What's new in Project 2016 - www.office.com/setup Blogs - 0 views
Akmal Yousuf on 07 Jul 17www.office.com/setup Blogs: Project 2016 has all the functionality and features you're used to, with some enhancements and the best new features from Office 2016. NOTE: The following feature updates are available to Project Online subscribers. They will first roll out to Office Insider participants. If you have a Project Online subscription, make sure you have the latest version of Office. MARCH 2017 TASK SUMMARY NAME FIELD With long lists of tasks, it can be difficult to know what a task is indented under in the overall project plan. The Task Summary Name field is a read-only field that shows the name of a task's summary task. Adding this field as a column in your Task view can help clarify your project's structure. To add this field, right-click the title of a column (to the right of where you want to add the field), select Insert Column, and then choose Task Summary Name from the drop-down list. Task Summary Name column - www.office.com/setup NOVEMBER 2016 TIMELINE BAR LABELS AND TASK PROGRESS Communicating project progress just got easier! Timeline bars can now be labeled, and task progress is shown right on the tasks themselves, making it simple to quickly illustrate your plan and the work in progress when sharing status. Timeline bars with labels and task progress - www.office.com/setup OCTOBER 2016 IN-APP FEEDBACK Have a comment or suggestion about Microsoft Office? We need your feedback to help us deliver great products. In Project, you can suggest new features, tell us what you like or what's not working by clicking File > Feedback. Click File > Feedback to offer comments or suggestions about Microsoft Project - www.office.com/setup SEPTEMBER 2015 MORE FLEXIBLE TIMELINES With Project 2016, not only can you leverage multiple TIMELINEs to illustrate different phases or categories of work, but you can also set the start and end dates for each TIMELINE separately, to paint a clearer overall picture of the work involved. Formatted TIMELINE in Project