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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Matt Townsley

Matt Townsley

Formative and Summative Assessment in the Classroom - 0 views

  • When teachers use sound instructional practice for the purpose of gathering information on student learning, they are applying this information in a formative way. In this sense, formative assessment is pedagogy and clearly cannot be separated from instruction. It is what good teachers do. The distinction lies in what teachers actually do with the information they gather. How is it being used to inform instruction? How is it being shared with and engaging students? It's not teachers just collecting information/data on student learning; it's what they do with the information they collect.
    • Matt Townsley
      well said. I think that putting this into practice will be a challenge. Convincing others that this mentality is where we should be going might be even more of a challenge though. Wow.
    another great write-up on formative assessment; this one comes from a secondary (middle school) source. The driver's license analogy is worth sharing with colleagues, in my opinion.
Matt Townsley

Educational Leadership:Informative Assessment:The Best Value in Formative Assessment - 3 views

  • Even though assessments will continue to be labeled formative or summative, how the results are used is what determines whether the assessment is formative or summative.
  • but some, by design, are better suited to summative use and others to formative use.
  • Although such assessments are sometimes intended for formative use—that is, to guide further instruction for groups or individual students—teachers' and administrators' lack of understanding of how to use the results can derail this intention
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  • however, teachers must plan and allow time for students to learn the knowledge and skills they missed on the summative assessment and to retake the assessment
  • When we try to teacher-proof the assessment process by providing a steady diet of ready-made external tests, we lose these advantages. Such tests cannot substitute for the day-to-day level of formative assessment that only assessment-literate teachers are able to conduct.
  • Where am I going? Give students a list of the learning targets they are responsible for mastering, written in student-friendly language. Show students anonymous strong and weak examples of the kind of product or performance they are expected to create and have them use a scoring guide to determine which one is better and why. Where am I now? Administer a nongraded quiz part-way through the learning, to help both teacher and students understand who needs to work on what. Highlight phrases on a scoring guide reflecting specific strengths and areas for improvement and staple it to student work. Have students identify their own strengths and areas for improvement using a scoring guide. Have students keep a list of learning targets for the course and periodically check off the ones they have mastered. How can I close the gap? Give students feedback and have them use it to set goals. Have students graph or describe their progress on specific learning targets. Ask students to comment on their progress: What changes have they noticed? What is easy that used to be hard? What insights into themselves as learners have they discovered? When students use feedback from the teacher to learn how to self-assess and set goals, they increase ownership of their own success. In this type of assessment environment, teachers and students collaborate in an ongoing process using assessment information to improve rather than judge learning. It all hinges on the assessment's ability to provide timely, understandable, and descriptive feedback to teachers and students.
  • When teachers assess student learning for purely formative purposes, there is no final mark on the paper and no summative grade in the grade book.
  • What is formative assessment, then? First, it's not a product.
  • Assessment for learning can take many different forms in the classroom.
    great article on what 'formative assessment' is and is not.
Matt Townsley

Iowa Joins 49 States in Common Core Standards Initiative - Iowa Department of Education - 2 views

  • "Iowa is fortunate to have not only state core content standards, but also the Iowa Core Curriculum, which provides rigorous expectations for all students and gives teachers the tools to change teaching and learning in this state," Jeffrey said. "With our recently passed Iowa Core Curriculum, Iowa can easily incorporate national standards because the Core Curriculum provides more explicit guidance to reach high expectations."
    • Matt Townsley
      I find this whole discussion of 'common core standards' to be pretty intriguing. Not too long ago, Iowa was the only (?) state that did not have statewide standards - each district was charged was creating its own. Now we're on board with joining a coalition to create national standards. Things change quickly!
  • The goal is to have a common core of state standards that states can voluntarily adopt. States may choose to include additional standards beyond the common core as long as the common core represents at least 85 percent of the state's standards in English language arts and mathematics. The second phase of this initiative is to ultimately develop common assessments aligned to the core standards developed through the process.
    • Matt Townsley
      moving towards national assessments?! I wonder what companies like Pearson think of this idea. Not that it really matters, but I could see some special interest groups becoming...'interested' in getting these contracts. Plan on keeping an eye on how all of this progresses.
Matt Townsley

Simple Math | Education | - 1 views

  • Another time, a student asked me out of the blue—not in class, just in the course of a normal day—what I knew about counting in base 2 (a.k.a. binary numbers, the basis for digital computers). A spontaneous quasi-class ensued, as she and I looked things up, using a chalkboard to piece together the mysteries, treating it like a puzzle or a grand game: When do you add another digit? When is a 1 replaced with a 0? and so forth.
    • Matt Townsley
      this is an inspiring example. how can we create/foster/encourage more of this type of conversation in our classrooms?
  • "A Mathematician's Lament"
    • Matt Townsley
      an outstanding read for any and all math educators; agree or disagree, it's a nice conversation starter.
  • We learn things because they interest us now, not because they might be useful later. But this is exactly what we are asking children to do with math...Of course it can be done, but I think it ultimately does more harm than good. Much better to wait until their own natural curiosity about numbers kicks in.
    • Matt Townsley
      I appreciate this point, but it seems to go against so much of the daily grind of public education, i.e. curriculum mapping, assessments, instructional decision making, etc. I wonder how/if we can make this big shift? Have other countries already done so?
Matt Townsley

