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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Graham Perrin

Graham Perrin

TidBITS - Sorting out years worth of files - 0 views

Graham Perrin

Dashboard Programming Topics: Designing Widgets - 0 views

  • design your widget’s front side
  • forcing the user to wait for content to display can be annoying and time-consuming
  • It should require no explanation
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • A cluttered widget is a jack of all trades, master of none
  • simple widgets, each focused on a single task
  • Design widgets for small screens
  • design unique, custom controls that integrate well into your widget’s overall design
  • Users may expect to drop files or other dragged items on your widget
    • Graham Perrin
      1: drag and drop.
  • Put information not vital to the widget on the back
  • Branding is appropriate on a widget’s back
  • Integrated Menus
    • Graham Perrin
      2: from a menu, select an action for the dropped content.
  • Support drag-and-drop
  • Displaying a menu in this context is common
  • Implementing Your Custom Menu Control
  • Help Tags
  • structure your elements logically
    It's taken me a long time to realise the value and possibilities of widgets …
Graham Perrin

Netvibes : Developers - 0 views

  • compatible with all major widget platforms
  • a free and elegant widget framework
  • 100% compliant. Open web standards, utilizing XHTML/XML, JavaScript/Ajax, CSS.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • supports all major widget platforms, including Netvibes, iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, iPhone and more
    • Graham Perrin
      … but not Windows XP (I assume that XP does not easily lend itself to widgets).
    Netvibes Universal Widget API (UWA) is a free and elegant widget framework that uses XHTML for structure, CSS for styling and JavaScript/Ajax for behavioral/DOM control ; it can also use iframes and plugins such as Flash. UWA supports all major widget platforms, including Netvibes, iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, iPhone and more. Credit to Rik` in irc:// for the referral/suggestion.
Graham Perrin

Bug #216666 in usplash (Ubuntu): "[hardy] PowerPC live cd does not boot without video=o... - 0 views

    This issue may prevent installation of Ubuntu and variants to some PowerPCs.
Graham Perrin

IT Conversations | Technometria with Phil Windley | Amit Singh (Free Podcast) - 0 views

  • Amit Singh is Manager of Macintosh Engineering at Google and author of the book, Mac OS X Internals.
Graham Perrin The New World of Browser Choices is All About the Hooks - 0 views

  • the biggest trojan horse I see going forward to impact the browser marketplace is the iPhone
  • Could Mozilla/Firefox Apps Be Re-written for WebKit?
  • another WebKit-based browser, that could shake things up
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • more tied into Apple's infrastructure of E-mail, Address Book, and iCal than ever before
    • Graham Perrin
      The infrastructure may be good but I greatly dislike hooks and ties.
Graham Perrin

Daring Fireball: Regarding Opera Mini and the App Store - 0 views

    A comment in an Ars Technica forum led me to this praiseworthy level-headed summary of the situations.
Graham Perrin

Philippe DURIX's softwares - 0 views

    Ah! For my situation (providing IT support to a small group) ToMacs could be more suitable than dotmac
Graham Perrin - Show all events in iCal search results - 0 views

    I am bugged by an issue, not reproducible by Apple, in which iCal search results are always empty (never a thing found). I'm bookmarking this hint and comments for consideration when I review the bug report.
Graham Perrin

Apple - Support - Discussions - Safari SSL Certificates selection ... - 0 views

    Security makes my head spin, but I want to digest this some time…
Graham Perrin

/etc/profile - 0 views

    I copied this /etc/profile from a near-clean Mac OS X Server 10.5.4 after first puzzling over files at /etc/paths.d/ not having the desired effect, then reading at that "Depending on your upgrade path to Leopard, your profile may or may not have been automatically updated.".
Graham Perrin

Schwieb » Blog Archive » Conversion factors - 0 views

  • Microsoft has a corporate policy that precludes us from even reading open source code
    • Graham Perrin
      How, I wonder, does this statement from Microsoft relate to things like CodePlex?
Graham Perrin

GmailFS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Google can and has suspended accounts for the sort of excess activity GmailFS generates. Consequently GmailFS should not be considered reliable for backup purposes. Furthermore, the "Program Policies" prohibit the user to "Reformat or frame any portion of the web pages that are part of the Gmail Service" which is arguably violated by use of GmailFS
  • Google can and has suspended accounts for the sort of excess activity GmailFS generates. Consequently GmailFS should not be considered reliable for backup purposes. Furthermore, the "Program Policies" prohibit the user to "Reformat or frame any portion of the web pages that are part of the Gmail Service" which is arguably violated by use of GmailFS, which, after all, "reformats" documents transferred via HTTP ("web pages") into data accessible via FUSE.
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