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Akmal Yousuf

Office 2016's Smart Lookup is the next-best thing to a personal research assistant - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: USE THIS HELPFUL FEATURE TO QUICKLY VERIFY FACTS AND FIND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS YOU WORK. Blogs: Among all of Office 2016's useful new features, there's one in particular you'll definitely want to take the time to master: Smart Lookup. In short, it serves as a digital research assistant, pulling in information from the Web to enhance your work or help you decipher unfamiliar content. If you're an Office regular, Smart Lookup holds the key to a more powerful workflow. WHERE TO FIND IT Smart Lookup is just one right-click away in any Office 2016 app. Highlight a word or phrase you want to research, right-click, and select Smart Lookup from the context menu. You can also get to this feature by launching Review > Smart Lookup and entering a query. smart lookup word - Right-click on a word or phrase to launch Office's Smart Lookup tool. Smart Lookup works similarly in both Windows and Mac versions of Office 2016. When you launch the tool, a sidebar appears on the right side of the screen that displays the results of your query. Here's the really cool thing about Smart Lookup: It takes context from the words around the one you're searching for in order to provide you with the most relevant results, because so many words and terms have multiple meanings. There's a reason it's called Smart Lookup! Smart Lookup proves its value in many scenarios. Here are some examples. BE A WORD NERD Living up to its name, Smart Lookup will find a definition, synonyms, and the parts of speech for any word you highlight. smart lookup definitions - Find definitions and other information to assist with writing. Select the Explore tab to get word-usage information, or scroll down the page for entries from Wikipedia or Bing search results. Click on Define for a word's meaning and to hear how it's pronounced. PULL IN RESEARCH FROM THE WEB The most useful feature for me on a day
Akmal Yousuf

A Microsoft Office 2016 Preview: Smart & Subtle Changes - - 0 views

  • Blogs: The shrouded veil of secrecy has been lifted from the latest edition of Microsoft Office. Excitement for Office 2016 is still lagging behind the Windows 10 enthusiasm camp, but following the July 29 release of Windows 10, attention will return to the world's most popular productivity suite.When Does Windows 10 Come Out, How Can You Get It & What Happens to the Technical Preview? When Does Windows 10 Come Out, How Can You Get It & What Happens to the Technical Preview?Windows 10 is coming soon. Still confused about how the upgrade will work and wondering about the timeline? We have some answers, although more questions remain.READ MORE Office 2016, like Windows 10, has been re-designed within a revised Microsoft ethos. Office 2016 has been built from the ground-up with mobile and cloud users in mind, slotting in with the ever expanding fleet of Microsoft productivity applications. Office is, in general, a different set of tools from days gone by. We aren't confined to the five-or-so core products, and we can expand the functionality of the Office ecosystem using a massive range of add-ins and templates. Office 2016 logo - I'm using VirtualBox to preview Office 2016. Microsoft strongly suggested uninstalling Office 2013, which isn't currently viable due to work commitments. Using a virtual machine, however is a great way to explore different Office products alongside each other, without having to uninstall your current suite. I've also had a look at Office 2016 on Windows 10 Build 10130. Verdict: good times.How To Use VirtualBox: User's Guide How To Use VirtualBox: User's GuideLearn to use VirtualBox. Get virtual computers up and running inside your computer, without having to buy any new hardware.READ MORE Anyway, enough of that. Let's look at Office 2016. NEW OVERVIEW Much akin to the extended and inclusive testing phase of Windows 10, the Office 2016 preview has now accumulated over 1 million users,
Akmal Yousuf

Microsoft Office 2016 review: It's all about collaboration - - 2 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: GO TEAM! THAT'S WHAT OFFICE 2016 IS BUILT TO ENCOURAGE, WITH NEW COLLABORATIVE TOOLS AND OTHER WAYS TO TIE WORKERS AND CONTENT TOGETHER. pcw office primary 2 - Blogs: Office 2016 is a major upgrade, but not in the way you'd first suppose. Just as Windows 10 ties notebooks, desktops, phones and tablets together, and adds a layer of intelligence, Office 2016 wants to connect you and your coworkers together, using some baked-in smarts to help you along. I tested the client-facing portion of Office 2016. Microsoft released the trial version of Office 2016 in March as a developer preview with a focus on administrative features (data loss protection, multi-factor authentication and more) that we didn't test. I've been using it since the consumer preview release in May. Microsoft seeded reviewers with a Microsoft Surface 3 with the "final code" upon it. That's a slight misnomer, as the Office 2016 apps upon it used the same version that Microsoft had tested with the public, with a few exceptions: Outlook was pre-populated with links and contacts of a virtual company to give reviewers the look and feel of Delve, Outlook's new Groups feature, and more. Office 2013 users can rest easy about one thing: Office 2016's applications are almost indistinguishable from their previous versions in look and feature set. To the basic Office apps, Microsoft has added its Sway app for light content creation, and the enterprise information aggregator, Delve. Collaboration in the cloud is the real difference with Office 2016. Office now encourages you to share documents online, in a collaborative workspace. Printing out a document and marking it up with a pen? Medieval. Even emailing copies back and forth is now tacitly discouraged. office 2016 review powerpoint demo shot - Microsoft says its new collaborative workflow reflects how people do things now, from study groups

How Smart Homes Gadgets Can Save Time & Energy - 5 views

With the growing popularity of coffee, K-Cups have become popular coffee capsules to buy. However, not all companies sell K-Cups. You can find these keurig k-cup portion packs in various stores, bu...