Video: Margaret Heritage - Formative Assessment » Iowa Public Television - 0 views

  • Formative assessment has been described as the systematic process of gathering student evidence and providing feedback about how learning is progressing while instruction is underway
    • Matt Townsley
      good definition of formative asseseement.
    The Iowa DE will be contracting with Margaret Heritage for formative assessment as the Iowa Core Curriculum is rolled out. This is a video of a keynote she gave at the 2008 Iowa HS Summit.
    Margaret Heritage keynote (video) from 2008 Iowa HS Summit
Matt Townsley

Iowa Core Curriculum - 0 views

    AEA9's links including PowerPoints and handouts on ICC and the 5 essential characteristics of instruction. Look at the modules on the left - these will be used statewide, from what I'm told.
    AEA9's ICC links
Matt Townsley

Assessment for Learning Resources - Iowa Department of Education - 0 views

    Another great starting point for article downloads related to 'assessment for learning.'
    Assessment for Learning ICC resources; links to articles
Matt Townsley

Iowa Department of Education | Formative Assessment Resources | Assessment, Students, L... - 0 views

    formative assessment resources to be used by DE/AEA to support districts.
    Formative assessment articles that will be used by DE/AEA to support schools in developing understanding and implementation of ICC's 'assessment for learning' essential characteristic. **Many links aren't working; I have hard copies of articles. Some can be found by Googling, too. A good place to start, I guess.
Matt Townsley

Iowa Department of Education 21st Century Skills - 0 views

  • Friedman
    • Matt Townsley
      Have you read Friedman? I have a little...there's also plenty of push-back on this guy's ideas.
  • (1) critical thinking and problem solving; (2) collaboration and leadership; (3) agility and adaptability; (4) initiative and entrepreneurialism; (5) effective oral and written communication; (6) accessing and analyzing information; and (7) curiosity and imagination.
    • Matt Townsley
      I think these are all great...but think back to the '5 essential characteristics' and formative assessment, etc. How will we be able to "assess" these skills? It's tough to assess these soft skills, in my opinion.
Matt Townsley

Teachers.Net Gazette October 2002 - HARRY & ROSEMARY WONG: EFFECTIVE PRACTICES APPLY TO... - 0 views

  • Teachers put off dealing with non-emergency situations and needs until students are working
    • Matt Townsley
      I like to say, "let's talk about it later..." It gives students a chance to cool down and me a chance to think about well as keeps the class moving forward.
  • High school and middle grade teachers have bellwork/warm-up/sponge activities on the board or overhead projector so students get to work as soon as they enter the classroom
    • Matt Townsley
      If you haven't thought about a bell-ringer, you should. It gets the students working right away and gives you time to take attendance and do other things for the first few minutes. It may seem like "busy work," but you'll eventually figure out how to use the bell ringer to maximize your instruction, too.
  • Objectives for the day are displayed on the board
    • Matt Townsley
      I can go either way on this one. I used to post objectives, but students didn't really get into it. Instead, I post a bulleted list of the day's activities on the board, i.e. 1) Discuss HW 2) Go over quizzes 3) Circumference of Circles 4) Area of Circles This takes away the "what are we doing today?" questions and gives students an idea of what to expect for the day. It also establishes a nice routine, helps you metacognitize before the day, and provides a 'back-up' in case you freeze. It's not uncommon for students to say, "hey..weren't we supposed to go over our quizzes?!" when I've mistakenly moved on.
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  • A student "class secretary" maintains a "What Did I Miss?" folder
    • Matt Townsley
      Create whatever system you want for missing work. After a few weeks of helping absent students see how the system works, you'll never have to answer the question, "What did we do yesterday in LA?" Students will know the routine (who to ask or where to go) to get the handouts, assignment, etc.
  • Each teacher has a system of procedures for setting up small groups
    • Matt Townsley
      Do it. Rehearse it every day or two for a few weeks. Tell 'em what you expect. It'll make your life easier later on.
  • Students are informed of and discuss the specific purpose/s before viewing a vide
    • Matt Townsley
      I would add, "Students are informed of and discuss the specific purpose before ANYTHING"...not just videos. Saves the "Why do we have to do/know this?" comments.
    Harry Wong - okay, so this isn't ICC, but it does talk a lot about effective practices. If you haven't read "The First Days of School," you should. If not, check out this website. It summarizes lots of the main points. I'll mark it up with what I see as the most important points.
    Wong on effective classroom practices.
Matt Townsley

The Changing Face of Education in Iowa: Call For Action: Narrowing the Curriculum - 0 views

  • Identify the most important skills
    • Matt Townsley
      I think this is where Becky and I think standards-based reporting comes in. Get rid of the "mile wide and inch deep" mentality (at least in math...).
Matt Townsley

