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Tree Types, list of different types of trees - 0 views

    • Danica Rai
      This has a good bunch of tree types
    This shows types of trees.

What Are the Dangers of Cutting Down Trees? | - 0 views

  • Falling Trees
  • There are a lot of different factors that can influence the direction a tree falls when it is cut down. The angle at which the tree is growing, the direction from which the person cutting down the tree is cutting it, the weight of the branches on one side versus the other side of the tree and even the strength of the wind can cause a tree to fall in a different direction than what the person cutting it down is anticipating. When this happens, trees can land on people, roadways, electrical poles, vehicles and homes, causing a significant amount of damage and even death. Falling trees can damage power lines if they come into contact with them while being cut down. If a tree hits a power line, there is a risk of electrocution and a fire may be started.
    • Danica Rai
      I think it is enough now
  • Cutting down trees can be dangerous, especially if it is not done by an experienced tree cutter or logger. Many home or property owners will eventually have to remove a nuisance or dead tree from their property before it can damage their home or become unsightly. It is important to recognize the dangers of cutting down trees to take preventative safety precautions. Does this Spark an idea?


    Fantastic Web

Discovery Kids :: Tell Me - Why do we need trees? - 1 views

    • Danica Rai
      We need trees to breathe, for food, for items and much more!
    • Danica Rai
      Trees are very important for us so we shouldn't cut it down much.
  • Oxygen
  • trees take in carbon dioxide from the air, use it to make the sugar that is their food, and release gases they don't use back through their leaves. What don't they use? 28 28
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Oxygen. Amazing, huh. And amazingly lucky! 28 28
  • we NEED trees. We couldn't afford to lose them!
    This is good for kids.

How many trees are there in the world - 0 views

    Great Web

Home How Tos & Tips | - 1 views

    type anything in this and it will come up 

The Effects of Pollution on Trees | - 0 views

  • Nearly all areas of the world have trees damaged from air pollution. The effects of pollution include leaf discoloration, damaged roots, weakened trees, tree death and damage to soil. Pollution decreases the tree's ability to use sunlight and robs the soil of nutrients in habitats from suburbs to forests. Industrial wastes and car emissions released into the atmosphere produce most tree pollutants.
    • izzy earth
      This explains what will or has happened 
  • Tree Damage
  • Virtually all of the pollutants to trees and forests are airborne including fluorides, oxidants, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Sunlight reacts with oxidants to form tree pollutants, like ozone and PAN (peroxyl acetyl nitrate). The gas known as ozone forms in the atmosphere's upper layers and protects the earth from radiation, but it can also be present near the ground as a pollutant. Most sulfur dioxide pollutants form when coal or oil is burned to produce electricity. It is also formed in the manufacture of products and in the extraction of ores. Fluorides are formed in processing aluminum ore and stone and in fertilizer production.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Pollution Types
    • orla goode
      Most of the trees in the world have been damaged by air pollution,carbon dioxide and much more.The effects of the pollution include damaged roots, tree death and much, much more. That is why we meed to save trees and also trees breathe in co2 and give out oxygen.
    this is a good web about cause and effect  :):):):)):):):):)

How many trees get cut down a day - 1 views

  • Twenty
  • Twenty nine million, eight hundred thousand trees (29,800,000) are cut down every day in the world.
    Good Web

What is the number of trees that have been cut down each year.? - Yahoo! Answers - 0 views

    Good Web

How can you save trees - 0 views

    this shows how to save trees.

Top 10 Endangered Trees | Top 10 Lists | - 1 views

    because the consequences are losing these 10 trees.

How many trees are cut down every year? » Rainforest Action Network Blog - 0 views

    • Danica Rai
      In 2005 a report concludes that a primary forest was reduced globally by 60,000 square kilometers per year which is the size of ireland.
  • As for how many trees are cut down each year, the 2005 report concludes that primary forest area (as opposed to plantations)was reduced globally by 60,000 square kilometers per year (about the size of Ireland; see:

How Many Trees Are Cut Down Every Year « How Many How Much. Online how many h... - 0 views

  • As for how many trees are cut down each year, the 2005 report concludes that primary forest area (as opposed to plantations)was reduced globally by 60,000 square kilometers per year (about the size of Ireland). Note that this data is incomplete due to a lack of available data from many countries who do not monitor such change. As to the “number of trees” this represents, it’s impossible to get an accurate coun
    • Alfred Lo
      This is how much trees were cut down this year.
    This is how many trees are cutted down!

