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Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Slide Basics - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Every PowerPoint presentation is composed of a series of slides. To begin creating a slide show, you'll need to know the basics of working with slides. You'll need to feel comfortable with tasks such as inserting a new slide, changing the layout of a slide, arranging existing slides, changing the slide view, and adding notes to a slide. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about slide basics in PowerPoint. UNDERSTANDING SLIDES AND SLIDE LAYOUTS When you insert a new slide, it will usually have placeholders to show you where content will be placed. Slides have different layouts for placeholders, depending on the type of information you want to include. Whenever you create a new slide, you'll need to choose a slide layout that fits your content. Different slide layouts - Placeholders can contain different types of content, including text, images, and videos. Many placeholders have thumbnail icons you can click to add specific types of content. In the example below, the slide has placeholders for the title and content. A slide with empty placeholders - TO INSERT A NEW SLIDE: Whenever you start a new presentation, it will contain one slide with the Title Slide layout. You can insert as many slides as you need from a variety of layouts. From the Home tab, click the bottom half of the New Slide command. Clicking the bottom half of the New Slide command - Choose the desired slide layout from the menu that appears. Choosing a slide layout - The new slide will appear. Click any placeholder and begin typing to add text. You can also click an icon to add other types of content, such as a picture or a chart. The new slide - - To change the layout of an existing slide, click the Layout command, then choose the desired layout. Applying a new layout to a
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Slide Basics - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Every PowerPoint presentation is composed of a series of slides. To begin creating a slide show, you'll need to know the basics of working with slides. You'll need to feel comfortable with tasks such as inserting a new slide, changing the layout of a slide, arranging existing slides, changing the slide view, and adding notes to a slide. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about slide basics in PowerPoint. UNDERSTANDING SLIDES AND SLIDE LAYOUTS When you insert a new slide, it will usually have placeholders to show you where content will be placed. Slides have different layouts for placeholders, depending on the type of information you want to include. Whenever you create a new slide, you'll need to choose a slide layout that fits your content. Different slide layouts - Placeholders can contain different types of content, including text, images, and videos. Many placeholders have thumbnail icons you can click to add specific types of content. In the example below, the slide has placeholders for the title and content. A slide with empty placeholders - TO INSERT A NEW SLIDE: Whenever you start a new presentation, it will contain one slide with the Title Slide layout. You can insert as many slides as you need from a variety of layouts. From the Home tab, click the bottom half of the New Slide command. Clicking the bottom half of the New Slide command - Choose the desired slide layout from the menu that appears. Choosing a slide layout - The new slide will appear. Click any placeholder and begin typing to add text. You can also click an icon to add other types of content, such as a picture or a chart. The new slide - - To change the layout of an existing slide, click the Layout command, then choose the desired layout. Applying a new layout to a
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: SmartArt Graphics - Blogs - 0 views

    SmartArt allows you to communicate information with graphics instead of just using text. There are a variety of styles to choose from, which you can use to illustrate different types of ideas. Watch the video below to learn more about working with SmartArt. TO INSERT A SMARTART GRAPHIC: Select the slide where you want the SmartArt graphic to appear. From the Insert tab, select the SmartArt command in the Illustrations group. selecting the SmartArt command on the Insert tab - A dialog box will appear. Select a category on the left, choose the desired SmartArt graphic, then click OK. choosing a SmartArt graphic - The SmartArt graphic will appear on the current slide. the inserted smartart - You can also click the Insert a SmartArt Graphic command in a placeholder to add SmartArt. Inserting a SmartArt Graphic from a placeholder - TO ADD TEXT TO A SMARTART GRAPHIC: Select the SmartArt graphic. The text pane will appear to the left Enter text next to each bullet in the text pane. The text will appear in the corresponding shape. It will be resized automatically to fit inside the shape. adding text to the SmartArt graphic - You can also add text by clicking the desired shape and then typing. This works well if you only need to add text to a few shapes. However, for more complex SmartArt graphics, working in the text pane is often quicker and easier. adding text directly in the shapes of the SmartArt instead of the text pane - TO REORDER, ADD, AND DELETE SHAPES: It's easy to add new shapes, change their order, and even delete shapes from your SmartArt graphic. You can do all of this in the text pane, and it's a lot like creating an outline with a multilevel list. For more information on multilevel lists, you may want to review our Lists lesson. To demote a shape, select the desired bullet, then press the Tab key. The bullet will move to the
Akmal Yousuf

