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Research Paper - 3 views

started by Reid C on 14 May 13 no follow-up yet

The Garden Of Oz - 7 views

  • The best combination of browns and greens is about 4 parts of “browns” to one part “greens” by volume
  • , if you want to give the mix a little boost, one excellent and free additive is simply a shovel full of good garden soil
  • Smaller is Better
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • you need a minimum of 1 cubic foot of raw materials, of course, more is better.
  • You’ll have much better success if you refrain from adding raw materials to your batch of working compost
  • To increase the efficiency of the composting process, mix the heap to bring more of the raw materials from the outside to the core.
  • You’ll need to build or buy a worm composting “farm” if you want to dispose of your kitchen scraps by vermicomposting.
  • Compost tea is simply the result of soaking a bag full of compost in a bucket full of water for an hour or so. The water soluble nutrients and beneficial microorganisms leach out of the compost, resulting in a brown liquid that can be used to water houseplants, your lawn, or garden plants.
  • Compost tea will give your plants a boost of needed nutrients and help to prevent a lot of plant diseases
  • Don’t add these ingredients to your compost pile:
  • Add compost in spring and fall, and till it in.
  • Compost can be used throughout the season as a garden fertilizer.
  • Compost is the single best additive for good
  • Screened compost (compost that has been sifted to collect the smaller particles) can be applied as a lawn fertilizer throughout the season
  • Mulch is any material that is applied to the garden’s surface to prevent weed germination and to reduce water evaporation.
  • Compost can be used to create a very good seed starting mix, or it can be added to potting soil to create a nutrient-rich mixture
  • Because the composting process takes at least several weeks under the best conditions, you cannot add additional materials to the heap without “resetting the clock” to day one
    • Reid C
      How to compost ? paraphrase Since the procedure takes a couple weeks, don't add stuff to the pile or you'll go back to day one. (? np)
  • The organic material can be plant material or animal matter
    • Reid C
      How to compost ? quote The Garden of Oz says, The organic material can be plant material or animal matter.
  • Advantages of Compost Containers
  • Advantages of Open Bin Composting
  • Disadvantages of Open Bin Composting
    • Reid C
      Why people don't compost ? quote Garden of Oz says, open bins can attract rodents, flies, bees, and bears.
  • It’s great for the garden, and it’s environmentally responsible.
    • Reid C
      how composting benefits you Garden of Oz quote It's great for the garden, and it's environmentally responsible.
    • Reid C
      how composting benefits you Garden of Oz quote Garden of Oz says, Compost is good for two very compelling reasons. It's great for the garden, and it's environmentally responsible.
  • Compost is good for two very compelling reasons
  • The most obvious environmental benefit is that

Kitchen Waste Composting: Love it or Hate it? - 6 views

  • Kitchen Waste Composting is mostly "green"
  • Kitchen Waste Composting is Wet
  • Kitchen Waste Composting Attracts Pests
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Kitchen Waste Composting does not Follow Seasonal Cycles
  • It needs carbon to balance it out, and often in an urban area, carbon is in short supply
  • Kitchen scraps are very wet and as they start to decompose, they produce even more water.  This water can overwhelm a barrel or worm bin system, or any pile that is not set up to drain well
  • Pests, both big and small are potential companions for a compost pile made of kitchen scraps.
  • The small pests like fruit flies and flies are best deterred by making sure that all the scraps are buried completely in whatever system you use.  Since your pile needs air to decompose, know that insects will have no problem finding your morsels.
  • When your kitchen waste composting attracts larger pests like rats, dogs and raccoons, this can make your neighbors decide that your green living has got to stop.
  • Winter, summer, snow or rain, every day you produce kitchen scraps. But while you produce kitchen scraps rain or shine, the organisms which drive decomposition take the winter off.  So all winter long, you add to the compost pile, and you have no garden debris to add carbon, and the temperatures slow decomposition to a halt.
  • Then in the spring, the whole thing gets overwhelmed.

5 Reasons to Compost | Easy Composting - 10 views

  • What an incentive to compost? You don’t have to pay for anything. The ingredients are all around you everyday and ready to be used in the creation of healthy compost for your garden or plants. These ingredients are food scraps, paper, leaves, grass, plants, flowers, and more. These ingredients are all around your home and in your life everyday. Put them to use by composting.
  • It is estimated that 50% of all the waste in landfills could be composted, put to use, and diverted away from the landfills in the first place. This would significantly reduce the burden this growing waste puts on cities, municipalities, and governments that have to tend, maintain, and secure it.
    • Reid C
      How composting keeps trash out of landfills Schuller paraphrase When trash is taken to lanfills, about 50% of it could be composted, instead being of wasted. If we composted all that we could, there would be much less trash in landfills. (Schuller np)
  • It is a proven fact that quality compost can improve the soil composition in your garden. Some of the benefits are reduced weeds, insects, reduced run off and erosion, while increasing the over biological activity in the soil improving nutrients and plant health.
    • Reid C
      Benifits of compost Schuller paraphrase Good compost can improve composition and improve your plant's health. (Schuller np)
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • By taking these natural products and allowing them to breakdown into your fertilizer, you reduce the need for chemicals treatments that are harmful to your food, plants, and ultimately your health.
  • Compost is all natural and works to create healthier, happier food for you and vegetation as well.
  • The bottom line on compost is it is a superior fertilizer
  • Returning these waste products to the soil creates the need nutrients and condition necessary to produce quality crops and plants.

Benefits of compost - 5 views

  • Compost is an inexpensive alternative to chemical fertilizers, and it is less likely to harm sensitive roots.
  • And unlike some chemical fertilizers, compost actually helps decontaminate soil.
  • On the other hand, compost doesn’t use any oil and doesn’t require much transportation.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Cheaper than chemical fertilizer Gradually releases nutrients Reduces disposal fees Diverts waste from the landfill Less stressful on roots Loosens soil Allows roots to spread out widely, preventing erosion Retains water like mulch Accelerates nutrient cycling Reduces oil dependence Sustainable improvement to the soil Reduced run-off and water pollution Reduced irrigation bill

untitled - 4 views

  • Backyard composting can be done using a variety of different systems, enclosures, or containers.
  • Depending on where you live, youmay have a problem with rodents if vegetative food wastes are combined with yard wastes. If so, an enclosed space or bin is advisable.
  • Vermicomposting or worm composting is the easiest way to recycle food wastes and is ideal for people who do not have an outdoor compost pile
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • . Composting with worms avoids the needless disposal of vegetative food wastes and enjoy the benefits of a high quality compost.
  • It is done with "redworms" (Eisenia foetida) who are happiest at temperatures between 50= and 70= F and can be kept indoors at home, school, or the office. As with outdoor composting, it is best to avoid putting bones, meats, fish, or oily fats in the worm box as they emit odors and may attract mice and rat
  • The redworms are placed in a box or bin which can be built or purchased, along with "bedding" of shredded cardboard and/or paper moistened to about 75% water content. The container should be wide enough so that food scraps can be buried in a different location each time. The dimensions of the container and the amount of worms required initially will depend on how much organic food waste will need to be composted each week.
  • The worms will gradually reproduce or die according to the amount of food they receive. A sudden addition of a large amount of food waste may attract fruit flies, so increases should be made gradually.
  • About four to six months after the box has been started, the worms will have converted all of the bedding and most of the food waste into "castings" which will need to be harvested so the process can begin again.
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