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Toshiro Shimura

iPhone Copy and Paste Coming to an App Store Near You - 0 views

  • No, Apple hasn’t changed their tune and decided to push the feature to the top of their priority list. Rather, a third-party company has submitted an app that promises to finally deliver Copy & Paste functionality to iPhone users worldwide, and we’ve got dibs on a first look. The program, a rich-text editing tool, lets iPhone owners select text by highlighting with a double-tap and drag motion. From there, users can not only Copy & Paste, but change the text in a variety of ways, including: 5 different font sizes 6 different font choices 8 different color choices bold, italics, underline, and strike-through
Herbert Bell

Getting Started with Firefox extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  •  Feature Highlight: Highlights Diigo saves the day with "highlights". Highlights let you select the important snippets on a page and store them in your library with the page's bookmark. Let's try it. Just open a page, maybe one of your old-school bookmarks or one of your new cat bookmarks, and find the information on that page you actually care about. Select that important text. Got it? Okay, now put your hemet on, 'cause this might blow your mind! Click the highlight icon on the Diigo toolbar. It's the one with the "T" on a page with a yellow highlighter. You will notice that the selected text gets a yellow background. This means that the text has been saved in your library, and as long as you have the Diigo add-on the text will be highlighted on the page! How's that for easy?   Now you've highlighted the text. It will appear in your library within the bookmark for the page it is on. Go to your library and you can see how it works. If you're not sure how to get to your library, just click the second icon on the toolbar (Diigo icon to the left of the search bar) and then select "My Library »".
  • Sticky Notes on the Web What? I can put a sticky note on a web page? How? Oh, that's right! Diigo. Just right-click anywhere on the page and choose to "add a floating sticky note". Type up your note and choose "Post", then move the note anywhere on the page. You have to type a note first, before you move it where you want, otherwise there's nothing to move!
macy busson

Coming Soon Mobile Phones uk - 0 views

    Coming Soon Mobile Phones - new mobile phones launched at 2009 - Get more information on new mobile phones in the market, read about new upcoming mobile phones from Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG and other leading mobile phones manufacturers at Shopcorn." />/favicon.ico

Text Now Account - 100% Guaranteed Fully Verified & Instant Delivery - 0 views

    Buy Text Now Account Introduction Users can send and receive SMS text messages from their computer or smartphone using the VoIP service Textnow. Although using the service is free, there are fees associated with some features, like MMS (photo messaging) and international calling. Textnow has a number of features that make communicating with friends and family simple and affordable. What Is Text Now Account? Users can send and receive SMS text messages from their computer or smartphone using the VoIP service Textnow. Although using the service is free, there are fees associated with some features, like MMS (photo messaging) and international calling. Textnow has a number of features that make communicating with friends and family simple and affordable.

Calling and texting with your iPod Touch: JAJAH :: Gadgetwidgets - 0 views

    Did you know that you can turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone? Did you know that you can do calling and texting with your beloved iPod Touch?
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Miranda Writes: iPhone 3.0: Texting tips & tricks | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    It's Day 3 of my week-long look at the new iPhone OS 3.0 and some updated apps with new features. We've looked at Push notifications and Spotlight already and today we'll look closer at text messaging (or SMS).
Tim Martin

What Are the Etiquettes for Proper Business Texting - 0 views

    One must be professional enough to know the proper methods of business texting to improve interoffice communication. Check the blog for more details.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

ShoutOUT that SMS with a new iPhone app | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Tired of fumbling around the iPhone's onscreen keyboard to send a text message? Soon you can skip that altogether, as long as you can speak English properly.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

NY Times op-ed on the hate that dare not text its name: iPhone rejection | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Considering that it's turned out to be one of the most successful products in consumer electronics history, the volume of nay-saying on the iPhone has been constant and ongoing - many dismissed the phone when it came out, when it was announced, and even when it was just a glimmer of a hint of a rumor.

How to disable quicktype text in iOS 8 on iPhone, iPad - 0 views

    Here's How to disable quicktype text in iOS 8 on iPhone, iPad

How to Turn off Text Message Notification Alerts on iPhone and iPad? - 0 views

    It really irritates me when my iPhone keep on giving me notification alerts about the message. This article helped me to solve this issues.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

