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Námsmat byggt á traustum heimildum - 4 views

  • Námsmat byggt á traustum heimildum ...
    Stuttur texti eftir Ingvar Sigurgeirsson

Fjóla María Lárusdóttir: Raunfærnimat: Staða, gæði og framtíð - 1 views

    Kynning á ráðstefnu um raunfærnimat

Leiðarvísir fyrir matsaðila í raunfærnimati - 2 views

    Þessum leiðarvísi er ætlað að vera liður í þjálfun þeirra sem sinna raunfærnimati (verkefnastjórar, fagaðilar og náms- og starfsráðgjafar) og byggir á því raunfærnimatsferli sem þróað hefur hjá Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins í samstarfi við hagsmunaaðila og lýst er í bæklingnum Raunfærni- Raunfærnimat (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins, 2006).

RPL Fundamentals | Cape Peninsula University of Technology - 3 views

    The role of the RPL Unit is to assist both the applicants and the institution with RPL. The Unit assists the applicant and the department by being involved in the planning of the assessment. Once the assessment has been done, the RPL unit confirms (or not) the decision. The unit is also involved in appeal case.

Recognizing experiential learning: Practices in european universities - 2 views

    Skýrsla um raunfærnimat í háskólum. almennur ingangskafli dæmi Vel þess virði að skoða

Grein: "Starfa- og færnigreining til að skilgreina menntunarþarfir og starfsþ... - 4 views

    grein um þarfagreiningu

Lokaverkefni: "Raunfærnimat og sjúkraliðabrú til styttingar á sjúkraliðanámi ... - 1 views

    Ritgerð Helgu Daggar Sverrisdóttur

Prior learning assessment catches on, quietly | Inside Higher Ed - 3 views

    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Takiðækljas fjasæ fæas æfajs faædf hvað vfinnnst ykkur um það?
    Um áhrif raunfærnimats á háskóla

CAEL - Prior Learning Assessment Services - 1 views

    Samtök sem styðja við nám fullorðinna og hafa stuðlað að raunfærnimati við háskóla í áratugi

A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform - 2 views

    Klassík skýrsla frá Regan tímanum í USA. Ég bendi á þessa skýrsl vegna inngangs í grein eftir Andersson og Fejes 2005. En þessi skýrsla er bara dæmi um fleirri slíkar... A Nation at Risk: The Imperative For Educational Reform is the title of the 1983 report of American President Ronald Reagan's National Commission on Excellence in Education. Its publication is considered a landmark event in modern American educational history. Among other things, the report contributed to the ever-growing (and still present) sense that American schools are failing, and it touched off a wave of local, state, and federal reform efforts.(Wikipedia)

Andeson, Fejes: Recognition of prior learning as a technique for fabricating the adult ... - 6 views

    ÉG bendi ykkur á þessa grein fyrst og fremst vegna gagnrýnins, greinandi inngangs þar sem þeir skoða raunfærnimat sem aðferð yfirfalda til að fá fólk til að hegða sér á ákveðinn hátt. Þetta gera þeir m.a. vegna þess að þeir skoða rannsóknarviðfang sitt í ljósi kenninga Foucault um vald. This article focuses on the recognition of prior learning and the figure of thought it represents in Swedish policy on adult education. It can be seen as a technique for governing the adult learner and a way of fabricating the subject. We are tracing this thought back in time to see how it has changed and what it consists of. The material analysed consists of Swedish official documents published between 1948 and 2004. We draw on two concepts from the Foucauldian toolbox: genealogy and governmentality. The result shows that this technique for governing and fabricating the adult subject is not new. It has been present during all periods analysed. However, there is a difference in how the ideas of competence and knowledge are stressed. Today the focus is on the subject's specific experience, which means competence. You are constructed as an adult with experiences that are to be evaluated. During the 1960s and 1970s the focus was rather on general experience. There was also discussion concerning the subject's ability to study. During the 1950s this figure of thought focused on ability was dominant. Those with the talent/ability to study were to be accepted for adult education.

Europass ferilskrá og Evrópski færnipassinn - Europass - 2 views

    Létt og auðlesið 

China's Shuanghui to Buy Smithfield Foods - - 0 views

    áhugaverð greið um jljlkl´kl jl 

Raunfærnimat - Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins - 1 views

    Aðalsíða FA um raunfærnimat. Hér er mikið af upplýsingum

Teaching, Learning and Assessment for Adults: Improving Foundation Skills - 2 views

    Bók frá OECD um kennslu og námsmat fyrir fullorðna sem eru í grunnámi

Bjornavold: Making learning visible: identification, assessment and recognition of non-... - 3 views

    Bjornavold er einn þeirra sem hefur skrifað mest um Raunfærnimat
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