Excel 2016: Formatting Cells - Blogs - 0 views

  • Blogs: All cell content uses the same formatting by default, which can make it difficult to read a workbook with a lot of information. Basic formatting can customize the look and feel of your workbook, allowing you to draw attention to specific sections and making your content easier to view and understand. Optional: Download our practice workbook. Watch the video below to learn more about formatting cells in Excel. TO CHANGE THE FONT SIZE: Select the cell(s) you want to modify. Selecting a cell - On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the Font Size command, then select the desired font size. In our example, we will choose 24 to make the text larger. Selecting a font size in the dropdown menu - The text will change to the selected font size. The selected cell is a larger font size now - You can also use the Increase Font Size and Decrease Font Size commands or enter a custom font size using your keyboard. The custom font box, increase font size button, and decrease font size button - TO CHANGE THE FONT: By default, the font of each new workbook is set to Calibri. However, Excel provides many other fonts you can use to customize your cell text. In the example below, we'll format our title cell to help distinguish it from the rest of the worksheet. Select the cell(s) you want to modify. Selecting a cell - On the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow next to the Font command, then select the desired font. In our example, we'll choose Century Gothic. Selecting a font in the dropdown menu - The text will change to the selected font. The selected cell is a different font now - When creating a workbook in the workplace, you'll want to select a font that is easy to read. Along with Calibri, standard reading fonts include Cambria, Times New Roman, and Arial. TO CHANGE THE FONT COLOR: Select
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Formatting Forms - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: After creating a form, you might want to modify its appearance. Formatting your forms can help make your database look consistent and professional. Some formatting changes can even make your forms easier to use. With the formatting tools in Access, you can customize your forms to look exactly the way you want. In this lesson, you will learn how to add command buttons, modify form layouts, add logos and other images, and change form colors and fonts. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about formatting forms in Access. FORMATTING FORMS Access offers several options that let you make your forms look exactly the way you want. While some of these options-like command buttons-are unique to forms, others may be familiar to you. COMMAND BUTTONS If you want to create a way for users of your form to quickly perform specific actions and tasks, consider adding command buttons. When you create a command button, you specify an action for it to carry out when clicked. By including commands for common tasks right in your form, you're making the form easier to use. Access offers many different types of command buttons, but they can be divided into a few main categories: Record Navigation command buttons, which allow users to move among the records in your database Record Operation command buttons, which let users do things like save and print a record Form Operation command buttons, which allow users to quickly open or close a form, print the current form, and perform other actions Report Operation command buttons, which offer users a quick way to do things like preview or mail a report from the current record TO ADD A COMMAND BUTTON TO A FORM: In Form Layou
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Working with Tables - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: While there are four types of database objects in Access, tables are arguably the most important. Even when you're using forms, queries, and reports, you're still working with tables because that's where all of your data is stored. Tables are at the heart of any database, so it's important to understand how to use them. In this lesson, you will learn how to open tables, create and edit records, and modify the appearance of your table to make it easier to view and work with. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about working with tables in Access. TABLE BASICS TO OPEN AN EXISTING TABLE: Open your database, and locate the Navigation pane. In the Navigation pane, locate the table you want to open. Double-click the desired table. Opening a table - The table will open and appear as a tab in the Document Tabs bar. The open table - UNDERSTANDING TABLES All tables are composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns, with small rectangles called cells in the places where rows and columns intersect. In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields. A field is a way of organizing information by type. Think of the field name as a question and every cell within that field as a response to that question. In our example, the Last Name field is selected, which contains all the last names in the table. Fields and field names - A record is one unit of information. Every cell on a given row is part of that row's record. In our example, Quinton Boyd's record is selected, which contains all of the information related to him in the table. Records and record ID numbers -
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Advanced Report Options - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Access offers several advanced options for creating and modifying reports. The Report Wizard is a tool that guides you through the process of creating complex reports. Once you've created a report-whether through the Report Wizard or the Report command-you can then format it to make it look exactly how you want. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the Report Wizard to create complex reports. You'll also learn how to use formatting options to format text, change report colors and fonts, and add a logo. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about the Report Wizard in Access. THE REPORT WIZARD While using the Report command is a quick way to create reports from the current object, it's not as helpful if you want to create a report with data from multiple objects. The Report Wizard makes it easy to create reports using fields from multiple tables and queries. It even lets you choose how your data will be organized. TO CREATE A REPORT WITH THE REPORT WIZARD: Select the Create tab and locate the Reports group. Click the Report Wizard command. Clicking the Report Wizard command - Blogs The Report Wizard will appear. In the procedures below, we'll discuss the different pages in the Report Wizard. The Report Wizard dialog box - Blogs STEP 1: SELECT THE FIELDS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR REPORT Click the drop-down arrow to select the table or query that contains the desired field(s). Selecting a table that contains fields to include in the report - Blogs Select a field from the list on the left, and click the right arrow to add it to the report. Adding fields to a report - Blogs
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Getting Started With PowerPoint - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: PowerPoint is a presentation program that allows you to create dynamic slide presentations. These presentations can include animation, narration, images, videos, and much more. In this lesson, you'll learn your way around the PowerPoint environment, including the Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and Backstage view. Watch the video below to learn more about getting started with PowerPoint. GETTING TO KNOW POWERPOINT PowerPoint 2016 is similar to PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2010. If you've previously used these versions, PowerPoint 2016 should feel familiar. But if you are new to PowerPoint or have more experience with older versions, you should first take some time to become familiar with the PowerPoint 2016 interface. THE POWERPOINT INTERFACE When you open PowerPoint for the first time, the Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll be able to create a new presentation, choose a template, and access your recently edited presentations. From the Start Screen, locate and select Blank Presentation to access the PowerPoint interface. Creating a blank presentation - Click the buttons in the interactive below to become familiar with the PowerPoint interface. Working with the PowerPoint environment The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar are where you will find the commands to perform common tasks in PowerPoint. Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing your document. THE RIBBON PowerPoint uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. For example, the Font group on the Home tab contains commands for formatting text in your document. Groups on the Ribbon - Some groups also have a small arrow in the bottom-right corner that you can click for even more options. More options in groups -
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Printing - Blogs - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Even though PowerPoint presentations are designed to be viewed on a computer, there may be times when you want to print them. You can even print custom versions of a presentation, which can be especially helpful when presenting your slide show. The Print pane makes it easy to preview and print your presentation. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about printing in PowerPoint. PRINT LAYOUTS PowerPoint offers several layouts to choose from when printing a presentation. The layout you choose will mostly depend on why you're printing the slide show. There are four types of print layouts. Full Page Slides: This prints a full page for each slide in your presentation. This layout is most useful if you need to review or edit a printed copy of your presentation. preview of a full page slide printout - Notes Pages: This prints each slide, along with any speaker notes for the slide. If you've included a lot of notes for each slide, you could keep a printed copy of the notes with you while presenting. previewing the notes pages layout - Outline: This prints an overall outline of the slide show. You could use this to review the organization of your slide show and prepare to deliver your presentation. preview of an outline printout Handouts: This prints thumbnail versions of each slide, with optional space for notes. This layout is especially useful if you want to give your audience a physical copy of the presentation. The optional space allows them to take notes on each slide. preview of a handouts printout - TO ACCESS THE PRINT PANE: Select the File tab. Backstage view will appear. selecting the File tab - Select Print. The Print pane will appear. clicking Print in the Backstage view - Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about using
Akmal Yousuf

