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Akmal Yousuf

What's the difference between PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2010? - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Previews of PowerPoint2013 show that it will be easier to create and share professional presentations with a range of new and improved features. 1. NEW RANGE OF DESIGN THEMES Powerpoint 2013 start screen - Easier inclusion of videos, or pictures to give a more professional edge to presentations. Easy access to a collection of new themes available via the start screen. The ability to quickly change themes using theme variants. Alignment Guides have been added that make it easier to align text boxes, graphics and shapes with text. Merge Shapes tools -2013 includes Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect, and Subtract tools making it easier for the user to merge two or more shapes into the shape required. 2. IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PRESENTER'S VIEW AND ORGANISATION OF THE PRESENTATION. The One click Slide Zoom allows the user to zoom in and out on diagram, or chart. The addition of a presenter's Navigation Grid, making it easier for the presenter to switch slides within a sequence using a navigation grid that the audience cannot see. The ability to easily project a presentation on a second screen using Auto-extend. 3. IMPROVED COLLABORATION WITH EASIER SHARING AND CO-AUTHORING. The Reply Comment feature. PowerPoint 2013 makes it easier to add and track comments next to the relevant section of text. Everyone working on the presentation can follow the discussion easily and act on any suggestions. Collaboration and Sharing. With Microsoft's emphasis on improved collaboration, the new default setting means that presentations are saved online to SkyDrive or SharePoint . This allows the author to send a link to the same file to everyone involved, complete with personalised viewing and editing permissions, so that everyone is working on the same version. The PowerPoint Web App Co-authoringfeature via PowerPoint Web. 2013 makes it easier for several people to work on the same presentation at the same time from the desktop or in bro
Akmal Yousuf

Format and customize Excel 2013 charts quickly with the new Formatting Task pane - www.... - 0 views

    The new Excel offers a rich set of charting capabilities that make creating and customizing charts simpler and more intuitive. One part of the fluid new experience is the Formatting Task pane. - Until now, precise adjustments to chart elements were made in the Format dialog box. The box sometimes obscured a portion of the chart, changes entered in the box were not visible until you closed it, and you had to select the exact element on the chart in order to see the options that were the best fit for the job. In the new Excel, the Format dialog box is replaced by the Formatting Task pane. The pane aligns neatly with the right or left side of the screen, so it's less likely to obscure the chart, and changes happen in real time, so you can immediately see how your choices affect the chart. The Formatting Task pane also offers an element selector so you can jump quickly between different elements without having to select one to modify. The new Formatting Task pane is the single source for formatting-all of the different styling options are consolidated in one place. With this single task pane, you can modify not only charts, but also shapes and text in Excel. USING THE FORMATTING TASK PANE The fastest way to open the Formatting Task pane is to double-click a chart element. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+1 while a chart element is selected. There are two other ways to open the task pane: The first way: On a chart, select an element. On the Ribbon, select the Chart Tools Format tab, then click Format Selection. - The second way: On a chart, select an element. Right-click, then select Format where is the axis, series, legend, title, or area that was selected. - Once open, the Formatting Task pane remains available until you close it. Since it always stays on the right or left side of the screen, the pane remains unobtrusive as you concentrate on other tasks. The
Akmal Yousuf

Excel 2016: Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: By default, every row and column of a new workbook is set to the same height and width. Excel allows you to modify column width and row height in different ways, including wrapping text and merging cells. Optional: Download our practice workbook. Watch the video below to learn more about modifying columns, rows, and cells. TO MODIFY COLUMN WIDTH: In our example below, column C is too narrow to display all of the content in these cells. We can make all of this content visible by changing the width of column C. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the cursor becomes a double arrow. positioning the mouse over the column line - Click and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the column width. increasing the column width - Release the mouse. The column width will be changed. the resized column - With numerical data, the cell will display pound signs (#######) if the column is too narrow. Simply increase the column width to make the data visible. TO AUTOFIT COLUMN WIDTH: The AutoFit feature will allow you to set a column's width to fit its content automatically. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the cursor becomes a double arrow. autofitting the column width - Double-click the mouse. The column width will be changed automatically to fit the content. the autofit column width - You can also AutoFit the width for several columns at the same time. Simply select the columns you want to AutoFit, then select the AutoFit Column Width command from the Format drop-down menu on the Home tab. This method can also be used for row height. autofitting column width for multiple columns - TO MODIFY ROW HEIGHT: Position the cursor over the row line so the cursor becomes a double arrow. hovering over a <a href=row line - www.of
Akmal Yousuf

