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What is my movie - 0 views

    Motore di ricerca descrittivo per il recupero del titolo dei film a partire da una descrizione anche parziale del contenuto o di alcune sue keyword

The Open Mic - 0 views

    The Open Mic is a next generation blogging community for translators and a professional social network for people looking for translators.

F.LUX - 0 views

shared by marrti on 28 Aug 17 - No Cached
    Software per adattare la luminosità del pc alla luce della stanza e riequilibrare i ritmi circadiani consentendo di non avere problemi di sonno anche dopo ore al pc in orari serali

Power Thesaurus - 0 views

    Power Thesaurus is a fast, convenient and comprehensive online thesaurus. It's crowdsourced, meaning it has been built by a community of writers for writers. The synonymic and other associations are suggested, rated and used by its visitors.

OpenEdition Books - 0 views

    OpenEdition Books est une plateforme de livres en sciences humaines et sociales. Plus de la moitié d'entre eux est en libre accès. Des services complémentaires sont proposés via les bibliothèques et institutions abonnées.

Radio Garden - Leisure FM - 0 views

    Web radio accessibile per aree geografiche per ascoltare le stazioni radiofoniche di tutto il mondo in lingua originale

The Visual Communication Guy: Design, Writing, and Teaching Resources All in One Place! - 0 views

    Comunicazione professionale (anche accademica) in lingua inglese

UFDC Home - Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature - 0 views

    The Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature in the Department of Special Collections at the University of Florida's George A. Smathers Libraries contains more than 130,000 books and periodicals published in the United States and Great Britain from the mid-1600s to present day. The Library also has manuscript collections, original artwork, and assorted ephemera such as board games, puzzles, and toys. The Baldwin Library is known for comparative editions of books, with special emphasis on Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim's Progress, Aesop's Fables, and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The Library also has the largest collection of Early American Juvenile Imprints of any academic institution in the United States.

French oral narrative - 0 views

    Welcome to the French Oral Narrative Corpus, the first digitised corpus of oral storytelling in French. The project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. It was created in partnership with the Conservatoire contemporain de Littérature Orale in Vendôme (one of France's leading centres for oral storytelling) and the Oxford Text Archive, a digitised collection of thousands of texts in over twenty-five languages, including a range of linguistic corpora.

Bonjour de France - 0 views

    Bonjour de France est un « cyber-magazine » éducatif gratuit contenant des exercices, des tests et des jeux pour apprendre le français ainsi que des fiches pédagogiques à l'attention des enseignants de français langue étrangère (FLE). À travers ses différentes pages, ce magazine se veut aussi un outil de promotion de la francophonie. De nouvelles rubriques interactives apparaîtront régulièrement afin que ce site soit pleinement un lieu de ressource et de partage.

Watchkin - Watch videos without distractions - 0 views

shared by marrti on 28 Aug 17 - No Cached
    A tool for removing advertising and distractions from around the YouTube clip. This is particularly useful if you are showing a clip in the classroom

TubeQuizard - 0 views

    Students can select level, the area they want to study, the type of film and even the accent they want to learn. TubeQuizard will generate activities for them based around the subtitles. They can then listen, fill in gaps and check their answers. There is also a search engine so that you can type in a specific phrase and find a video that contains that text. You can also create your own video quizzes. You can either search for a video using the search tool on the site or copy paste in the URL of the video you want to use. The only limitation here is that the video must have subtitles available

YouGlish - 0 views

    a great tool for developing pronunciation, just search for any word or phrase and YouGlish will find an example in a YouTube video and take you directly to the part of the video where the phrase appears. You can then listen to the phrase in context and see the sentence that it appears in.

VoiceTube - 0 views

    A self study tool for students that allows to listen and study each individual sentence within a videos: students can take and save notes about the vocabulary within the script and listen and record themselves saying sentences from the script then compare to the original.

FirstOneTV - 0 views

    Tutte le principali televisioni del mondo accessibili per nazioni in diretta streaming gratuita

Nik's QuickShout: Educational Technology and ELT - 0 views

    Il blog del guru delle tecnologie didattiche applicate alla ELT Nick Peachey per restare al passo con l'evoluzione del settore
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