Akmal Yousuf

Office 2016 for Windows Review - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Today marks the general availability of Office 2016 for Windows, a suite of desktop applications that together with new mobile and web apps pushes Microsoft's new vision for PC-based productivity. Office 2016 is available immediately to Office 365 subscribers, as well as to individuals who would prefer to buy the software in standalone form. "We see Office 2016 as being just as important as the first release of Office," Microsoft group program manager Shawn Villaron told me in a briefing last week. "In the early days, Office was about bringing really important tools together to empower the individual for personal productivity. That was the way people wanted to work at that time. And for 20 to 30 years, Office fit right in. Today, things are changing. More people collaborate on work as groups and teams, so Office 2016 represents the change from personal productivity to team productivity." And that, really, is Office 2016 in a nutshell. If you're a typical information worker, student, or other person in need of standard productivity tools, Office 2016 of course works fine and represents an obvious and stable evolution from the Office version you're currently using. But the real meat in this release-now and going forward, as Office will of course be updated regularly, like Windows 10-is the designed around this new way of working. Confusing matters somewhat, Office-not Office 2016, but Office generally-is all over the place now. In addition to the classic, full-featured desktop suites on both Windows and Mac, Microsoft has high-quality Office Online web apps, mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows/Windows phones-and Office 365-specific solutions that are often available as web apps but are sometimes just integrated into the desktop applications. This ain't your father's Office anymore. Office everywhere: Microsoft Office is available on virtually any device you care to use. - Office eve
Akmal Yousuf

6 Features to Look Forward to in Microsoft Office 2016 - - 0 views

  • Blogs: If you are still using Microsoft Office 2003, you should be aware that Official support has long ended. If you are using Office 2007, support is due to end in 2 short years. Microsoft Office 2016, the latest Windows-based version of the major technology company's application suite, is scheduled for a release sometime in spring, 2015. However, we already know quite a bit about the product, thanks to a preview and testing program that Microsoft has been running. Here are 6 details to look forward to, ahead of the product's mainstream release: 1. Better Security Microsoft Office 2016 will emphasize the value of better security parameters. In addition to a file-level encryption functionality, new data loss protection tools inside of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint will warn users when they attempt to save confidential files to unsafe locations. Microsoft Outlook will also be more secure, thanks to a multi-factor authentication feature. Similarly, the application suite will have stronger information rights management tools that let you limit what people can do with your documents or emails after you've shared access with them. For example, you can allow access to a certain document to expire after a set period of time, and prevent it from being forwarded. These tools will also stop people from copying and pasting information out of Microsoft Office 2016 applications. 2. Business Intelligence Features Microsoft Excel lives up to its name in Microsoft Office 2016. The latest version of this application features a built-in business intelligence tool called Power Query. This tool can dramatically change the way that you approach your data. Using it, you can quickly combine your own numbers with figures from public databases like and Microsoft Azure Marketplace. After doing this, the application has another tool that lets you create detailed visualizations of the combined data. The data analysis tool
Akmal Yousuf