10 Reasons You Should Be Using Microsoft Word - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Microsoft Word is an essential tool for any individual in today's digital age. Whether you are a working professional, a diligent student or an active retiree, proficiency in Microsoft Word is a vital skill1 that is useful for both complex business requirements as well as basic day-to-day purposes. Not only is Microsoft Word a flexible tool that allows you to achieve many of your digital document needs, it is also one of the most user- friendly applications from the Microsoft Office suite. Below are 10 MS Word features that you should be using at work, school or home but likely aren't. 1. SMART ART The Office 2007 and Office 2010 applications share very similar features for working with a range of graphics including pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, diagrams and Charts. It's easy to confuse SmartArt with the similarly named WordArt. Where WordArt just allows you to display text using a wide variety of different formats and effects, SmartArt is a comprehensive and flexible business diagram tool that greatly improves upon the 'Diagram Gallery' feature found in previous versions of Office. Smart Art screen shot 2 - The great thing about SmartArt is the ability to swap between different diagrams, even diagrams from other categories, without losing the information that you have already entered. From the selection available, use whichever SmartArt is appropriate to give your document that little bit extra charm. 2. TURN DATA INTO VISUAL CHARTS Charts are created using the same chart 'engine' that Excel uses. Accordingly, as your chart is created, another window will appear containing the Excel-generated data that the chart is based on. Use the Insert Chart button in the Illustrations group to insert a chart and select from the variety of options. The charts are versatile, just like the user-friendly data represented separately in MS Excel to smooth out the whole data-input-to-graph process. Visual Charts -
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: More Query Design Options - - 1 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Access offers several options that let you design and run queries that return exactly the information you're looking for. For instance, what if you need to find out how many of something exists within your database? Or what if you would like your query results to automatically be sorted a certain way? If you know how to use query options in Access, you can design almost any query you want. In this lesson, you'll learn how to modify and sort your queries within Query Design view, as well as how to use the Totals function to create a query that can perform calculations with your data. You'll also learn about additional query-building options offered in Access. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about modifying queries. MODIFYING QUERIES Access offers several options for making your queries work better for you. In addition to modifying your query criteria and joins after you build your queries, you can choose to sort and hide fields in your query results. TO MODIFY YOUR QUERY: When you open an existing query in Access, it is displayed in Datasheet view, meaning you will see your query results in a table. To modify your query, you must enter Design view, the view you used when creating it. There are two ways to switch to Design view: On the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the View command. Select Design View from the drop-down menu that appears. Switching to Design View with the View command on the Ribbon - In the bottom-right corner of your Access window, locate the small view icons. Click the Design View icon, which is the icon farthest to the right. Switching to Design View using the View Icon - Once in Desig
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Charts - Office Setup Help, - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: A chart is a tool you can use to communicate data graphically. Including a chart in a presentation allows your audience to see the meaning behind the numbers, which makes it easy to visualize comparisons and trends. Optional: Download our practice presentation for this lesson. Watch the video below to learn more about using charts in PowerPoint. TYPES OF CHARTS PowerPoint has several types of charts, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your data. In order to use charts effectively, you'll need to understand how different charts are used. Click the arrows in the slideshow below to learn more about the types of charts in PowerPoint. Slide 1 - has a variety of chart types, each with its own advantages. Click the arrows to see some of the different types of charts available in PowerPoint. Slide 1 - Slide 1 - Slide 1 - Slide 1 - Slide 1 - IDENTIFYING THE PARTS OF A CHART In addition to chart types, you'll need to understand how to read a chart. Charts contain several different elements-or parts-that can help you interpret data. Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn about the different parts of a chart. Book sales chart - LEGEND The legend identifies which data series each color on the chart represents. In this example, the legend identifies the different months in the chart. INSERTING CHARTS PowerPoint uses a spreadsheet as a placeholder for entering chart data, much like Excel. The process of entering data is fairly simple, but if you are unfamiliar with Excel you might want to review our Excel 2016 Cell Basics lesson. TO INSERT A CHART: Select the Insert tab, then click the Chart command in the Illustrations group. - A dialog box will appear. Select a category from the left pane, an
Akmal Yousuf