PowerPoint 2016: Printing - Blogs - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Even though PowerPoint presentations are designed to be viewed on a computer, there may be times when you want to print them. You can even print custom versions of a presentation, which can be especially helpful when presenting your slide show. The Print pane makes it easy to preview and print your presentation. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about printing in PowerPoint. PRINT LAYOUTS PowerPoint offers several layouts to choose from when printing a presentation. The layout you choose will mostly depend on why you're printing the slide show. There are four types of print layouts. Full Page Slides: This prints a full page for each slide in your presentation. This layout is most useful if you need to review or edit a printed copy of your presentation. preview of a full page slide printout - Notes Pages: This prints each slide, along with any speaker notes for the slide. If you've included a lot of notes for each slide, you could keep a printed copy of the notes with you while presenting. previewing the notes pages layout - Outline: This prints an overall outline of the slide show. You could use this to review the organization of your slide show and prepare to deliver your presentation. preview of an outline printout Handouts: This prints thumbnail versions of each slide, with optional space for notes. This layout is especially useful if you want to give your audience a physical copy of the presentation. The optional space allows them to take notes on each slide. preview of a handouts printout - TO ACCESS THE PRINT PANE: Select the File tab. Backstage view will appear. selecting the File tab - Select Print. The Print pane will appear. clicking Print in the Backstage view - Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about using
Akmal Yousuf

