Teaching Writing with Web 2.0 Media - Classroom 2.0 - 2 views
Jeff Johnson on 26 Sep 08I'm working doctorate education, and my research focuses potential uses digital communication media (online discussions, blogs, wikis, etc.) teaching writing particular, am interested teachers English language arts, humanities, social studies might incorporate digital interactive writing into writing process, such online discussions might serve sort pre-writing activity essays, stories, other written compositions help students develop and articulate their ideas example, students might use discussion forums discuss debatable issues preparation persuasive essays same topics (which could potentially published blogs wikis) they might use blog post seed essay, inviting comments other students help them develop their ideas they might begin develop story idea through online chat which they role-play characters dialogue they might use instant messaging brainstorm subtopics class wiki involving collaborative research Has anyone used Web 2.0 media way their students If so, I'd very interested hear some details If not, do you think such approach Many thanks advance (For more topic, invite you check out my blog, Authorship 2.0.)