member since 2008-06-06
member since 2008-07-04
Dr. Fridemar Pache
Background: mathematics, computerscience (phd), classical music, later blues-oriented jazz in private groups. Looking for peers to realize animated MathSongs, sharing joy, work and income in virtual reality and beyond... Preferences: social networking, yoga, meditation, swimming, wandering, raw ...
member since 2007-02-09
Kerry J
I'm KerryJ, an educational designer and learner with a passionate interest in how technology is changing teaching, learning and communications. My areas of special interest include engaging and motivating mature aged learners, scenario-based and project-based learning and brining in joy and play.
member since 2009-01-15
Benjamin Jörissen
Erziehungswissenschaftler, Univ. Magdeburg. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Medienbildung, pädagogische Anthropologie. Educational scientist (humanities), research fields: media literacy and education, media cultures, educational anthropology.
member since 2007-02-09
Nergiz Kern
I'm an English language instructor. I have taught general, business and technical English in Germany, Brazil, the UK, and online. Currently, I work at the Bursa Technical University School of Languages.
member since 2008-08-03
Ole C Brudvik
I am an educational technologist and work as an Adviser at the Department of Education, Akershus County Council, Norway. My work here involves mapping the use of learning technologies in the counties 34 schools, develop, implement and evaluate pedagogical ICT solutions in the schools, producing an...
member since 2007-04-19
Fred Delventhal
AKA Riptide Furse and AKA Krossbow All of the links I post to my personal library and to the groups that I belong to do not have connection to my current employer.
member since 2008-05-16
member since 2011-06-06
member since 2008-06-07
member since 2009-03-12
member since 2011-06-06
Shamblesguru Smith
All at http://shamblesguru.com and http://shambles.net and http://bit.ly/shamblesguruBIO and in Google ;-)
member since 2008-08-09
member since 2007-11-10
Teachers Without Borders
Teachers Without Borders connects teachers to information and each other to create local change on a global scale. http://www.twb.org
member since 2008-04-28
member since 2008-04-07
member since 2007-11-18
Ako Z°om
I'm diplomed in architecture by our french gov. ...then coming back to pure art (not only details-drawing and building promotion and so less for creativity and experimentation), and now, re-starting as an artist-architect, means to create a societal Architecture and finding the better ways to make...
member since 2007-06-02
member since 2009-11-22
member since 2011-06-06
Group Members
163 members total, 4 receiving alerts immediately, 83 receiving alerts daily, and 24 receiving alerts weekly.