Upgrade to Office 2016 for Free Today with Your Office 365 Subscription - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Microsoft Office 2016 for Windows has landed and it brings many smart new features, including co-authoring with real-time collaboration, simplified sharing, a great feature search engine called Tell Me, and much more. The Mac version of Office 2016 has actually been around for a few months already. If you have an Office 365 subscription, you can get it now for free and we show you how below.A Microsoft Office 2016 Preview: Smart & Subtle Changes A Microsoft Office 2016 Preview: Smart & Subtle ChangesOffice 2016 for Mac was just released and the Windows version will follow in the fall. We show you the new look and features of the world's most popular productivity suite. Will you upgrade?READ MORE Alternatively, you can buy it at the Microsoft store (different packages available and Microsoft has a guide for installing it) or your local retailer and if you're unsure, we have a guide for what Office suite to get. Note that if you're running Office 2010 on Windows 10, you can get a 50% discount on a one year subscription of Office 365 Home; simply use the Get Office app in Windows 10. Get Office - Before you overspend your budget, remember you can get Microsoft Word for free and you can choose from many free alternatives for the entire Microsoft suite.This Is How You Can Get Microsoft Word for Free This Is How You Can Get Microsoft Word for FreeDo you really want the entire Microsoft Office suite? If all you need is Word without the fancy features, Microsoft will give it to you for free. Here is how.READ MORE FIND OUT YOUR VERSION OF OFFICE Unsure whether you have an Office 365 subscription? You can look up your status. Open a file, any Office document, then navigate to File > Account and under you'll see whether you have an Office 365 subscription. Office 2016 Account - Here is a complete list of ways to check your version of Office from Microsoft. YOUR UPGRADE WILL BE FINAL Before you
Akmal Yousuf - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: OFFICE 2016 OFFERS MANY ENHANCEMENTS THAT INTEGRATE MORE TIGHTLY WITH SHAREPOINT AND ONEDRIVE. IT CAN BE CONFUSING TO KEEP TRACK OF ALL THE FEATURES, SO WE PICK 10 YOU ARE SURE TO LOVE. Collaboration is the key to Microsoft's still-ubiquitous productivity suite. To the casual user, the applications that make upOffice 2016 - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook are the anchor tenants, of course, rounded out by OneNote, Access and Publisher - will be indistinguishable from their predecessors. But make no mistake about it; Microsoft's reboot of its flagship software suite is a major update, offering a wealth of collaboration capabilities that integrate more tightly with SharePoint and OneDrive than before. The many tweaks and enhancements across the board can be confusing though, and we peek under the hood to highlight the features that matter most. 1. REAL-TIME CO-AUTHORING The capability to work on the same document simultaneously with your colleagues comes to the desktop version of the productivity suite in Office 2016. Colleagues can work on the same Word documents and PowerPoint presentations that are saved on SharePoint or OneDrive without overwriting each other's changes. Note that the "real-time typing" feature in which you can see your colleagues working on the same document is only available in Word for now. PowerPoint supports co-authoring, but without real-time typing. 2. SIMPLIFIED DOCUMENT SHARING You can now easily share your documents in Office 2016, courtesy of a prominent "Share" button in the Ribbon. Available across Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the Share button lets you share access to a document to your team members, and serves as a one-stop location to review access permissions or see who is currently working on the document. As with co-authoring, the files must be saved in either SharePoint or OneDrive in order to be shared. 3. CAPABILITY TO SEND LARGE FILES USING ONEDRIVE While the ability to sha

Smart City - Trending Infographic PatSeer - 0 views

    Get ready to be amazed by the world of smart cities, where technology is transforming the way we live, work, and play. Learn how AI-powered traffic management, smart grids, connected sensors, integrated transportation systems, and data-driven solutions are making cities more sustainable and efficient. Ready to see the future of urban living? Click the link to view the full infographic! #patseer #patentsearch #patents #patentlandscape #PatentPortfolio #patentsearchai #aipatentsearch #AI #intellectualproperty #Patentanalysis #patentdatabase #patentanalytic

Things to consider for Smart contract Development - 2 views

Smart contracts are based on blockchain technology, so the piece of code that describes a smart contract is fully evident to everyone on the blockchain. Many smart contracts are based on the Ethere...

smartcontractdevelopment smartcontractdevelopmentcompany smartcontractdeveloper

started by johnrobert1211 on 08 Dec 22 no follow-up yet
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Working with Tables - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: While there are four types of database objects in Access, tables are arguably the most important. Even when you're using forms, queries, and reports, you're still working with tables because that's where all of your data is stored. Tables are at the heart of any database, so it's important to understand how to use them. In this lesson, you will learn how to open tables, create and edit records, and modify the appearance of your table to make it easier to view and work with. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about working with tables in Access. TABLE BASICS TO OPEN AN EXISTING TABLE: Open your database, and locate the Navigation pane. In the Navigation pane, locate the table you want to open. Double-click the desired table. Opening a table - The table will open and appear as a tab in the Document Tabs bar. The open table - UNDERSTANDING TABLES All tables are composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns, with small rectangles called cells in the places where rows and columns intersect. In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields. A field is a way of organizing information by type. Think of the field name as a question and every cell within that field as a response to that question. In our example, the Last Name field is selected, which contains all the last names in the table. Fields and field names - A record is one unit of information. Every cell on a given row is part of that row's record. In our example, Quinton Boyd's record is selected, which contains all of the information related to him in the table. Records and record ID numbers -
Akmal Yousuf

