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Litter facts: why do people litter? - 0 views

  • They can’t be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin They have no sense of pride in their community There is a lack of education / poor parenting of young people If an area is already dirty, why bother to look for a bin? People don’t appreciate the consequences of littering (see Effects of litter)  We live in throwaway society with a ‘snack culture’ and too much packaging It’s not cool to use a bin Litter keeps someone in a job People aren’t aware that some items are litter eg food, cigarette ends, chewing gum It’s OK to litter if no one can see you! It’s OK to litter if you are drunk! There aren’t enough bins The bins are in the wrong place The bins aren’t emptied often enough The bins aren’t big enough The bins are not suitable for disposing of dog mess or cigarette ends The bins are dirty There aren’t enough fines for littering One person can’t make a difference It’s rebellious and anti-authoritarian to litter (is it?) Fast food outlets don’t care about the litter associated with them Everybody does it! The Council aren’t doing their job properly There are much worse things in the world to worry about than litter . How many of these reasons or excuses have you heard? Litter is everyone’s problem, and there is never an excuse!

Litter - 0 views

  • common act of missing or failing to dispose of trash in the proper receptacle has a major effect
  • The fact is Americans create a lot of garbage. To be exact, 340 million tons of municipal solid waste is generated each year (a large portion of which winds up on the ground ).
  • 48% of Americans admit to having purposefully littered at one time or another
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • can be blown in directly by wind,
  • it can go down the storm drain and be emptied into
  • or it can enter any tributary in the watershed and drift down
  • all forms of litter can be extremely dangerous to aquatic life
  • the most common form of litter
  • is floatable debris
  • While most people think that marine life can avoid litter, in actuality they cannot.
  • • Cigarette butts, the single most littered item in America, is composed of cellulose acetate, a form of plastic that can persist in the environment for 10-12 years! An estimated 4.5 trillion non-biodegradable cigarette butts are littered worldwide.
  • • The next most significant offender is floatable litter that contains polystyrene. When ingested by animals who mistake it for food, polystyrene can poison and/or clog stomachs leading to death by either toxicity or starvation. Once released into the environment, polystyrene will NEVER decompose to a non-recognizable form. Entanglement occurs when animal becomes inextricably wrapped in or ensnared up by something. In many cases litter can entangle an animal swimming by. If the animal is unable to extricate itself, it can suffocate or drown.
  • • Six packs rings are estimated to cause 6 million sea bird deaths a year and over 100,000 marine mammal deaths. The plastic used to create the rings takes 450 years to decompose! • Plastic shopping bags, which can result in both suffocation and drowning, take between 10-20 years to decompose
  • • Not only is litter unsightly to the beaches and shores of the Sound and dangerous to aquatic life, it can create economic consequences. Long Island Sound contributes $6 billion per year to the bi-state region: $800 million in commercial fishing, $1 billion in recreational fishing, $3.3 billion in boating, $750 million in swimming/visiting the beach, and $150 million intrinsic value. These figures do not include real estate values, the importance of the Sound as a water highway for commercial boat traffic, or the sixteen seaports. Even with these figures the value that the culture and history of this costal region has, can never be evaluated- it is truly priceless
  • • Do not dump anything down the storm drain.
  • • Keep a litterbag in your car.
  • • Avoid excess packaging when you shop. This will decrease litter from the start.
  • • Purchase reusable canvas bags for your groceries and errands. Keep these items in your car so that they are handy whenever you might need them.
  • • Keep your yard clean and free of things that can blow into the street and become litter.
  • • Keep your driveway and street clear of grass clippings and leaves.
  • When you visit a park or beach, remember to take out what you bring in. Keep trash and recyclables in a bag or backpack until you can put them in a litter basket.
  • • At home, make sure garbage and recycling bags are tied securely so that loose papers and other items cannot fall out and become litter.
  • Do not overfill refuse containers; exposed garbage will likely result in litter.
  • • Remove flyers or take-out menus promptly from your front door or windshield before they are blown away and become litter.

Keep America Beautiful - Prevent Cigarette Litter - 0 views

    • Erin Purcell
      This is a good site for cigarette butt stats. 
1More - 0 views

    • Erin Purcell
      We should refer to this because it is from a reliable website. Plus, it has some good info on what one popcan can do to our environment, animals, and plants. 

Keep Knoxville Beautiful | Litter Free Schools - 0 views

    • Erin Purcell
      Even tho we are not doing schools, this can also be for Waynedale/ everywhere. Soooo,,, I thought we could refer to this at times maybe in our essay and for solutions. 

trash - 0 views

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