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Adding Suggested Tags - feature,tag - Diigo Community | Diigo Group Forum - 1 views

shared by Ole C Brudvik on 22 Apr 07 - Cached
  • Another proposal, from Dave Beckett (2006), is to make more use of the social context within which tags are created by separating the tool that creates the tags from the tool with which they are used. He also proposes that wiki pages should be created for individual tags which users could then add to/edit so that the wiki page, in effect, becomes the tag. The on-going process of refinement for each separate tag would form a kind of consensus as to the meaning of that tag and would also record the processes (the semantic path) by which the end result is being reached. This would, to take just one simple example, allow direct links to other language versions of the same tag.
    • Ole C  Brudvik
      I like something like this. On a webpage one clip is relevant for one user, another clip on the same webpage relevant for another user. There are more than one way to interpret a clip thus a clip as a object the more tags attached to it the more possible meanings it can have, and in different contexts.

Just convert Diigo group forum to tag forum - 23 views

started by Maggie Tsai on 11 Apr 07 no follow-up yet
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