How to Use Microsoft Forms in Office 365 Education - - 0 views

    How to Use the New Microsoft Forms - Blogs: Have you seen the new Microsoft Forms? One of the most popular articles on my blog in the last 12 months was related to its predecessor - Excel Surveys. Not only did that post get a lot of views, but it also got a lot of comments from people with questions about the features of Excel Surveys, or more importantly for some, the features it did not have. You can still use Excel Surveys, but Microsoft are in the process of transitioning to something better - Microsoft Forms. This version includes automatic grading and built-in student feedback. Here's what you need to know. GETTING STARTED You can find the homepage for Microsoft Forms by going to, or you may see Forms listed in the Office 365 App Launcher. Both links go to the same place. Technically, Forms is still in Preview but you can sign in with your Office 365 Education account today and start creating surveys and quizzes. The new Microsoft Forms work on desktop and mobile browsers. Once you are logged in, click the New button to create your first form. Replace Untitled Form with a title of your choice, and add a description underneath if you want to provide any directions or information for students or parents who are filling out your Form. BUILDING A FORM Tapping the Add Question button gives you access to the question types that are available to you in this new version of Microsoft Forms. The options include: Choice: for creating multiple choice questions! Tap or click the slider to allow people to select multiple answers. You can also tap or click the ellipses button to shuffle answers. Quiz: a multiple choice question that you allows you to select a correct answer for automatic grading. Tapping the comment icon on each answer choice lets you add student feedback for each selection. Multiple answers and shuffled answers are also available to you when working on Quiz questions. Text: to collect
Akmal Yousuf

Word 2016: Indents and Tabs - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Indenting text adds structure to your document by allowing you to separate information. Whether you'd like to move a single line or an entire paragraph, you can use the tab selector and the horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents. Optional: Download our practice document. Watch the video below to learn more about how to use indents and tabs in Word. INDENTING TEXT In many types of documents, you may want to indent only the first line of each paragraph. This helps to visually separate paragraphs from one another. - It's also possible to indent every line except for the first line, which is known as a hanging indent. - TO INDENT USING THE TAB KEY A quick way to indent is to use the Tab key. This will create a first-line indent of 1/2 inch. Place the insertion point at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to indent. - Press the Tab key. On the Ruler, you should see the first-line indent marker move to the right by 1/2 inch. The first line of the paragraph will be indented. - If you can't see the Ruler, select the View tab, then click the check box next to the Ruler. - INDENT MARKERS In some cases, you may want to have more control over indents. Word provides indent markers that allow you to indent paragraphs to the location you want. - The indent markers are located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and they provide several indenting options: First-line indent marker adjusts the first-line indent Hanging indent marker adjusts the hanging indent Left indent marker moves both the first-line indent and hanging indent markers at the same time (this will indent all lines in a paragraph) TO INDENT USING THE INDENT MARKERS Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent, or select one or more paragraphs. - Click and drag the desired indent marke
Akmal Yousuf

Word 2016: Indents and Tabs - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Indenting text adds structure to your document by allowing you to separate information. Whether you'd like to move a single line or an entire paragraph, you can use the tab selector and the horizontal ruler to set tabs and indents. Optional: Download our practice document. Watch the video below to learn more about how to use indents and tabs in Word. INDENTING TEXT In many types of documents, you may want to indent only the first line of each paragraph. This helps to visually separate paragraphs from one another. - It's also possible to indent every line except for the first line, which is known as a hanging indent. - TO INDENT USING THE TAB KEY A quick way to indent is to use the Tab key. This will create a first-line indent of 1/2 inch. Place the insertion point at the very beginning of the paragraph you want to indent. - Press the Tab key. On the Ruler, you should see the first-line indent marker move to the right by 1/2 inch. The first line of the paragraph will be indented. - If you can't see the Ruler, select the View tab, then click the check box next to the Ruler. - INDENT MARKERS In some cases, you may want to have more control over indents. Word provides indent markers that allow you to indent paragraphs to the location you want. - The indent markers are located to the left of the horizontal ruler, and they provide several indenting options: First-line indent marker adjusts the first-line indent Hanging indent marker adjusts the hanging indent Left indent marker moves both the first-line indent and hanging indent markers at the same time (this will indent all lines in a paragraph) TO INDENT USING THE INDENT MARKERS Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent, or select one or more paragraphs. -
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Inserting Videos - - 0 views

