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Apple Responds to iPhone 4 Antenna Problem | iPhone News Updated - 4 views

    Apple's iPhone 4 signal problems have been the source of a barrage of complaints by customers complaining of a faulty antenna and now Steve Jobs has broken the silence. In an e-mail Jobs downplayed users' reception gripes as a "non-issue." Meanwhile, others within Apple are advising iPhone 4 users to avoid gripping the device from the lower left corner.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Good Technology boosts iPhone security controls | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    When an employee at AIM Media lost his iPhone containing company e-mails and other sensitive data last year, there was nothing to be done except hope that whoever found it didn't care to snoop.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Apple Iphone 4g Release This June - Iphone 4g Deals Announced | iPhone News Web - 4 views

    How much do you need to save to get the Apple Iphone that will be coming up this June? Well find out as we see what Iphone 4g Deals are available.
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Toshiro Shimura

iPhone not writing Location EXIF correctly? « geobloggers - 0 views

  • Ok, so everyone’s playing with the new iPhone 2.0 software, and taking photos, and embedding the location information into the EXIF. Well early adopters in San Francisco are anyway, and here’s an interesting thing about San Francisco is that it’s at the same latitude as a bit of the Yellow Sea, just off the coast of China. Example: San Francisco is 37.7 latitude, -122.4 longitude which puts it firmly in the Western Hemisphere. The same latitude but 122.4 longitude you end up just off the coast of China. The Spec for GPS location in EXIF says that you’re not supposed to have any sign information on the latitude or longitude, so it’ll always be positive (i.e. the North Eastern Hemispheres) in the "GPS Latitude" and "GPS Longitude" fields (although some apps do add that information) The North/South East/West bit is supposed to be in the "GPS Latitude Ref" and "GPS Longitude Ref" fields. But it seems at first glance, that the iPhone 2.0 software misses these fields out when writing EXIF data to the photo, so while everything else using Core-Location on the iPhone is super happy. Photos appear to be missing which Hemisphere they’re taken in. And those photos taken in San Francisco, well, they think they’re in China … for the moment. EXIF from iPhone GPS Latitude 37 deg 45' 36.00" GPS Longitude 122 deg 25' 48.00" GPS Position 37 deg 45' 36.00", 122 deg 25' 48.00" Missing EXIF Fields GPS Latitude Ref North GPS Longitude Ref East Can anyone else confirm that there’s no North/South, East/West information in the EXIF, or is it hidden somewhere else and I’m just missing it?
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Adobe scraps Flash plans for iPad and iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 5 views

    Adobe, which acquired Macromedia in 2005, the creator and developer of Flash technology, will no longer provide software to support Apple's iPad, iPhone or iPod touch devices.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

iPhone music app FluxTunes is a free download for today only | iPhone News Updated - 5 views

    Do you sometimes feel like the iPod controls on your iPhone or iPod Touch are awkward to control when you are driving? Want an easier way to manage your playlists?
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Want Flash? Don't Blame Us | iPhone News Updated - 5 views

    This might not be new but I certainly don't recall seeing this message before…
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Toshiro Shimura

「iPhoneと携帯電話は棲み分ける」--NEC幹部:モバイルチャンネル - CNET Japan - 0 views

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Toshiro Shimura

3G iPhone firmware leaked: tri-band HSDPA and GPS are go - Engadget - 0 views

  • All the dirty details: Infineon PMB6952 / S-GOLD3 six-band UMTS / HSDPA transceiver (as we'd heard) Murata LMRX3JCA-479 tri-band amplifier (we're assuming for the 3G) Sony SP9T antenna switch for GSM / UMTS dual mode ARM 1176JZF-S - Main CPU (same as in 1st gen iPhone) Skyworks 77427 chip - UMTS / HSDPA tx 1900MHz, rx 2100MHz Skyworks 77414 chip - UMTS / HSDPA 1900MHz Skyworks 77413 chip - UMTS / HSDPA 850MHz Internal build model number: n82ap (1st gen iPhone was model m68ap) UMTS Power Saving option - on or off Hooks for Global Locate Library (GLL), software that handles A-GPS related commands for the host processor
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Toshiro Shimura

Loads of fake Apple shots hit the web: 3G iPhone pre-WWDC edition - Engadget - 0 views

