If you want to make presentations this is THE place to start.
Garr Reynolds is one of the most interesting person in this field.
Read his blogs, his book and jump ...
Kinemac is a 3D Real Time Animation & Presentation Software for Mac OS X (Universal Binary for Mac-PowerPC and Mac-Intel). It allows you to create your own professional 3D Animations with the simplicity of a 2D presentation tool. See the animations in our Gallery.
Kinemac plays the animations in real time at full screen and export them to QuickTime movie files or to a series of single still images. For this reason it's the ideal application to create Advertising for TV, trailers for movies, video-clips, instant scrolling messaging to put "on air" in real time, video content for CD, DVD, web sites...
Part of the $39 MacHeist bundle
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Slides is a place for creating, presenting and sharing presentations. The Slides editor is available right in your browser. Unlike traditional presentation software, like PowerPoint, there's no need to download anything.
WinTools.net Premium is a thorough programming suite intended to enhance and keep up with the presentation of Windows-based PCs. This product is a flexible programming suite that offers a large number of instruments and utilities pointed toward streamlining the presentation of Windows-based PCs.
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ProfCast is the ideal tool for recording and publishing your live Keynote or PowerPoint presentation. All elements of your presentation, including slide timing and voice narration, are recorded. You can then publish your complete presentation on the Web as a Podcast, complete with RSS support.
Because iWork.com is web-based, the projects you publish to it can be viewed by anyone using a current browser. You don't need to know whether your colleagues use a Mac or a PC. Publish your work and invite others to view it without ever leaving Pages, Numbers, or Keynote. Just click the iWork.com button in the toolbar, and your document, spreadsheet, or presentation is uploaded instantly. Mac OS X Mail sends each invited reviewer a unique URL.
Screencasting with the Mac shows how, with very little investment, Mac users can create coherent and engaging screencasts. Chris Breen showcases the required gear, from microphones to lights, and tours today's most popular screen capture software. He shows how to create a polished script, maintain a strong presence both on and off camera, and capture video and audio streams. He then reviews the process of editing the screencast in iMovie and integrating live video, screen captures, stills, and music to make the presentation even more appealing. This course illustrates how screencasts are the perfect form for anyone-teachers, developers, even product managers-to distribute information or instructions.
Software works on: Mac only.
Author: Christopher Breen
Released: 12/17/2009 Duration: 01:51 Level: Beginner
Oval Technologies is one of the best Web Development Company that focuses on various activities like web designing, web application development, online forum, portal, CRM, CMS, e-commerce, Search engine optimization, Article marketing, Social media marketing, Content writing. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on PowerShow.com
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