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John Evans

100 STEAM Projects for Teachers - 5 views

    "This is a collection of 100 STEAM Projects created for teachers and educators to do with youth. Each project encourages exploration, modification, and students to pursue their own ideas and curiosities. They are also meant to be accessible, both in approach and availability and cost of materials. Feel encouraged to adapt them to your local learning space."
John Evans

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness | TED Talk | - 5 views

    "Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow.""
Reynold Redekopp

15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer) | Edutopia - 2 views

    Coding possibilities for teh youngest to high school
John Evans

How the food you eat affects your gut - TED Ed | The Kid Should See This - 1 views

    "The bacteria in our guts can break down food the body can't digest, produce important nutrients, regulate the immune system, and protect against harmful germs. And while we can't control all the factors that go into maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, we can manipulate the balance of our microbes by paying attention to what we eat. Learn how the food you eat affects your gut with this TED Ed by gastroenterologist Dr. Shilpa Ravella."
John Evans

Is Coding the New Literacy? - Mother Jones - 0 views

    "Much like cooking, computational thinking begins with a feat of imagination, the ability to envision how digitized information-ticket sales, customer addresses, the temperature in your fridge, the sequence of events to start a car engine, anything that can be sorted, counted, or tracked-could be combined and changed into something new by applying various computational techniques. From there, it's all about "decomposing" big tasks into a logical series of smaller steps, just like a recipe."
John Evans

BBC Bitesize - KS3 Computer Science - Introduction to computational thinking - Revision 2 - 1 views

    "Before computers can be used to solve a problem, the problem itself and the ways in which it could be resolved must be understood. Computational thinking techniques help with these tasks."
John Evans

[Infographic] Discover Computational Thinking | - 2 views

    "Explore these engaging lessons from and see how you can seamlessly integrate Computational Thinking into standard curriculum."
Reynold Redekopp

New eBook - volume two of Manitoba Education and Technology | - 0 views

    A book written by Manitoba educators on how they are implementing Maker and Coder ideas. Edited by Mike Nantais and Reynold Redekopp

Nuclear Power. History & how the nuclear Power Invented? - 0 views

    Nuclear Power is the most dangerous weapon that a country have. With the help of Nuclear Power we also generate energy for our own benefit. Nuclear power has it's own role when it comes to international geopolitics. So in this topic we are going to discus the origins of the Nuclear power how it all started?
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