Twurdy Search - Search for Readable Results - 0 views

    twurdy so we can get better info

What is an alternative to deforestation - 1 views

  • Sustainable harvest, in which trees are cut at a rate that allows them to regrow in a given area at the same rate at which they are harvested. This is a form of conservation. Another form of conservation would be to protect forests from cutting altogether, such as in a national park.
    • Kenzuo Tang
      Cut down lesser trees so they have time to regrow.

Destruction of world's forests speeding up / Trees disappearing at alarming rate, raisi... - 1 views

  • In the gloomy shade deep in Africa's rain forest, the noontime silence was pierced by the whine of a far-off chain saw. It was the sound of destruction, echoed from wood to wood, continent to continent, in the tropical belt that circles the globe.
    • manon libine
      The rain forest is getting smaller and smaller and there is a horrible sound of chain saws rings through the land.
    • manon libine
      From big Brazil to huge Africa people say we are making the worlds most famous rain forests shrink.
    • manon libine
      a person found out that the no 1 for deforestation is africa.
  • From Brazil to central Africa to once-lush islands in Asia's archipelagos, human encroachment is shrinking the world's rain forests.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The alarm was sounded decades ago by environmentalists - and was little heeded. The picture, meanwhile, has changed: Africa is now a leader in destructiveness. The numbers have changed: U.N. specialists estimate 60 acres of tropical forest are felled worldwide every minute, up from 50 a generation back. And the fears have changed.

What Happens to Animals When Rain Forests are Being Cut Down? - 2 views

  • When rainforests are cut down animals lose their habitat and they must either adapt, move, or die. Unfortunately, most of them die. Let’s look at the plight of animals in the rainforest and the effects of deforestation.
    • izzy earth
      this is what will happen if you use too much paper or cardboard  
  • Animal and plant species die and are lost
    • izzy earth
      these are some consequence of what will happen :)
    • izzy earth
      these are some of the worlds broken hearted trees were animals use to live :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Erosion can occur
  • are lost
  • rescription drugs and life saving medicines
  • Global warming can increase
  • act that the rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 1½ acres every second.
  • Rainforests used to cover 14 pe
    • orla goode
      This shows what will happen if we keep on cutting down trees. This is how we are losing oxegen and if you use too much paper more trees will be cut down. It also destroys nature because insects and birds live in the trees.
  • Animal
  • Animal
  • mal and plant species die and
  • Rainforests used to cover 14 percent of the land area of the earth and now they only cover 6 percent. It’s a sad fact that the rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 1½ acres every second
  • Rainforests used to cover 14 percent of the land area of the earth and now they only cover 6 percent. It’s a sad fact that the rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 1½ acres every second.
  • Within the next 25 years, almost half of all the plant and animal species in the world will be either gone or endangered because of deforestation. Every day, we lose 137 species of insects, plants, and animals. That is 50,000 species a year. Some experts estimate that the rainforests will be gone in less than 40 years
    this is a cool web   : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) 

Trees - A Disappearing Natural Resource « Voices for Freedom - 0 views

  • Home“I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.” Bob Dylan RSS Feed
    • manon libine
      The trees are one of the most important resources of our planet. They provide oxygen and can be homes of us and other animals. They also give us shade, improve
  • Trees are one of our greatest natural resources, and the mass destruction of national forests and rainforests around the world, is proving to seriously affect our local and global ecosystems.  Trees provide our environment with oxygen, improve the air quality, conserve water, fight erosion, help control our climate, and support our wildlife.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  •   Without them, humanity and thousands of species of animals would be hard-pressed to survive for very long.
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