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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jeremy Luce

Jeremy Luce

Feature Request: Bookmark Quick-Delete - 20 views

suggestion request
started by Jeremy Luce on 19 Dec 09 no follow-up yet
  • Jeremy Luce
    Fair enough. But the Edit dialog that comes up when the page is already saved should have a delete button. However it's done, it would be extremely helpful if there were a way I could delete unneeded bookmarks as quickly as I can add them.
Jeremy Luce

How to STOP sharing to Delicious? - 36 views

bug UI GUI delicious sharing
started by Jeremy Luce on 18 Dec 09 no follow-up yet
Graham Perrin liked it
  • Jeremy Luce
    Apologies if I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find a way to disable sharing bookmarks with Delicious? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Jeremy Luce

How often are filters refreshed? - 34 views

started by Jeremy Luce on 12 Nov 08 no follow-up yet
  • Jeremy Luce
    I notice that when I delete a bookmark that appears in a filter it remains visible in the filter until I restart the browser or I re-login to Diigo. Is this by design? I have a couple filters that I'm constantly adding/deleting bookmarks in and it's really frustrating (and sometimes confusing) that they don't instantly (or near instantly) reflect those changes.

Jeremy Luce

Some miscellaneous suggestions from a Delicious convert - 92 views

suggestions suggestion
  • Jeremy Luce
    I'm in the process of switching over from Delicious to Diigo. I'm a pretty heavy user and my usage could be categorized as casual to research and everything in between. The highlighting and sticky notes for research were the selling points for me, but there are a couple things in Delicious that are probably more geared toward the casual user that I would love to see in Diigo.

    1) A Delete button in the Bookmark dialog. I delete quite a few bookmarks during the course of a day and being able to quickly bring up the dialog using the keyboard shortcut and click the Delete button is very convenient.

    2) The ability to right-click bookmarks from a filter dropdown and delete or view properties from the context menu. Another big timesaver.

    2a) An "and/or" option for filters when using tags. I'd like to be able to specify a series of tags and view bookmarks with *any* of the specified tags rather than only bookmarks with *all* of the specified tags.

    2b) The ability to name a filter. If you have a series of tags it just displays the first tag (and sometimes part of the second). It would nice to have a series of related tags (i.e. news, blogs, stocks, etc.) and then name the filter accordingly (i.e. "Daily Reading").

    3) I understand that a previous version of Diigo had a "Read It Later" function that automatically deleted the bookmark when it was clicked. This is something I always wished Delicious had and I'd love to see this come back in some form Diigo. The current Unread filter is not ideal because most of the time I save something to read later I have no desire to save it permanently. Each item to save to read later I have to manually delete after reading. I would much rather that Diigo assumed I did *not* want to save the bookmark and let me take action to save it permanently if I so desire, rather than assuming I *do* want to save it and forcing me to manually delete each item.

    Thanks for a great product!
  • Jeremy Luce
    I definitely think this would be best as an option since it's usefulness very much depends on the habits of a given user. In fact, I would probably change the option myself depending on what I'm doing at the time.

    For instance, if I'm researching a topic I would probably set it to keep any pages I bookmark to read later since there's a good chance I'll end up wanting to save the page permanently. However, in my day-to-day browsing I find myself saving a lot of pages at work (like news articles, youtube videos, etc.) that I want to read when I get home, but have no intention of saving permanently. In that case I would set the option to delete the bookmark as soon as I load the page.

    Graham Perrin wrote:
    > I would certainly appreciate the feature suggested by Jeremy - as an additional option (within Diigo web, toolbar or Diigolet, or all three) - but my preference to set that option would be rare.
    > (I prefer to keep the majority of bookmarks.)
Jeremy Luce

Filter labels keep disappearing - 50 views

filters import Delicious tag cloud count resolved
  • Jeremy Luce
    When I first start Firefox I have all my filters displayed as expected on the toolbar ("Unread", "Blogs", etc). However, after a while the labels next to the filters disappear and I'm left with just folder icons and no way to know which one is which. I haven't been able to figure out exactly what causes them to disappear but I think it has to do with interacting with the toolbar in some way.
  • Jeremy Luce
    Yes, I have the Delicious extension installed. I imported my Delicious bookmarks yesterday and I'm still waiting for all my tags to show up. I don't want to disable the Delicious extension until I get my tags.
  • Jeremy Luce
    Yep, they showed up a couple hours after my previous post.

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