10 Reasons You Should Be Using Microsoft Word - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Microsoft Word is an essential tool for any individual in today's digital age. Whether you are a working professional, a diligent student or an active retiree, proficiency in Microsoft Word is a vital skill1 that is useful for both complex business requirements as well as basic day-to-day purposes. Not only is Microsoft Word a flexible tool that allows you to achieve many of your digital document needs, it is also one of the most user- friendly applications from the Microsoft Office suite. Below are 10 MS Word features that you should be using at work, school or home but likely aren't. 1. SMART ART The Office 2007 and Office 2010 applications share very similar features for working with a range of graphics including pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, diagrams and Charts. It's easy to confuse SmartArt with the similarly named WordArt. Where WordArt just allows you to display text using a wide variety of different formats and effects, SmartArt is a comprehensive and flexible business diagram tool that greatly improves upon the 'Diagram Gallery' feature found in previous versions of Office. Smart Art screen shot 2 - The great thing about SmartArt is the ability to swap between different diagrams, even diagrams from other categories, without losing the information that you have already entered. From the selection available, use whichever SmartArt is appropriate to give your document that little bit extra charm. 2. TURN DATA INTO VISUAL CHARTS Charts are created using the same chart 'engine' that Excel uses. Accordingly, as your chart is created, another window will appear containing the Excel-generated data that the chart is based on. Use the Insert Chart button in the Illustrations group to insert a chart and select from the variety of options. The charts are versatile, just like the user-friendly data represented separately in MS Excel to smooth out the whole data-input-to-graph process. Visual Charts -
Akmal Yousuf

Office 365: Governments' secret weapon for reducing costs - - 0 views

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expects to save $12 million over four years. The City of Chicago anticipates saving $1.3 million over the same length of time. And the State of Minnesota expects to save at least $800,000. Governments of all sizes are finding ways to reduce IT costs while improving efficiency. What's their secret weapon? With public sector budgets shrinking in many places around the globe, smart governments are making taxpayer dollars stretch further by migrating from an on-premise environment to Microsoft Office 365 in the cloud. By moving to Office 365, governments can reduce both their capital and operating costs. And by saving money, they can make taxpayer dollars go further during a time when budgets are tight and there's often less revenue to work with. So how exactly can Office 365 save governments money? First, governments can cut back on the capital cost of investing in more computer servers. Second, they can reduce the administrative cost of having to maintain an IT environment. Third, they can lower their energy costs by reducing the size of their data centers. And they can also reduce costs using the many tools within Office 365 that improve employee efficiency. According to a study conducted by Forrester Consulting, Office 365 delivers an ROI of 321 percent with a payback period of two months for a composite midsize organization. That translates into huge value for public sector organizations! Among the government agencies that anticipating money saved by implementing Office 365 is the Environmental Protection Agency. The agency expects to save $12 million over four years by moving to the cloud and Office 365. Some of those savings will be in energy costs as the agency relies on Microsoft to operate its data centers. "The EPA will continue to lead the pack on environmental stewardship, and moving an IT environment to the cloud is a natural part of that," says Greg Myers, vice president of Microsoft Federal. "There
Richard Boss

A smart way to get personal with the future - 0 views

    Manchester, long-time cradle of radical, grassroots movements, was the perfect setting for the recent FutureEverything festival, in its 19th iconoclastic year of bringing together art, design, music and ideas, and award-winning innovation labs.
10Seos Company

Reward Your Content And Link Building Efforts With These 5 Smart SEO Ways - 1 views

    You should not ignore seo issues that pop up that are of basic and everyday nature. If you wish to see better seo results,
Health Supplement Offers

Smart Ways to Use Your Smartphone - 0 views

A smartphone is, arguably, one of the most valuable investments one can make in the market for personal gadgets nowadays.

Smart Ways to Use Your Smartphone

started by Health Supplement Offers on 18 May 20 no follow-up yet

Glance Clock - The Smartest Clock for your Smart Home - 0 views

    Glance Clock is a beautiful piece of tech that provides a new way for users to learn about their smart home data. It is available now on Indiegogo at $99.
Shopguard Systems

How can Kiosks help for the hospitality industry? - 0 views

    Gadgets have revolutionized our life in every possible way. Technology has paved the way for the effortless lives of humankind. Let us take the examples of how the wheel has now evolved into astounding automobiles and smart-phones that have brought the world closer and connected through the internet. It is inevitable that such innovations will continue to grow as far as human progress is concerned.

The Best Touchscreen Monitors and Features of 2023 - 1 views

Some tasks require working with a touchscreen rather than a mouse and keyboard. In this case, the touch screen is vital to increase working efficiency. Fortunately, there are touchscreen monitors i...

technology Mobile phone tech Software iphone monitor touchscreen game business mobile phone

started by networkhardwares on 16 Mar 23 no follow-up yet

It`s Time To Upgrade and Save The Smart Way: Trade-in Program - 0 views

    With the new iPhone SE and S7 Edge already out and new LG G5 on its way, it's time to start thinking about how to get the best bang for your buck when your trade in your current phone for a new one before its value plummets.
    With the new iPhone SE and S7 Edge already out and new LG G5 on its way, it's time to start thinking about how to get the best bang for your buck when your trade in your current phone for a new one before its value plummets.
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