If you're crazy about typography, the new Scrabble edition will not fail to entice you. The popular boardgame company has just released the limited edition Scrabble Typography. The new version features a beautiful storage case with a drawer, a matching six-panel magnetized gameboard as well as tiles that carry different and exciting fonts-all of which are made of solid walnut.
Type surrounds us, from street signs and subway maps to cellphone interfaces and the tags tucked behind our shirt collars. Yet, until relatively recently, many of didn't take notice of the decision-making and craft behind the design of those letters--not until, that is, computers gave us the choice between hundreds of fonts and the possibility to design our very own.
In line with Milan Design Week, IKEA has gone on a tagging craze, pasting stenciled posters all over its subway ads in the style of Banksy and Obey, along with the tagline 'People bring Design to Life'. The company's black-and-white street art features, among others, a ballet dancer stretching on a chair and a gnome sitting atop a pile of magazines.
The town of Pripyat might have been evacuated twenty-six years ago following the Chernobyl disaster, but several artists have decided to repopulate the empty city with some eerie ghosts in the form of graffiti, as photographer Jan Smith discovered.