Mango Dash: Mango Fruit Drink Nutritional Content - 0 views
Mango Dash india on 31 Dec 14Like many other natural fruit drinks, mango juice, sometimes referred to as mango nectar, packs a variety of both vitamins and minerals. Each cup of mango juice adds a more than feasible source of both vitamins A and C to any diet. Without added sugars, pure mango nectar contains about 30 grams of sugary carbohydrates per cup. Although mangos contain moderate to high levels of carbohydrates, they cause little fluctuation in blood-sugar levels. This process lets the body maintain appetite and metabolic processes much easier. Plus, none of the calories found in mangos comes from fat, making the juice an easily digestible, energy providing drink. Health Benefits One cup of mango juice contains over 60% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C, which helps the body regulate enzymes and metabolic processes. Mangos also have high levels of vitamin A, with one cup providing nearly 40% of the daily required valued. This important nutrient helps maintain healthy eye function and growth, gene transcribing and the maintenance of healthy skin tissue. Mango juice also provides a good source of calcium and iron. Iron helps the body eliminate free radicals, while calcium assists with the formation of healthy teeth and bones.