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Home/ Groups/ 5A Langston Anthony Bigfoot: Myth or Reality

Bigfoot History - 0 views

  • “Continuing our journey in the afternoon we came on the track of a large animal, the snow about six inches deep on the ice; I measured it; four large toes of four inches in length to each a short claw; the ball of the foot sunk three inches lower than the toes, the hinder part of the foot did not mark well, the length fourteen inches, by eight inches in breadth, walking from north to south, and having passed about six hours. We were in no humour to follow him.... its great size was not that of a bear.”

PBS - THE WEST - Big Foot - 0 views

    Big Foot (??-1890) As the leader of the Miniconjou band massacred at Wounded Knee Creek on December 29, 1890, Big Foot haunts the history of the American West, an image of brutal death "drawn," as N. Scott Momaday has written, "in ancient light."

Where does Bigfoot live? - A Guide to Bigfoot Hunting - 0 views

  • Bigfoot has been sighted thoughout North America, mainly in the United States and Canada.
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