  • Blogs: PowerPoint allows you to insert a video onto a slide and play it during your presentation. This is a great way to make your presentation more engaging for your audience. You can even edit the video within PowerPoint and customize its appearance. For example, you can trim the video's length, add a fade in, and much more. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about inserting videos in PowerPoint. TO INSERT A VIDEO FROM A FILE: In our example, we'll insert a video from a file saved locally on our computer. If you'd like to work along with our example, right-click this link to our example video and save it to your computer. From the Insert tab, click the Video drop-down arrow, then select Video on My PC. Inserting a video from a file - Locate and select the desired video file, then click Insert. Selecting a video to insert - The video will be added to the slide. The inserted video - With the Screen Recording feature on the Insert tab, you can create a video of anything you are doing on your computer and insert it into a slide. the Screen Recording button on the Insert tab - TO INSERT AN ONLINE VIDEO: Some websites-like YouTube-allow you to embed videos into your slides. An embedded video will still be hosted on its original website, meaning the video itself won't be added to your file. Embedding can be a convenient way to reduce the file size of your presentation, but you'll also need to be connected to the Internet for the video to play. Inserting an online video - WORKING WITH VIDEOS TO PREVIEW A VIDEO: Click a video to select it. Click the Play/Pause button below the video. The video will begin playing, and the timeline next to the Play/Pause button will advance. The Play/Pause button and the timeline - To jump to a different part of the video, click anywhe
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Introduction to Databases - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Microsoft Access is a database creation and management program. To understand Access, you must first understand databases. In this lesson, you will learn about databases and how they are used. You will familiarize yourself with the differences between data management in Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. Finally, you will get a look ahead at the rest of the Access tutorial. Watch the video below to learn more about databases in Access. WHAT IS A DATABASE? A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer system. Databases allow their users to enter, access, and analyze their data quickly and easily. They're such a useful tool that you see them all the time. Ever waited while a doctor's receptionist entered your personal information into a computer, or watched a store employee use a computer to see whether an item was in stock? If so, then you've seen a database in action. The easiest way to understand a database is to think of it as a collection of lists. Think about one of the databases we mentioned above: the database of patient information at a doctor's office. What lists are contained in a database like this? To start with, there's a list of patients' names. Then there's a list of past appointments, a list with medical history for each patient, a list of contact information, and so on. This is true of all databases, from the simplest to the most complex. For instance, if you like to bake you might decide to keep a database containing the types of cookies you know how to make and the friends you give these cookies to. This is one of the simplest databases imaginable. It contains two lists: a list of your friends, and a list of cookies. An illustration of two lists - However, if you were a professional baker, you would have many more lists to keep track of: a list of customers, a list of products sold, a list of prices, a list of orders, and so on.
Akmal Yousuf

Microsoft Sway allows anyone to tell stories beautifully - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: POWERPOINT MIGHT BE INCLUDED IN OFFICE 2016, BUT EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S SO PASSÉ. as easy as drag and drop - Blogs: These days it's all about Sway - the first of many native apps to be rolled out to Microsoft Office 365 subscribers. To put it simply, Sway is a web browser-based storytelling app. It allows anyone with the most basic computing knowledge to create beautiful-looking websites and presentations with images, text, tweets, videos or whatever other media you want to include. It works a bit like Word and Powerpoint combined - and finished products can be used on websites to display family photos, or in a beautiful work presentation. "The interface is based around a storyline, which allows users to bring in raw content such as PDFs, spreadsheets, graphs, photos, video and text," a spokesman for Microsoft told When creating a new presentation, users begin with a blank page containing nothing more than a title card. From there, add raw content, such as photos or text, and either place it all where desired or use a template that does the work for you. "It is as simple as clicking and dragging the content the user wants to add the presentation," the spokesman said. An impressive feature that sets this application apart from the likes of Powerpoint is its integration with popular social media networking sites. Users can import pictures from Facebook, YouTube videos, tweets and other content without having to leave the app. Once happy with the content included, users can tweak its appearance by using the "Remix" feature. This will cycle the appearance of the presentation through the many templates available in the app. Microsoft has completely embraced the cloud with Sway, with work available to view through a web browser on any device the moment its finished. The work can then be shared on social media or even embedded on other websites. Best of all, itâ€
Brian Robert Higgins

An Overview of PGi iMeet, Features and Benefits - 0 views

    Meet, share, collaborate and more with PGi iMeet. It is cloud-based system gives the user the ability to access live audio and video conferencing using desktop and mobile application. The standard iMeet live video meeting allows for up to 15 HD video feeds to run simultaneously, whereas an enterprise XL version will allow for up to 65 users at a time. Organizations can also customize the virtual conference room for branding. Can your online meeting solution offers all this? Try it out now.
    Meet, share, collaborate and more with PGi iMeet. It is cloud-based system gives the user the ability to access live audio and video conferencing using desktop and mobile application. The standard iMeet live video meeting allows for up to 15 HD video feeds to run simultaneously, whereas an enterprise XL version will allow for up to 65 users at a time. Organizations can also customize the virtual conference room for branding. Can your online meeting solution offers all this? Try it out now.

