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Home/ The Apple Group/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Didier Daglinckx

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Didier Daglinckx


Screencasting with the Mac - 17 views

    Screencasting with the Mac shows how, with very little investment, Mac users can create coherent and engaging screencasts. Chris Breen showcases the required gear, from microphones to lights, and tours today's most popular screen capture software. He shows how to create a polished script, maintain a strong presence both on and off camera, and capture video and audio streams. He then reviews the process of editing the screencast in iMovie and integrating live video, screen captures, stills, and music to make the presentation even more appealing. This course illustrates how screencasts are the perfect form for anyone-teachers, developers, even product managers-to distribute information or instructions. Software works on: Mac only. Author: Christopher Breen Released: 12/17/2009 Duration: 01:51 Level: Beginner

Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual - 0 views

    Just wanted to learn more about creating a web site ? O'Reilly's book will help you.

Notecasting - TimeStream Software - 0 views

    Your content delivered via iPhone or iPods.

How to Change the World - 0 views

    Guy Kawasaki is really inspiring the small business owner. Have a deep look at his blog, expect to go to Amazon to buy some of his books, explore (during hours) Alltop one of his latest adventure, and you are still surely missing a lot ...

Presentation Zen - 0 views

    If you want to make presentations this is THE place to start. Garr Reynolds is one of the most interesting person in this field. Read his blogs, his book and jump ...

Introducing Safari 4 - See the web in a whole new way - 0 views

    Safari 4 beta is there, what can be interesting for you ?

Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center - 0 views

    Safari 4 and 3.2 page for the web and iPhone developers

Using Wiki in Education par Stewart Mader (Livre) dans Education & Language - 0 views

    Using Wiki in Education

YourHead Software Releases Stacks Plugin For RapidWeaver @ prMac - 0 views

    Stacks 1.0, a new page style plugin for RapidWeaver

The Apple Mafia - - 0 views

    In Silicon Valley, Apple's quirky culture goes far beyond its walls.

KavaSoft announces KavaMovies 1.2 - The Mac Movie Database @ prMac - 0 views

    KavaMovies lets you organize the movies you've seen, the movies you want to see, and the movies in your collection. It connects to the internet and downloads tons of information about each of your movies in realtime.

Apple's Multi-Touch Designer Describes His Inspiration, More to Come? - Mac Rumors - 0 views

  • Wayne Westerman and John Elias
  • inspiration when first designing these multi-touch interfaces

Review: Keynote controllers for the iPhone | iPhone Central | Macworld - 0 views

    Control Apple's Keynote presentation program from an iPhone or iPod touch

MacsimumNews - Your Leading Apple News Alternative - 0 views

    The Essential Apple : a serie of articles around important points of the Apple environnement : Bluetooth, Airport, Apple TV, Time machine, preferences, ...

Foxmarks brings free bookmarks syncing to Safari - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) - 0 views

    to keep your browser bookmarks synced when using different computers, by linking each browser to your own online repository(Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer) on both PCs and Macs.

Contactizer Pro | Objective Decision - 0 views

    all-in-one solution for managing, sharing and organizing your personal and business information

Letting the iPhone read to you - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) - 0 views

    A voice reads the book to you while the text stays in sync.

Mobile Me debuts large file sharing with iDisk - 0 views

    The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

MacVoices » About - 0 views

    What We Are MacVoices is the internet show and podcast that delivers in-depth discussions with the most influential people in the Mac industry as well as the individuals who are out there making it happen on the front lines of the global Apple community.
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