  • Our source who played with the 3G iPhone told us explicitly there is no front-facing videoconferencing camera. Even still, when we were ferreting around the new 3G iPhone firmware today, we were keeping an eye out for altered or additional camera drivers, something to indicate a front-facing camera. Nothing. The text explanation for Exchange and iChat are so bad as to make the whole thing unbelievable. (Apple's doing video chat for Windows? Huh?) But that's not all! Say, wouldn't that exchange logo be in the Apple banner that's up at the Moscone right now? All the other iPhone icons are. No Apple design would be laid out the way this guy's got his page laid out here. Bottom line: looks pretty, but so very fake.
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Toshiro Shimura

Biz-Plus:NBニュース 念願のiPhoneを獲得した舞台裏 ソフトバンク、トラウマ乗り越える  - 0 views

  • 約1年半におよぶ水面下での争奪戦に勝ったのはソフトバンクだった。音楽プレイヤー「iPod」と携帯電話が一体となった米アップルの「iPhone(アイフォーン)」。その日本での販売および通信を担当する契約を、ソフトバンクモバイルが米アップルと交わし、NTTドコモを退けた。
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Toshiro Shimura

Biz-Plus:NBニュース 念願のiPhoneを獲得した舞台裏 ソフトバンク、トラウマ乗り越える - 0 views

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Toshiro Shimura

林信行に聞く、iPhone日本発売はいつ?(前編) - 0 views

  • iPhoneのビジネスで、最大の障壁と思われがちなのが、「上納金」の徴収ですが、あるケータイ事業者の重役の方は、それすら「まったく問題にならない」と語っています。  なぜ、問題にならないのか。それはiPhoneは販売奨励金が不要だからです。  これまで日本でケータイが1円など激安で売られていたのは、メーカーがあらかじめ販売店に端末ごとに数万円分の販売奨励金というお金を支払っていたからです。では、ケータイ事業者は、このお金をどうやって回収していたかというと、毎月の基本料金に数千円分のお金を上乗せしていたわけです。昨年になって、こうしたやり方が見直され、ケータイの売り方や価格に大きな変化が出ましたよね。  ところがiPhoneでは、製品の値段がそれなりでも、販売が見込めるので、奨励金が不要になります。そこでケータイ事業者は、販売奨励金用にしていた基本料金の一部をアップルに回せる、というわけです。
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Toshiro Shimura

林信行に聞く、iPhone日本発売はいつ?(前編) - 0 views

  • iPhoneを売ることは、キャリアにとっては大きな冒険となります。いいことも数多くあるけれど、その一方で、あまりうれしくないこともある。  例えばiPhoneが成功してしまうと、iモードのような公式コンテンツのビジネスは崩れてしまいます。もっとも、これについてはキャリアの重役の方々も、もうあまり長続きはしないビジネスだと腹をくくっているところがあるようです。  iPhoneが崩さないまでも、グーグルの「Android」(アンドロイド)など、あとに続く新世代ケータイは、いずれも公式コンテンツビジネスを過去へと葬り去るものです(関連記事)。  さらにiPhoneはパケット定額の料金が基本なので、ユーザーごとの平均月額利用料(ARPU)の向上があまり期待できません。つまり、ケータイ事業者を、単に回線を提供し、基本料金を徴収するだけの「土管屋」にしてしまうということです。
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Telephoto Lens for the IPhone | iPhone News Updated - 3 views

    Photojojo has released a telephoto lens for the iPhone, allowing owners to zoom in like never before.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Apple reportedly breaks iBooks for jailbreakers | iPhone News Updated - 1 views

    Apple iBooks users who jailbreak their iPhone may find themselves locked out of their own book collection, CNET reports.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Apple Working on a Cheaper iPhone? | iPhone News Updated - 1 views

    Apple is considering building a cheaper iPhone, but is not working on a long-rumored smaller iPhone handset often referred to as the "iPhone Nano," according to a report in The New York Times. The NYT report says that Apple is considering "ways to broaden the appeal of the iPhone by making the popular device less expensive."
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Dazed and Confused in App Land | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    When Apple released its subscription policy last week, publishers were quiet about it, but the buzz was that the 30 percent cut that the tech giant demands for content moving across platforms like the iPad and the iPhone seemed awfully steep.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

Droid vs. iPhone | All Apple News - 2 views

    At first, the idea of a portable phone seemed crazy. Weighing two pounds and offering only 30 minutes of talk time, the first cell phones sold for $3995. Thirty years later, cell phones are some of the most popular electronic devices worldwide. Now much more advanced, smaller, lighter and with more battery life, the cell phones of today hardly resemble their original form.
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thanaads Thanaads Noo

OmniVision soars on strong 3Q results | All Apple News - 1 views

    Shares of OmniVision Technologies Inc. soared Friday afternoon after the maker of image sensors said its third-quarter profit rose almost eight-fold, beating Wall Street expectations.
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