TravelCarma Hotel Reservation System - Hotel CRS - 0 views

    TravelCarma offers you a complete solution, which can fit to all your Hotel CRS needs. It let hoteliers to store and distribution information of accommodation & room details, promotional activities, stop sell, etc. Whether it is a single hotel or chain of hotels, TravelCarma allows you to manage and distribute the inventory across the globe. Online Hotel Reservation System allows setting up suppliers and their business. Hotel CRS (Central Reservation System) allows individual suppliers to manage the complete details of their inventory and get real time reports. TravelCarma Hotel CRS offers you variety of features; some of them are as follow: * Role Management * User Management * Business Analytics * Nationality Specific Rates * Promotion/Offer Management * Policy Management * Comprehensive Report generation for various business objectives
Akmal Yousuf

Excel 2016: Formatting Cells - Blogs - 0 views

  • Blogs: All cell content uses the same formatting by default, which can make it difficult to read a workbook with a lot of information. Basic formatting can customize the look and feel of your workbook, allowing you to draw attention to specific sections and making your content easier to view and understand. Optional: Download our practice workbook. Watch the video below to learn more about formatting cells in Excel. TO CHANGE THE FONT SIZE: Select the cell(s) you want to modify. Selecting a cell - On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size command, then select the desired font size. In our example, we will choose 24 to make the text larger. Selecting a font size in the dropdown menu - The text will change to the selected font size. The selected cell is a larger font size now - You can also use the Increase Font Size and Decrease Font Size commands or enter a custom font size using your keyboard. The custom font box, increase font size button, and decrease font size button - TO CHANGE THE FONT: By default, the font of each new workbook is set to Calibri. However, Excel provides many other fonts you can use to customize your cell text. In the example below, we'll format our title cell to help distinguish it from the rest of the worksheet. Select the cell(s) you want to modify. Selecting a cell - On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the Font command, then select the desired font. In our example, we'll choose Century Gothic. Selecting a font in the dropdown menu - The text will change to the selected font. The selected cell is a different font now - When creating a workbook in the workplace, you'll want to select a font that is easy to read. Along with Calibri, standard reading fonts include Cambria, Times New Roman, and Arial. TO CHANGE THE FONT COLOR: Select
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Presenting Your Slide Show - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Once your slide show is complete, you'll need to learn how to present it to an audience. PowerPoint offers several tools and features to help make your presentation smooth, engaging, and professional. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about presenting your slide show. PRESENTING A SLIDE SHOW Before you present your slide show, you'll need to think about the type of equipment that will be available for your presentation. Many presenters use projectors during presentations, so you might want to consider using one as well. This allows you to control and preview slides on one monitor while presenting them to an audience on another screen. TO START A SLIDE SHOW: There are several ways you can begin your presentation: Click the Start From Beginning command on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press the F5 key at the top of your keyboard. The presentation will appear in full-screen mode. clicking the Start From Beginning command on the Quick Access Toolbar - Select the Slide Show view command at the bottom of the PowerPoint window to begin a presentation from the current slide. Switching to Slide Show view from the Status bar in the lower-right corner - Go to the Slide Show tab on the Ribbon to access even more options. From here, you can start the presentation from the current slide and access advanced presentation options. starting a presentation from the Slide Show tab - TO ADVANCE AND REVERSE SLIDES: You can advance to the next slide by clicking your mouse or pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can use or arrow keys on your keyboard to move forward or backward through the presentation. You can also hover your mouse over the bottom-left and click the arrows to move forward or backward. hovering the mouse to access navigation buttons in Slide Show view - TO STOP A SLIDE SHOW: You can
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Presenting Your Slide Show - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Once your slide show is complete, you'll need to learn how to present it to an audience. PowerPoint offers several tools and features to help make your presentation smooth, engaging, and professional. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about presenting your slide show. PRESENTING A SLIDE SHOW Before you present your slide show, you'll need to think about the type of equipment that will be available for your presentation. Many presenters use projectors during presentations, so you might want to consider using one as well. This allows you to control and preview slides on one monitor while presenting them to an audience on another screen. TO START A SLIDE SHOW: There are several ways you can begin your presentation: Click the Start From Beginning command on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press the F5 key at the top of your keyboard. The presentation will appear in full-screen mode. clicking the Start From Beginning command on the Quick Access Toolbar - Select the Slide Show view command at the bottom of the PowerPoint window to begin a presentation from the current slide. Switching to Slide Show view from the Status bar in the lower-right corner - Go to the Slide Show tab on the Ribbon to access even more options. From here, you can start the presentation from the current slide and access advanced presentation options. starting a presentation from the Slide Show tab - TO ADVANCE AND REVERSE SLIDES: You can advance to the next slide by clicking your mouse or pressing the spacebar on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can use or arrow keys on your keyboard to move forward or backward through the presentation. You can also hover your mouse over the bottom-left and click the arrows to move forward or backward. hovering the mouse to access navigation buttons in Slide Show view -
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Creating Reports - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: If you need to share information from your database with someone but don't want that person actually working with your database, consider creating a report. Reports allow you to organize and present your data in a reader-friendly, visually appealing format. Access makes it easy to create and customize a report using data from any query or table in your database. In this lesson, you will learn how to create, modify, and print reports. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about creating reports. TO CREATE A REPORT: Reports give you the ability to present components of your database in an easy-to-read, printable format. Access lets you create reports from both tables and queries. Open the table or query you want to use in your report. We want to print a list of cookies we've sold, so we'll open the Cookies Sold query. The Cookies Sold query - Select the Create tab on the Ribbon. Locate the Reports group, then click the Report command. Clicking the Report command - Access will create a new report based on your object. It's likely that some of your data will be located on the other side of the page break. To fix this, resize your fields. Simply select a field, then click and drag its edge until the field is the desired size. Repeat with additional fields until all of your fields fit. Resizing fields in the report - To save your report, click the Save command on the Quick Access Toolbar. When prompted, type a name for your report, then click OK. Saving and naming the report - Just like tables and queries, reports can be sorted and filtered. Simply right-click the field you w
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Introduction to Objects - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Databases in Access are composed of four objects: tables, queries, forms, and reports. Together, these objects allow you to enter, store, analyze, and compile data however you want. In this lesson, you will learn about each of the four objects and come to understand how they interact with each other to create a fully functional relational database. Watch the video below to learn more about objects in Access. TABLES By this point, you should already understand that a database is a collection of data organized into many connected lists. In Access, all data is stored in tables, which puts tables at the heart of any database. You might already know that tables are organized into vertical columns and horizontal rows. Rows and columns in an Access table - In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields. A field is more than just a column; it's a way of organizing information by the type of data it is. Every piece of information within a field is of the same type. For example, every entry in a field called First Name would be a name, and every entry in field called Street Address would be an address. Fields and field names - Likewise, a record is more than just a row; it's a unit of information. Every cell in a given row is part of that row's record. A record - Notice how each record spans several fields. Even though the information in each record is organized into fields, it belongs with the other information in that record. See the number at the left of each row? It's the ID number that identifies each record. The ID number for a record refers to every piece of information contained on that row. Record ID numbers - Tables are good for storing closely related information. Let's say you own a bakery and have a database that includes a table with your customers' names and information, lik
Akmal Yousuf