Excel 2016: Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: By default, every row and column of a new workbook is set to the same height and width. Excel allows you to modify column width and row height in different ways, including wrapping text and merging cells. Optional: Download our practice workbook. Watch the video below to learn more about modifying columns, rows, and cells. TO MODIFY COLUMN WIDTH: In our example below, column C is too narrow to display all of the content in these cells. We can make all of this content visible by changing the width of column C. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the cursor becomes a double arrow. positioning the mouse over the column line - Click and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the column width. increasing the column width - Release the mouse. The column width will be changed. the resized column - With numerical data, the cell will display pound signs (#######) if the column is too narrow. Simply increase the column width to make the data visible. TO AUTOFIT COLUMN WIDTH: The AutoFit feature will allow you to set a column's width to fit its content automatically. Position the mouse over the column line in the column heading so the cursor becomes a double arrow. autofitting the column width - Double-click the mouse. The column width will be changed automatically to fit the content. the autofit column width - You can also AutoFit the width for several columns at the same time. Simply select the columns you want to AutoFit, then select the AutoFit Column Width command from the Format drop-down menu on the Home tab. This method can also be used for row height. autofitting column width for multiple columns - TO MODIFY ROW HEIGHT: Position the cursor over the row line so the cursor becomes a double arrow. hovering over a <a href=row line - www.of
Akmal Yousuf

Office 365 vs Office 2016: which should you buy? - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: WHICH VERSION OF MICROSOFT OFFICE IS BEST FOR ME? Blogs: Office 365 and Office 2016 share a lot of similarities, yet deciding between the two involves a lot of factors. Office 365 is a subscription-based service that currently uses Office 2016 apps, but when the next version of Office is released, users will get that as part of their subscription. Office 2016 is a buy-once app suite that brings you the Office 2016 apps as they are, without any available updates in the future. If you want to upgrade to the latest version of Office without paying for a subscription, you'll have to pay full price for the new version - there's no discounted upgrade option. These are only a couple differences between the two products. Looking to invest in Office? We break down the differences between the two products to help you decide which is better for personal and home use. See at Microsoft Store Quick-reference table Apps and pricing Multiple devices Connectivity Support Storage Conclusion QUICK-REFERENCE TABLE Category Office 365 Home Office 365 Personal Office Home & Student 2016 Office Home & Business 2016 Office Professional 2016 Price $99.99 /year $9.99 /month $69.99 /year $6.99 /month $149.99 $229.99 $399.99 Users Up to 5 1 1 1 1 Apps Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Publisher Access Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Publisher Access Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Publisher Access Devices 5 PCs or Macs 5 tablets 5 phones 1 PC or Mac 1 tablet 1 phone 1 PC 1 PC 1 PC Skype minutes 60 per month for each user 60 None None None OneDrive storage 1TB each for five users 1TB None None None APPS AND PRICING Office apps on the go. - Office 365 is a subscription-based service. If you choose to pay on a yearly basis, you essentially get a discount that works out to two free months per year. If you choose to pay on a monthly b
Akmal Yousuf

Excel 2016: Getting Started with Excel - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows you to store, organize, and analyzeinformation. While you may believe Excel is only used by certain people to process complicated data, anyone can learn how to take advantage of the program's powerful features. Whether you're keeping a budget, organizing a training log, or creating an invoice, Excel makes it easy to work with different types of data. Watch the video below to learn more about Excel. GETTING TO KNOW EXCEL If you've previously used Excel 2010 or Excel 2013, then Excel 2016 should feel familiar. If you are new to Excel or have more experience with older versions, you should first take some time to become familiar with the Excel interface. THE EXCEL INTERFACE When you open Excel 2016 for the first time, the Excel Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll be able to create a new workbook, choose a template, and access your recently edited workbooks. From the Excel Start Screen, locate and select Blank workbook to access the Excel interface. The Excel Start screen - Click the buttons in the interactive below to become familiar with the Excel interface. - WORKING WITH THE EXCEL ENVIRONMENT The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar are where you will find the commands to perform common tasks in Excel. The Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing your document. THE RIBBON Excel 2016 uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. You will use these tabs to perform the most common tasks in Excel. Each tab will have one or more groups. Groups on the ribbon - Some groups will have an arrow you can click for more options. Some groups have a menu for more options - Click a tab to see more commands. Tabs on the ribbon -
Akmal Yousuf

Four reasons why governments trust Microsoft - - 0 views

    As governments strive to become more responsive and transparent, it's important for them to make public information easily accessible to citizens. At the same time, it's critical that they protect confidential data. A key reason why governments choose Microsoft Office 365 is Microsoft's leadership in the industry when it comes to privacy, security, and compliance practices. In short, governments know they can trust Microsoft to help protect their data. So how does Microsoft demonstrate leadership and why exactly do governments trust Office 365 to help protect their data? Here are four reasons: We respect your privacy. Google is under criticism for its privacy practices. Office 365 does not build advertising products out of customer data, unlike other companies. Nor do we scan your email or documents for building analytics, data mining, or advertising, or to improve the service. What's more, you own your data. Office 365 customer data belongs to the customer. Customers can remove their data whenever they choose. Office 365 is independently verified. Office 365 is compliant with many world-class industry standards, and it is verified by third parties. For example, Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service to have implemented the rigorous set of physical, logical, process, and management controls defined by ISO 27001, one of the best security benchmarks available in the world. In addition, Office 365 is the first major business productivity public cloud service provider to sign the standard contractual clauses created by the European Union ("EU Model Clauses") with all customers. Office 365 also implements security processes that adhere to the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) required by U.S. federal agencies and to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). With Office 365, you know where your data is located. Office 365 customers know where major Office 365 datacenters are located
Akmal Yousuf

