard to believe the desire for altar girls and lay Eucharistic ministers and some lay input into decisions effecting the parish is enough to bring on the threat of interdict.  This is all about the use of naked power and who has it and who doesn't.  As now as it ever was, forever and ever. Amen.

Taking on Bishop Morlino - Isthmus | The Daily Page - 0 views

    It's hard to believe the desire for altar girls and lay Eucharistic ministers and some lay input into decisions effecting the parish is enough to bring on the threat of interdict.  This is all about the use of naked power and who has it and who doesn't.

Philadelphia Priest Abuse Trial Blog: The Cardinal Sin: Disobeying the Big Guy - 0 views

  • Because in the archdiocese of Philadelphia, that's the one unpardonable sin for which there is zero tolerance.
  • So what was Msgr. Picard's unpardonable sin? When he got the news that Cardinal Bevilacqua had just approved the transfer of Father Mills to St. Andrew's, Picard got on the phone with Msgr. Lynn and said no way
  • Lynn became "very upset because the die was cast, the letter was written," Msgr. Picard told the jury
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  • It's hard to overstate what happened next. A meeting of the priest personnel board was convened by Msgr. Lynn and Cardinal Bevilacqua. All 15 board members unanimously agreed that Father Picard had disobeyed the archbishop. Father Picard had now landed somewhere in between double secret probation and the Inquisition.
  • the cardinal, saying that Picard had committed a grave offense. "He did disobey the archbishop, and this is what's out on the street,"
  • n the secret archive files, Cardinal Bevilacqua stated, "He will not tolerate even the appearance of disobedience by any priest."
  • The cardinal's men discussed having Father Picard write a letter of apology to Father Mills, another letter of apology to Cardinal Bevilacqua, and finally a third letter of apology to every priest in the archdiocese. At the end of the meeting, the records noted, the cardinal thanked the members of the priest personnel board for their "wisdom and support."
  • The cardinal told Picard he was weighing several punishments. They included taking away Picard's pastorate at St. Andrew's, and transferring him to another parish. Since Father Picard had turned down the transfer of Father Mills, he was told not to expect any replacements at St. Andrew's for the foreseeable future. A church deacon, a seminarian in his eighth and final year of studying for the priesthood, had been sent to St. Andrew's, to help out.
  • But after the flap over Father Mills, the cardinal decided that Picard might be a bad influence on the deacon, and so the deacon was shipped to another parish.
  • Father Picard was told that his reputation had been tarnished by his disobedience. And that when he was through with his penance, he was told he could seek another meeting with the cardinal,
  • t was noted in the secret archive files that "there is no remorse on the part of Father Picard at all." But after he went on his retreat, it was noted in the secret archive files that Father Picard "exhibited more contrition"
  • The archdiocese secret archive files say that besides disobeying Cardinal Bevilacqua, Picard had also injured the reputation of Father Mills.
  • Catholic priests are like the gang of losers that are the pitiful, petty, freak fraternity from any high school. No one would care, except they rape children, lie about it, bully the victims, and try to convince people that they have the only free tickets to heaven, as if God would put these freaks in charge of tickets.
    If you're a priest in the archdiocese of Philadelphia, you can "act out sexually" all you want. You can get away with it for years, even decades at a time, while they transfer you from parish to parish, in between recuperative stays at St. John Vianney's, the friendly archdiocese clinic for sex abusers. Just make sure that you don't disobey an order from the archbishop. Because in the archdiocese of Philadelphia, that's the one unpardonable sin for which there is zero tolerance. To make that point Wednesday, the prosecution had Detective James Dougherty read into the record 34 formerly confidential documents regarding the case of Monsignor Michael C. Picard. And then, the prosecution brought the monsignor to the witness stand to tell his story.

'Catholic Church is not for respectable people' - 0 views

    Catholic Church is not for respectable people'

The Progressive Catholic Voice: Here Comes Nobody - 0 views

  • “The American people need no course in philosophy or political science or church history to know that God should not be made into a celestial party chairman,” he said.
  • I called Cuomo to see if, as his son Andrew weighs running for president, he felt the church had grown less tolerant.
  • “If the church were my religion, I would have given it up a long time ago,” he said. “All the mad and crazy popes we’ve had through history, decapitating the husbands of women they’d taken. All the terrible things the church has done. Christ is my religion, the church is not.
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  • “If they make the mistake of saying that a politician has to put the church before the Constitution on abortion or other issues, there will be no senators or presidents or any other Catholics in government
  • Absolute intolerance is always a sign of uncertainty and panic
    Rev. Thomas Williams

Bilgrimage: Shepherds, Sheep, Listening, Caring: More on the Santa Clara Conference on ... - 0 views

  • About the serious damage they did to me, to Steve, to my mother.  About my heart and soul. Bishop Curlin did not even respond to those repeated requests.  Not until I sent him a letter telling him that I doubted he would treat a rich and powerful man as he was treating me.  Then and only then, I received a communication from his young priest-secretary telling me I had been disrespectful to say such a thing to a bishop.

Bilgrimage: Richard Sipe on Sexual Abuse as Product of Clerical Culture - 0 views

  • "The context of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic bishops and priests is the culture of the priesthood."
  • clerical culture centers on the maintenance of a club whose boundaries are impermeable to non-ordained outsiders and are premised on the assertion that everything one does to keep those boundaries intact is done for God and the church--even when that "everything" comprises keeping noxious secrets, telling toxic lies, and maintaining absolute silence when faced with demands for transparency and accountability.
  • Sipe writes:  If a priest is apparently compliant with the demands of the culture he receives automatic status regardless of any individual merit. The culture provides an assurance of employment and continued material compensation for the duration of his life. The identification with the power system and subordination to it relives individuals of responsibility for the consequences of their individual actions. Truth telling is curtailed and subjected to the welfare of the organization (the good of the church). The prevailing rationale is that clerics’ first duty is to the higher law of God. Secrecy and loyalty are essential binding elements operative to the function of clerical cultural. Men within the clerical culture are labeled "special" since ordination confers an "ontological" superiority. Clerics thus incorporated into the culture often demonstrate qualities of dependency, entitlement, superiority/arrogance, variable degrees of psychosexual immaturity, but in many cases "they possess enormous powers of empathetic discernment—albeit for purposes of self-aggrandizement." And he concludes:
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  • The fundamental causes of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy are within the clerical culture.
  • That is, after the gentlemen running things get done with their bashing of Girl Scouts.  And gays.  And women in general and nuns in particular.  And abuse survivors.
  • Anybody but their own sweet selves.  And the super-rich right-wing men on whose behalf they are doing all this theatrical staging

Attack on Girl Scouts shows current law isn't working | National Catholic Reporter - 0 views

    The question is, Where has all this energy for empirical destruction come from in a church now projecting its own serious problems with sexual issues onto everything that moves?
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