5 Office 2016 features you'll love - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Office 2016 isn't just about new Microsoft Word and PowerPoint layouts. The new productivity suite has a ton of amazing new tricks and features that are designed to make your work (and play) a lot easier. If you still think of Office as something you tinkered with to write terms papers back on Windows 95, well you're in for a treat. Download the new Office 2016 and you'll get access to tools that automatically separate important and unimportant emails, connect to your social media accounts to help you plan your weekend, and help you plan group trips and activities. For the business user, there are a ton of new Office features that help you better communicate, collaborate and create. I'll walk you through some of these new features and how you can use them to improve your Office 2016 experience. 1. CLUTTER Our SPAM folders are amazing. They collect emails from retailers and businesses with whom we don't want to have any contact whatsoever. But what about that uncle you just can't stand? Or that annoying coworker who constantly asks you to go to lunch? With Clutter for Outlook, your email usage signals whether or not emails should actually enter your inbox. For example: if you never, ever open your uncle's emails, Clutter will automatically send those incoming messages to a folder where they will land alongside your annoying coworker's lunch requests. You can access this folder anytime and move messages back to the normal old inbox. If you're worried you'll miss something important, don't fret. Clutter sends you a weekly digest that tells you exactly what was hidden. You can then command Clutter to never pull in that type of content again. 2. SKYPE INTEGRATION Office 2016 - Office 2016 Microsoft has made cloud document collaboration possible (years and years after Google, but I digress). Now, you and a friend can edit a Microsoft Word document simultaneously without having to save and share the document via emai
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