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1More - 0 views

    I caught myself before printing this out. Fascinating document.

FAQs | Forest Footprint Disclosure - 0 views

  • International pressure is mounting to stop deforestation, which causes 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions – more than the global transport sector.
    So perhaps it's more important to buy products that leave the rain forests intact than it is to buy local (local could mean importing materials anyway..) or not fly/drive etc. Interesting...

Kinship Circle - 1 views

    OK, this is gonna take me a while to sift thru;-)
    The animal testing fact sheets were part of the research for my song "Rather Die".

Huntingdon Life Sciences - 0 views

    • Rob Kay
      I agree completely. In terms of sheer scale of suffering (and probably lack of justification too) the food is far worse than anything huntingdon have ever done. That doesn't make it right.
    • Rob Kay
      They proudly display this graph as if torturing rodents, fish and birds is ok.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Therefore, while still large, the number of animals used in research is not excessive by comparison with the food industry or the numbers of destroyed pets.

Huntingdon Life Sciences - 0 views

    • Rob Kay
      So animal suffering is less of a crime than humans? Actually I think that's up to individual humans to decide. I don't think my life or comfort is worth more than that of an animal in principal. No doubt in a moment of desperation I would place myself above an animal but I'm not going to spend my whole life torturing animals on the offchance it *might* yield something that *might* help me live. As for cosmetics/cleaning products...
  • There are ethical limits to the experiments that we can perform in people

Richard Stallman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    And here's the mandatory wikipedia page that accompanies any thorough piece of research...

Free Software Song - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) - 1 views

    Here is the song I've covered!

Richard Stallman's Personal Page - 1 views

  • I'd like to make a list of countries that do not require a national identity card, and have no plans to adopt one. If you live in or have confirmed knowledge of such a country, please send email to rms at
    • Rob Kay
      Quite a lot of stuff on his site about ID cards. This is brilliant. I've long thought that ID cards are basically a weapon. Could be used for good or bad. The government already has enough weapons and I don't trust them. Therefore I'm against ID cards.

Smarter than you think - Times Online - 2 views

    Fascinating. I've long suspect animals are often smarter than some humans...

On Hacking - Richard Stallman - 2 views

  • Thus, hacking means exploring the limits of what is possible, in a spirit of playful cleverness.
    Oh my god that's a good quote...

What is Cow Protection? - 0 views

    Cow protection... We have a lot of expertise and tradition related to farming with animals. Perhaps this is a way to take this forward into a non-violent future!

Veganic farmers work without animal fertilizers, byproducts: Environmental Articles - A... - 0 views

    I have previously believed it was impossible to farm properly without the fertilizer from animals. This I find interesting.Given how intensive farming is these days compared to the sort of crops that would naturally grow I wonder how feasible this is. Worth looking into...

Viva! - Vegetarians International Voice for Animals - 0 views

  • crate is supposedly used to prevent sows from accidentally crushing their piglets. In fact, the danger of crushing is a direct consequence of factory farming techniques. In the wild, nests protect piglets from crushing because they are pliable, providing some cushioning for piglets if lain on; because piglets may simply fall through or out of nests; and because the sow roots around before lying down giving the piglets warning that she is about to do so.
    • Rob Kay
      This sounds reasonable although even if true, I wonder if it once again comes down to economics.

Animal rights protestors target Jamie Oliver over pork campaign - Telegraph - 3 views

    I have to agree with PETA here. Any of you mum's out there imagine spending five weeks in a crate during and after pregnancy. As if pigs would naturally crush their young to death if they weren't kept in such horrendous conditions in the first place!
    Actually, It is true that a sow will often accidentally crush at least one of her babies each litter. The problem is that, in a litter of 12, the piglets have quite a fight getting milk and when the sow turns over they have to get out of the way quickly. It is usually the runt of the litter that gets squashed because it is weaker and slower and smaller so it gets bullied by the other piglets out of any milk. I guess it's a form of natural selection. Still sad though.
    It's interesting that me and I'm guessing a large proportion of the people who complain about these things haven't even been near a pig unless it was at a farm when they were kids. I do value your experiences 'cos so far I ain't got any of my own! I'm left wondering whether there's any other solution or whether it really is a choice between nature's cruelty and ours. From what I've read organic farms seem to keep pigs in crates for a much shorter time.

Graig Farm Organics - What is Organic? > How our animals are reared > Organic Pork - Re... - 0 views

  • "A peasant becomes fond of his pig and is glad to salt away its pork. What is significant, and is so difficult for the urban stranger to understand, is that the two statements are connected by an 'and', and not by a 'but'."
    • Rob Kay
      Surprisingly I sympathize with this. If you truly love your pigs and care for them then perhaps on some level you have a right to eat them. Sounds wrong to me as I write it but I'm not a pig farmer... I'd like to talk to someone who is I think. Regardless, I wonder how many farms could honestly place themselves in this category? More to the point I wonder how many of their customers who buy the meat but have no involvement in the pigs rearing could say that?

Piggles - 0 views

    The video here is just horrendous... I'm going to do more research to see how up to date this is. It certainly seems like farrowing crates have not been outlawed yet and are in fact the most common scenario. A farrowing crate refers to the practise of keeping sows in crates during pregancy and childbirth for a month. (you think that sounds bad you wait till you hear the details)

Supermarkets | Pig Business - 0 views

    Very shocking statstics. Can you imagine what it would do to any animal to live indoors it's entire life? Stay indoors for a couple of weeks and see how you feel... My only caution is that these stats aren't dated precisely. I wonder if things have changed much the last few years. Perhaps someone can provide some info there?

An Overview of Organic Pork Production - 0 views

    • Rob Kay
      Interesting... I have this vision of a couple of pigs at the fertility clinic. If only I were a cartoonist.
  • 3 m2/head
    • Rob Kay
      That really doesn't look like much space. Again I can't help wondering what humans would be like under these conditions. Pig's might not be as smart as us (I wonder sometimes) but does it neccessarily follow that they suffer less in confinement? I dunno....

Animal Welfare - 3 views

started by Rob Kay on 02 Jan 10 no follow-up yet

Ontario Pork - Making the Switch to Group Housing Part 1 - Pig Industry Videos: Product... - 1 views

    You see this is the clincher for me. This is an industry source (admittedly american, not uk). They are portraying this in the best possible light. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in such crowded conditions, under electric lighting, surrounded by concrete your whole life? I don't understand how anyone could possibly buy meat they even suspected could have resulted from these sorts of places.
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