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Contents contributed and discussions participated by David Corking

David Corking

Gizmodo - iPhone Temperature Warning Needs Autodestruction Countdown - Iphone warning t... - 0 views

  • "I put the iphone between two cold beers and it worked!"
David Corking

AppleInsider | Apple freezes Snow Leopard APIs as software nears final stretch - 0 views

  • Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is expected to hit the market sometime this summer with a near finalized version likely to make a public appearance at Apple's annual developers conference in about a month.
    A new private beta
David Corking

iMovie HD Tutorial: Apple - iLife '06 - Adding a Soundtrack - 0 views

  • you can easily add music to a movie from your favorite CD, GarageBand or your iTunes Library. You can also adjust the length and volume of your music right within iMovie.
  • you can easily add music to a movie from your favorite CD, GarageBand or your iTunes Library. You can also adjust the length and volume of your music right within iMovie.
  • you can easily add music to a movie from your favorite CD, GarageBand or your iTunes Library. You can also adjust the length and volume of your music right within iMovie.
    This 2 minute video is worth several manual pages.
David Corking

How to force certain input language? - The macosxhints Forums - 0 views

  • you can select from the International Preferences pane to allow the input source to be system-wide or document specific. I've got my set to 'document specific'. This lets me enter Arabic in one document, Greek in another,
  • after a couple of switches input source becomes the same for all windows/applications.
    This seems to be the answer to the question I posted earlier today, about input sources jumping about "at own will".
David Corking

input sources mess - The macosxhints Forums - 0 views

  • Does anyone experience similar problems?
    Any suggestions?
    This started happening to me too (in my case, switching from US to British on its own will) but only after I started using the NoScript and Diigo Toolbar plugins for Firefox. I don't use Adium. The switch to British makes it a real pane to type microblogging hashtags, as the UK MacBook keyboard has no hash.
David Corking

VirtualBox 2.1.0 Released: A Look at the Mac Version - O'Reilly Digital Media - Dec 200... - 0 views

  • I haven't updated my Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion to the latest versions yet. And, after a quick look at VirtualBox 2.1.0, I wonder if I will need to. It will probably take another couple of weeks of playing with 2.1.0 before I can make that call.
  • I haven't updated my Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion to the latest versions yet. And, after a quick look at VirtualBox 2.1.0, I wonder if I will need to. It will probably take another couple of weeks of playing with 2.1.0 before I can make that call.
    If only I had enough disc space on my MacBook!
David Corking

clamdrib :: Add-ons for Thunderbird - 0 views

    This is marked as "experimental". Is it any good? On a mac, is it better to use it with Macports clamav, or ClamXav?
David Corking

Sophos Anti-Rootkit - Free rootkit detection and removal - 0 views

    Judging by this page, Sophos doesn't detect rootkits on Mac OS X
David Corking

Mac Spyware Protection - Two-way Firewall Antivirus Software: Norton Internet Security ... - 0 views

    Which security app catches the most Javascript exploit attempts on Mac? Sophos, Norton, or another?
David Corking

Twitter / Paul Sherwen: Ouch! Gotta luv Europe- ou ... (Easter Sunday, 2009) - 0 views

  • MacBook Pro 17" robbed
David Corking

PhoneGap, the Mobile Platform Democratizer - O'Reilly Radar - 0 views

  • Yes - we have already spoken (BONDI and PhoneGap people).
  • I'd imagine that most of the apps aren't leveraging the capabilities of WebKit which might be why they are felt a bit flat. There are some great JavaScript libraries out there that run web apps smoother using WebKit than some traditional iPhone apps.
    Just need to figure out if the user just needs to get PhoneGap from the AppStore, or they have to get each PhoneGap application from the store, one by one. Distribution methods will be quite different in each case.
David Corking

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) - Tao of Mac - 0 views

  • Mac OS X includes a VNC server (check the Sharing preference pane, it's part of Apple Remote Desktop).
  • defaults write ShowBonjourBrowser_Debug 1
  • My current (minimalistic) Linux startup file, so that I remember that unsetting SESSION_MANAGER is the right way to avoid complaints from gnome-session: $ cat .vnc/xstartup #!/bin/sh unset SESSION_MANAGER [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xsetroot -solid grey vncconfig -iconic & gnome-session &
    aha - the complement to SSH
David Corking

Bugs & Fixes: A potentially risky Finder permissions command | Mac OS X | Mac 911 | Mac... - 0 views

  • In brief, enter sudo chmod -RN ~ in Terminal, followed by starting up from an Install DVD and selecting “Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs” from the Rest Password utility.
  • you’re usually better off using the appropriate UNIX commands in Terminal
David Corking

How to Switch to the Mac - Tao of Mac | February 2007 | Rui Carno - 0 views

  • the installer creates the first user account. This is the important bit: it is an administration account – call it “Administrator” or something like that and create another for yourself afterwards (if you’re a UNIX head, this is not root, which is disabled).
    • David Corking
      Q: Why doesn't the installer _tell_ you this? It looks and feels like an ordinary unix user with 'sudo' access, but according to Tao, it can be troublesome. A: My guess is that Apple doesn't want you to have to remember two passwords. Perhaps Apple decided, unlike Tao, that the security of asking for passwords for important tasks is good enough.
  • Create your own Applications folder inside your home directory (Mac OS X will change the icon accordingly) and try out new stuff in there.
  • drag the entire Applications folder to the right-hand side of the Dock, forming what Apple calls a “stack”
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Put things you want to share among users in the /Users/Shared folder.
  • Set up separate accounts for kids using the Simple Finder or Some Limits option under the Limitations tab.
    • David Corking
      In Mac OS X 10.4, you find this in preferences under Accounts, and click the "Parental Controls" tab, then select Finder and click Configure .... I don't think there is a "Limitations" tab.
    This article is packed with great tips that you won't find in other introductory tutorials. Therefore it is a bit heavy to read, and worth dipping into even if you have used Macs for a year or two.
David Corking

25 Terminal Tips Every Mac User Should Know | Maclife |2008 | Jonathan Williams - 0 views

  • free up some system memory by terminating the Dashboard with two quick Terminal commands. First, set its default to Off by executing defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES. Second, kill and restart the Dashboard and Dock with this command: killall Dock.
  • Textutil can convert between Word, rich-text, and plain-text formats--and it can combine multiple documents, change fonts, and adjust font size while doing it
  • screencapture -x -t jpg capture.jpg.
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