UIC London offers a wide choice of Japanese language courses. Lessons include a balance of conversation, listening, pronunciation, grammar to help you survive and communicate in everyday situations in Japan.
The course was initially designed for British students UIC has worked with Edexcel to make sure the delivery is now appropriate for international students and will benefit anyone studying with us
The course is designed around a number of different modules, each of which attracts credits. The course is successfully completed when the right number of credits has been earned.
At United International College they offer a wide range of foreign languages. The emphasis is on practical usage so speaking and actively using the language is central to all lessons.
The fascination they have with Italy - the culture, the food and the country make learning this wonderful language such a good idea. Whether it's out of interest or for a holiday, knowing more about the language of Rome, Milan, Florence is a hugely beneficial thing to do; Italian continues to be one of the most popular courses they run.
Mandarin Chinese is the most widely used language on earth. The reasons for learning a language used by what will no doubt become the biggest economy in the world are obvious - but the advantages of learning to use and speak Chinese are not just for business. Whether it's a holiday or just an interest in one of the oldest civilizations in the world or just out of curiosity you will find learning this wonderful language truly fascinating. In the courses you will learn not only to speak and understand but also to use the written characters.
Before you arrive in the UK, they strongly recommend that you take out insurance for your own
financial and personal security.
It is advisable to take out your student insurance at the time of booking your trip as cover will commence for pre-departure cancellation from the policy issue date. This will, therefore, provide cover should you have to cancel your course for an insured reason such as illness or serious accident preventing you from traveling.
Their flexible programmes enable you to choose a time that suits your learning style, work schedule and your home life. The contents, times and starting dates of these private classes can be arranged to suit the individual student's needs.
Various projects have assisted member states in implementing reforms aimed at developing learners' communication skills and encouraged innovation in language teaching and teacher training, with an emphasis on a learner-centered approach.
The best way to learn a language without traveling to the country where it's spoken is to do so in a specialist language school, where the facilities and teachers can help you achieve your goals. UIC is able to provide this and offers small group classes (average class size of 6) throughout the year. If you would like to know more about us and our courses read on.