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Corpora and corpus linguistics resources for Language Learning and Teaching - 0 views

    This website provides links and references for the use of corpora, corpus linguistics and corpus analysis in the context of language learning and teaching. It also links to two ongoing research and development projects in which I am involved, the EU MINERVA project SACODEYL (development and pedagogical exploitation of youth language corpora) and the ELISA corpus, which I started to develop at the University of Tübingen (Applied English Linguistics) as a resource for language learning and teaching.

International Corpus of English (ICE) Homepage - 0 views

    The International Corpus of English (ICE) website presents a corpus compilation project that aims to provide comparable corpora of English from different English-speaking regions around the world. Each corpus will contain one million words of spoken and written language, taken from a wide range of sources and situations

University of Leeds Large Corpora used in CTS - 0 views

    La raccolta di corpora per la traduzione del Centre for Translation Studies University of Leeds

British National Corpus 2014 - 2 views

    "The British National Corpus 2014 is a large collection of samples of contemporary British English language use, gathered from a range of real-life contexts. The BNC2014, which contains millions of words of spoken and written English, is being gathered by Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press, and is a new resource for research and teaching on contemporary British English. It is the successor to the original British National Corpus, which was gathered in the early 1990s. By comparing the two corpora, researchers will be able to shed light on how British English may have changed over the last two decades."

Corpus Linguistics - 0 views

    Corpus Linguistics is a site designed as a supplement to the book Corpus Linguistics, although it can be used on its own. The project is funded by IHE (Innovation in Higher Education). The site consists of four major sections: Early Corpus Linguistics and the Chomskyan Revolution; What is a Corpus and What is in it?; Quantitative Data; and The Use of Corpora in Language Studies

Corpus Linguistics SiBol Group - 0 views

    The Bologna group of corpus linguists has a particular interest in Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) in which such statistical analyses are married to the more traditional kind of analyses employed in discourse studies; there is typically a "shunting" (Halliday) between statistical analyses and close textual reading. The aim of the CADS approach is the uncovering, in the discourse type under study, of what we might call non-obvious meaning, that is, meaning which might not be readily available to naked-eye perusal. Together with researchers at the Universities of Siena and Portsmouth the Bologna group has also devised a new form of CADS, denominated Modern-Diachronic Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies (MD-CADS) where large corpora of a parallel structure and content from different moments of contemporary time are employed in order to track changes in modern language usage but also social, cultural and political changes over modern times, as reflected in language.

C-Oral-Rom Project - 0 views

    Integrated reference corpora for spoken romance languages

French oral narrative - 0 views

    Welcome to the French Oral Narrative Corpus, the first digitised corpus of oral storytelling in French. The project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. It was created in partnership with the Conservatoire contemporain de Littérature Orale in Vendôme (one of France's leading centres for oral storytelling) and the Oxford Text Archive, a digitised collection of thousands of texts in over twenty-five languages, including a range of linguistic corpora.

UCL Survey of English Usage - 0 views

    The Survey of English Usage is one of the first corpora of the English language, started in 1959 by Prof. Randolph Quirk. It contains a million-word corpus of written and spoken English collected between 1955 and 1985, originally available on paper, now computerised

[OTA] The Oxford Text Archive - 0 views

    The Oxford Text Archive hosts the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) Centre for Literature, Languages and Linguistics, one of the five Subject Centres of the AHDS. The Archive holds several thousand digital resources of interest to researchers, teachers, and learners working across the range of literary and linguistic disciplines. Its holdings include electronic editions of works by individual authors, standard reference works, and a range of language corpora. Searches can be executed by author, title, or language, and other criteria will be added over time. Users can also use these criteria to browse the catalogue. The resource is freely available. The Archive also provides support for the creation and use of electronic texts, including guides to good practice, and advice and tools for using the Text Encoding Initiative's Guidelines for encoding texts in SGML and XML. The Oxford Text Archive receives funding from the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). Description based

Clavier - 0 views

    The Corpus and LAnguage Variation In English Research Group (CLAVIER) is a Research Centre recently founded by the Universities of Bergamo, Firenze, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Roma La Sapienza and Siena, and currently based in Modena. The shared methodological framework combines two complementary strands of linguistic investigation - corpus analysis and discourse analysis - to research on language variation in English, both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Thus, one of the main aims of CLAVIER is to contribute to an integration of quantitative and qualitative methods in research on language variation in terms of diachronic, geographic and socio-cultural dimensions through the methodological tools offered by corpora. Particular attention is also given to the analysis of different genres and methodological registers.

WebCorp: The Web as Corpus - 0 views

    an interface that lets you analyse the web using corpus linguistic tools

CELT The Free Digital Humanities Resource for Irish history, literature and politics. - 0 views

    CELT Corpus of Electronic Texts is a large online collection of Irish cultural, historical, and literary texts (in: Irish; Latin; Hiberno-Norman French; and English). The works range from early medieval pieces through to 20th century literature
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