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Dr. Anil Raheja

Understand Hip Fracture and Spine Surgery - 0 views

    Apart from fall, any trauma can also create potential risk to hip fracture. If you see it from the mechanism of injury point of view, the femur may not break but a portion of the pelvis (public ramus) may be fractured or ruptured. You may feel pain in your hip after the incident, however, after a proper diagnose, examination and x-ray may show a source different that hip joint as a cause of hip pain.

What Are The Factors That Affect The Age Of A Tyre? - 2 views

    Every tyre has a design with the goal of fully satisfying the needs of certain automobiles and also a variety of weather situations. Sunshine (Ultraviolet/UV Rays), temperature, and rain are natural phenomena without our influence that can damage everything in the universe, regardless of how durable the tyre is.

What Should You Consider When You Need a New Set Of Tyres? - 1 views

    Check your tyres regularly to detect the signs like tread wear, bulges and cracks on tyres. Save your tyres from the factors like heat, direct sunshine and UV rays since these factors are responsible for ageing in tyres. Store your Tyres Lutterworth when you do not use them for a long time.
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