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solenoid valve furnace - 1 views

    HVAC SOLENOID VALVE Egret series HVAC solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve, used to control the refrigerant or water autonomously and remotely in the air conditioning system. There's a solenoid coil on the top, which is used for controlling the valve by passing an electrical current thru it. In the meantime, HVAC liquid line solenoid valve will create an electromagnetic zone, thus, to control the valve. In other words, there's no need of engineer to physically operate, the solenoid valve HVAC will do autonomously. As a result, it will save a lot of labor, and make the system running more safely & efficiently. In general, you can find solenoid valve furnace in many industries, washing machines, HVAC, etc.

Dust Suppression Truck - 2 views

    Manten Brand multifunctional dust suppression vehicle is a new generation of multifunctional dust suppression vehicle independently developed by MANTEN. It is modified with a well-known Chinese brand chassis. It has the characteristics of reliable operation, long water mist range, good atomization effect and small water consumption. It can be used in urban areas. Street haze control, dust removal, cooling, industrial and mining enterprises dust suppression, public places, green garden spraying sterilization and disinfection.
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