The Changing Face of Education in Iowa: 5 Characteristics of Effective Instruction - 6 views

  • So not only will Iowa's high schools develop implementation plans for the content next year, they will also conduct a self-study to determine which characteristics need attention and put forward a professional development plan to improve in that area(s).
    • Matt Townsley
      ICC is a process. To see this change to its fullest extent, the DE is proposing a plan for each district to create a plan to roll it out over several years. (This is how we should/might view our classrooms...focus on making a few changes at a time, but do them well rather than trying to be Mr. Awesome Teacher in all kinds of areas without enough time/thought/trial & error.) <-- this is KEY. What are your thoughts, Russ?
  • Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students as part of instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of core content.
    • Matt Townsley
      I didn't think about this until my 5th year of teaching. What is your "assessment plan"? How will you assess? How often? What will you do if students are absent on assessment day?
  • A rigorous curriculum is one that is complex, provocative, and personally or emotionally challenging
    • Matt Townsley
      This is a never-ending task. I don't expect to "master" this, even when I'm ready to retire. It involves really thinking about the content and the students and how authentic work can be created by them according to their interests. This is TOUGH!
    • Matt Townsley
      Good point. It's the old 'liberal arts' education lingo...becoming a life long learner. From my experience, it's difficult to get some students to learn the basics, let alone do any learning on their own (the few that come to school because they're required...or only desire a passing grade...or some other sort of grade to please parents). Not saying it can't be done, but lots of thought, motivation and modeling needed.
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  • Differences can best be accomplished by engaging in a process which has teachers using student and instructional assessment data to make sound instructional decisions to meet the needs of individual students.
    • Matt Townsley
      when formative assessment is done well, differentiation comes naturally. Again, easier said than we need to be patient in this area as we learn the common misconceptions of students in our curriculum, this practice will become more visible over time.
    • Matt Townsley
      You hit the big "aha" moment ICC is going to (hopefully) help so many educators in Iowa realize. I sort of feel like differentiation and formative assessment aren't mutually in the same (assess, use data to create new individualized/group instruction to help students move along the continuum of learning; repeat). Not sure if it's worth debating the definitions, but rather seeing the ideas as working together to improve classroom practice. Yes, it is possible to collect data and do nothing with it. This is the major misconception of 'formative assessment,' in my opinion. The analogy of "formative assessment is chef's ongoing soup tasting during prep; summative assessment is restaurant customer liking or disliking soup" seems to fit, but when some educators hear this, they only taste the soup (collect data, quiz more often, etc.) but never make any changes to the soup recipe (instruction). I'm guilty and to be honest thought this way until earlier this year. We can't just assume the data is being used, you're right. In a quality classroom, I think it would be pretty obvious that the data was being used (maybe my class next year?!).
    • Matt Townsley
      I think ICC defines formative assessment as a process of both collecting the data and modifying instruction: From ICC, Module 5: "Assessment FOR Learning (Formative Assessment): Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students as part of instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students' achievement of core content. As assessment FOR learning, formative assessment practices provide students with clear learning targets, examples and models of strong and weak work, regular descriptive feedback, and the ability to self-assess, track learning, and set goals. (Adapted from Council of Chief State School Officers, FAST SCASS)."
    • Matt Townsley
      Not sure how/if it will impact higher ed. Impact on higher ed. will surely aid in determining success of ICC, but won't necessarily directly affect our day-to-day instruction. If new staff are trained with ICC in mind, it would help the process along. To be realistic, I think it takes extended classroom experience to get a grasp on what an abstract idea such as "assessment for learning" truly is. Nonetheless a theoretical framework (aside from modifying/extending student teaching/practicum as you and I have discussed previously), is one possible step forward.
  • In Student-centered Classrooms, students construct their own knowledge based on experiential, holistic, authentic, and challenging experiences.
    • Matt Townsley
      From what I know about you, Russ, I think you'll do well in this area (student-centered classroom). Realistically, this can only be done "well" with a solid classroom management plan coupled with a focused look on the desired culture of your classroom.
    • Matt Townsley
      See other bookmark in this group, re: Harry Wong and procedures. Wish I would have known Wong (and implemented it) earlier on. You'll be much wiser and knowledgeable than me. Read the book and/or the website. Becky probably has the book. I can email you my procedures if you're interested. Rehearse! It seems goofy and a strange use of time for the first few weeks, but pays huge dividends. Once procedures are established, you can shape the culture (a la more student-centered) and build relationships with students to your heart's content.
  • while these 5 characteristics are essential to a successful school, they are not necessarily mutually exclusive of each other.
    • Matt Townsley
      Amen, Evan! See my notes on differentiation and formative assessment. They go together!
    • Matt Townsley
      Great point, Evan. I would venture to guess that the majority of the educators I know would say that "assessment" and "instruction" are mutually exclusive entities. I hear things all the time like "Today is quiz day" rather than viewing it as an ongoing activity. I discussed my thoughts related to this topic here: This will be a HUGE task on the DE/AEAs part, in my opinion...helping Iowa educators see the conceptual connection as well as how it looks (and doesn't look) in practice.
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