Lemon Tree - 0 views
Kahoot: making learning awesome - 0 views
Visualizing Chaucer - 0 views
The Crusades Project - 0 views
The Robin Hood Project - 0 views
TEAMS Middle English Texts - 0 views
The Camelot Project - 0 views
SWIPE - 0 views
Animatron - 0 views
GRAMMAR FLIP - 0 views
An interactive online resource aimed at helping students of all abilities learn, practice, and master English grammar concepts. GrammarFlip is a self-paced, instructional program that provides a unique sequence of engaging videos on grammar, mechanics and usage. Topics and concepts such as parts of speech, parts of the sentence, punctuation, and usage are introduced in relation to each other. This scaffolds learning and solidifies student understanding as the program progresses.
PHRASEUM - 0 views
Strumento di social bookmarking che permette di salvare/condividere frasi salvate da qualsiasi sito in rete: insegnanti di lingue e letterature straniere (e studenti) possono organizzare e condividere online "phrasebooks" antologici di frasi e parole. Gli usi nel contesto disciplinare linguistico-letterario sono infiniti, da quelli più intuibili come la creazione di vocabolari situation-oriented a usi che sconfinano dal settore apprendimento linguistico per coinvolgere aspetti concernenti per es. l'analisi di testi letterari o giornalistici. Videotutorial in inglese qui http://screencast.com/t/L2FC82y9RdXi
Associazione Italiana Russisti - 0 views
Princeton University Digital Library - 0 views
The Princeton University Digital Library (PUDL) is a collection of high-resolution digital images of selected materials from Princeton University Library collections -> http://pudl.princeton.edu/collections.php
Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership - 0 views
The primary goal of the Text Creation Partnership is to create standardized, accurate XML/SGML encoded electronic text editions of early printed books. We transcribe and encode the page images of books from ProQuest's Early English Books Online, Gale Cengage's Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and Readex's Evans Early American Imprints.This work, and the resulting text files, are jointly funded and owned by more than 150 libraries worldwide. Ultimately, all of the TCP's work will be placed into the public domain for anyone to use.
Messolonghi Electronic Library - 0 views
CIRCE: Catalogo Informatico Riviste Culturali Europee - 0 views
Piattaforma digitale realizzata dal Laboratorio di ricerche informatiche sui periodici culturali europei della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Trento che si propone di diffondere anche digitalmente le riviste che hanno avuto importanza nella storia culturale dell'Europa del XX secolo.
UK Copyright Literacy | Decoding copyright and bringing you enlightenment - 0 views
This is the home of UK Copyright Literacy for everyone interested in copyright education. Copyright Literacy is defined as "Acquiring and demonstrating the appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable the ethical creation and use of copyright material." This site is for everyone interested in fostering a better understanding of copyright and intellectual property rights issues in the UK. It is aimed primarily at people with responsibility for communicating and modelling ethical practices relating to copyright and related rights, such as librarians, archivists, curators, teachers, researchers and copyright support staff. However it is intended to promote enlightened conversation on the subject for anyone whose professional or personal life is significantly affected by copyright.
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