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Ole C  Brudvik

Adding Suggested Tags - feature,tag - Diigo Community | Diigo Group Forum - 1 views

shared by Ole C Brudvik on 22 Apr 07 - Cached
  • Another proposal, from Dave Beckett (2006), is to make more use of the social context within which tags are created by separating the tool that creates the tags from the tool with which they are used. He also proposes that wiki pages should be created for individual tags which users could then add to/edit so that the wiki page, in effect, becomes the tag. The on-going process of refinement for each separate tag would form a kind of consensus as to the meaning of that tag and would also record the processes (the semantic path) by which the end result is being reached. This would, to take just one simple example, allow direct links to other language versions of the same tag.
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      I like something like this. On a webpage one clip is relevant for one user, another clip on the same webpage relevant for another user. There are more than one way to interpret a clip thus a clip as a object the more tags attached to it the more possible meanings it can have, and in different contexts.
Maggie Tsai

Group Tags under used - 15 views

> Can anybody see the marked string or even the annotation? > Thank you for your feedback. ))) > > Fridemar See it - also bug noted. Thanks for pointing it out. Will get fixed ASAP


Maggie Tsai

New toolbars updated for everyone - 44 views

Fridemar, Thanks for reporting - noted. Fridemar & Ollitolli, Hey, soon you guys can "get connected" easily. Stay tuned :-)

news toolbar spam (electronic)

Oliver S.

My testimonial - by eyalnow - 15 views

Very interesting post, eyalnow. I absolutely agree that Diigo is not only for researchers in its narrow sense but for anyone looking for information on the Web and wanting to archive and access th...


Maggie Tsai

Search Diigolet - 20 views

Hi Ole, Good to hear from you again.. Diigolet is meant to be light-weight vs. our toolbar platform. Chances are we won't add these advanced features to Diigolet. But lots of other goodies c...

diigolet search highlight keyword suggestion

Maggie Tsai

Add email notification to group-forum - 47 views

Alert - forthcoming... Yes, personally we also found tagging an easier way to find stuff. Of course, traditional category forum is also supported as well, and we offer an easy conversion between...

feature forum

Maggie Tsai

New Profile issues - 40 views

Locative, Hey, you're super fast. Our guys were just tweaking some stuff this morning and you found it already :-) Yes, your feedback is good - making some changes now. Thanks

discussion profile

Maggie Tsai

Thanks Ollitolli! - 8 views

Hi Sue, See Ollitolli already helped you out :-) How are you? Haven't heard from you for a while - hope all is well. Yes, just phased out the old forum - hope everyone like the new one, or ...


Joel Liu

No way to turn off search words on toolbar. - 7 views

>>These should probably be tied to the search bar, or if not, at least have a >>way to be turned off in the options menu. Yes, it is tied to the search bar. We noticed this problem and will fix it ...

feature toolbar

Maggie Tsai

Local Browser Bookmark Options - 52 views

Glad that you feel that way. We think so, too, and will be the absolute best :-) Please kindly assist us spreading the words. As more people participate, the more we all benefit from collectiv...

bookmark feature

Maggie Tsai

Dual monitor problems. - 97 views

Wow, Looks like a pretty fancy setup you got there... Do you always use dual monitors? We've not tested in that env't yet, since it's not a typical user setting for the majority. Will add to t...

bug sticky note

Maggie Tsai

Featured Users? - 26 views

Will discuss more later :-)


Maggie Tsai

What happens to the old forum? - 22 views

We will do a two-step transition: 1) Provide a link to the old forum to access data, but all new posts should come here. 2) When we have some time, will do a data conversion to import old ...

discussion forum

Maggie Tsai

Clicking Help opens a size locked dialog box. - 83 views

Jeremy, Thanks for your feedback. Will discuss here to see if we can make that change easily (although not a high priority, given that we are quite busy testing and rolling out some new features...

bug toolbar

Maggie Tsai

Just convert Diigo group forum to tag forum - 23 views

Hi everyone, I just converted this Diigo Central Group Forum from "Categories" to "Tagging". To do so, it's one simple switch in the "Forum Manage" console for the group manager. Should you ...

forum howto news

started by Maggie Tsai on 11 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
Maggie Tsai

sticky note has incorrect link to group - 18 views

alpha toolbar. incorrect link appears when I view the page locally. maggie_diigo wrote: > This sounds like a bug. Are you using alpha toolbar? > > Where did you see this error - website or tool...


Maggie Tsai

disable new postings in the (old) diigo forum - 182 views

Yes, will do so right after tagging edit is enabled.

feature forum

Maggie Tsai

Add a direct link from diigo website to the target webpage - 134 views

~ Posted by Eyal A direct link will tell google and other link-based search engines more about the popularity of the target page (increase its PageRank ) currently, when pressing on a bookmark ...


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