Using conditional formatting to highlight dates in Excel - - 0 views

    This tutorial on using conditional formatting to highlight dates is brought to us by MVP Frédéric Le Guen, with special acknowledgment and thanks to Ken Puls for assistance with translation from French to English. Date functions in Excel make it is possible to perform date calculations, like addition or subtraction, resulting in automated or semi-automated worksheets. The NOW function, which calculates values based on the current date and time, is a great example of this. Taking this functionality a step further, when you mix date functions with conditional formatting, you can create spreadsheets that display date alerts automatically when a deadline is near or differentiates between types of days, like weekends and weekdays. THE BASICS OF CONDITIONAL FORMATTING FOR DATES To find conditional formatting for dates, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > A Date Occuring. You can select the following date options, ranging from yesterday to next month: These 10 date options generate rules based on the current date. If you need to create rules for other dates (e.g., greater than a month from the current date), you can create your own new rule. Below are step-by-step instructions for a few of my favorite conditional formats for dates. HIGHLIGHTING WEEKENDS When you design an automated calendar you don't need to color the weekends yourself. With the conditional formatting tool, you can automatically change the colors of weekends by basing the format on the WEEKDAY function. Assume that you have the date table-a calendar without conditional formatting: To change the color of the weekends, open the menu Conditional Formatting > New Rule In the next dialog box, select the menu Use a formula to determine which cell to format. In the text box Format values where this formula is true, enter the following WEEKDAY formula to determ
Akmal Yousuf

Sway vs PowerPoint: What's the difference? - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Sway: Microsoft Office presentation software. PowerPoint: Microsoft Office presentation software. So what's the difference? You're watching Jeopardy! when the presenter utters the following answer in keeping with the game show's famous format: "A software tool from Microsoft for creating presentations, web-based reports and projects." Quick as a flash you spit out the question in unison with the contestant: "What is PowerPoint?" To your astonishment, presenter Alex Trebek shakes his head and utters a curt "No". The correct question was "What is Sway?" To the best of our knowledge, that scenario has yet to surface on the American quiz show, but it's hypothetically possible. After all, there are a number of similarities between PowerPoint and Sway on first inspection: Both are part of Microsoft Office Both can be used to create rich presentations Both support multimedia including video, audio and images Both feature customisable templates There's no disputing that there are areas where PowerPoint and Sway overlap. But if you're thinking Sway is just a web-based clone of PowerPoint, think again - each piece of software has highly specific functions. It's well worth familiarising yourself with the differences between the two, cos if you Sway when you're meant to PowerPoint, you're gonna have a bad time. POWERPOINT IN A PARAGRAPH As the world's preeminent slideshow software, PowerPoint requires no introduction. From classroom projects to delivering keynote addresses, Microsoft's easy to use presentation software has graced overhead projectors on every continent. Slides; audience handouts; speaker's notes. Whatever you choose to create and however you choose to deliver your story, PowerPoint makes it simple. SWAY IN SUMMARY Sway is an online presentation and storytelling app that's free for anyone with a Microsoft or Office 365 account. The newest addition to Microsoft Office, Sway helps

How to Choose the Best Casino Table Games? - 3 views

To choose the best casino table games, start with simple games like roulette or blackjack - they have clear rules and give good chances of success. If you have experience, you can try poker or bacc...

Kane Nolan

Choose A Genuine SEO Agency By Following These Steps - 0 views

    For small or big every business, promotion is required. Then why don't you hire an SEO agency to promote your company or business. I know it's not easy to choose SEO agency I have a solution for it. By reading this blog you can choose a genuine SEO agency for your business
Kane Nolan

Tips for choosing a professional web design company singapore - 0 views

    I was confused about that which web design company is the best for my business and requirement… But now I feel relaxed just because of this article , from this article I know the technique and helpful tips for choosing a web design company , now I can choose a web design company for my business.
Kane Nolan

choose a professional web design company Singapore - 0 views

    I was confused about that which web design company is the best for my business and requirement… But now I feel relaxed just because of this article , from this article I know the technique and helpful tips for choosing a web design company , now I can choose a web design company for my business.
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