The iPhone is magic | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    We love the iPhone, you love the iPhone (most of you do anyway) and so do millions of other users around the world. It's a great device that empowers users to do almost anything from making calls to checking email, from updating your status on Facebook and Twitter to sending text messages and running a host of cool applications.
Toshiro Shimura

iPhone 3Gで使える! ブックマークレット大辞典 - 1 views

  • ●ページ操作 1.コピー&貼り付けを可能にする 2.リンクなしのURLをクリッカブルにする 3.リンク先を別ウィンドウで開く 4.YouTubeのプレビュー画像を表示する 5.ページの一番下にジャンプする 6.ページ内を検索する 7.ページ内の画像をまとめて表示する 8.ページ内のリンクをリスト化する
  • ●ウェブ検索 9.Wikipediaで検索するで検索する 11.Googleイメージ検索 12.Yahoo!オークションで検索する 13.Yahoo!地図で検索する 14.Yahoo!株価で検索する 15.米ドルの為替レートを調べる 16.2ちゃんねるのスレッドを検索する
  • ●辞書引き/翻訳 17.goo辞書で調べる 18.Yahoo!辞書で調べる 19.他の言語で何というのか調べる 20.英語のページを日本語に翻訳する 21.英単語の意味をタップして確認する
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • ●ログイン省力化 22.BBモバイルポイントのログインを省力化する 23.ホットスポットのログインを省力化する 24.livedoor Wirelessのログインを省力化する 25.FONのログインを省力化する ※上記4本はブックマークレットの文字列を書き換える必要あり
Toshiro Shimura

iPhone 3Gで使える! ブックマークレット大辞典 - 0 views

  • 1.コピー&貼り付けを可能にする 作者:Preston Monroe氏 iPhoneで登録:こちら  ウェブを見ていて気になった文章を自分のブログや掲示板に引用したり、自分宛にメールで送っておきたいということはよくある。そんなときに重宝するのが「iCopy」というブックマークレットだ。
  • ブックマークレットを実行するとメニューが表示されるので、まずは「Copy」をタップ続けて表示されるメニューで、コピーした文字列をどう処理するのかを指定する。記事の一部を別のページで引用したい場合は「Copy Text」をタップ
Toshiro Shimura

Beabo » Blog Archive » iPhone向けのサイトを検討してみた - 0 views

  • 今回試したのは、iWPhoneとwptouchの2種類のプラグインです。 ノーマルの画面。これにタップしたり、拡大させたりして一通り見れる。 iWPhoneの使用感 iWPhoneは、プラグインとテーマのセットになっていて、トップ画面はテキストの記事が表示されます。画像はiWPhoneの記事表示画面で、画像も分かりやすいです。 wptouchの使用感 wptouchでのトップページの画面は、記事のタイトルのみになり、iWPhoneと対照的な感じがします。 記事のページはiWPhoneに似ていますが、見ているページをメールで送るボタンやソシャールブックマークなどにリンクするボタンがあったりと全体的には、wptouchの方が使ってみると良い感じがします。
  • 他にもiPhone用のプラグインがあるので、紹介しておきます。 iPhone / Mobile Admin WPhone WPhoneの日本語版を作って配布しています。 WPhone Admin Plugin iPhone向けのページがあると、見やすくなるのとページのサイズが小さくなるので読み込みが早くなります。そのままでも見れるけど、ユーザーが見やすい環境で提供するのがベストだと思います。 日本にiPhoneが入ってくると、iPhoneからアクセスする人が出てきて、iPhone向けのページが必要になりますね。ホームページを作ろうと思う方は、iPhone向けのページも検討してみてください。 HTMLで作ってね!と言われたら作れるけど、手間ばかり掛かってしまうのでCMSやブログのシステムの方が便利ですね。 ビーボでも、iPhoneの発売までには、Wordpressのブログコースのユーザーサイトをバージョンアップする予定です。ユーザーの皆さん、お待ち下さい。
Tim Norman

Aastra: Office 80IP - 0 views

  • to its large back-lit display, the Office 80IP has an integrated alphanumeric keyboard which saves users valuable time when searching for contact names or when writing text messages. Practical functions such as automatic callback, call forwarding and conference call also help improve efficiency during your daily routine. In order to protect the telephone against unauthorised use, it can be allocated an access code.
  • routine
    In addition to itslarge back-lit display, the Office 80IP has an integrated alphanumeric keyboard which saves users valuable time when searching for contact names or when writing text messages. Practical functions such as automatic callback, call forwarding and conference call also help improve efficiency during your dailyroutine. In order to protect the telephone against unauthorised use, it can be allocated an access code.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Google Voice on the iPhone: What You Can't Do | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Yes, Google Voice for the iPhone is finally here, albeit as a Web app, allowing you to place calls from your Google Voice number, send free text messages and view transcribed voicemails. While most of the app's core functions remain intact, there are certain limitations to the Web app.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

How 2 . . . Quickly send messages on an iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    The iPhone's lack of a virtual keyboard can make it hard to fire off a simple, quick e-mail or text message, such as "I'm running late" or "call me." But the free "Pastie Lite" iPhone app makes it easy to send quick messages.
QR Code Creator

QR Code Business Card Can Be Smaller For Easy Use - 0 views

    You can use QR code for information transfer, just by scanning and reading through Smartphone cameras. This two dimensional QR code business card contains information that can be encoded to text, to open an URL and many other.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Will the iPhone 3.0 finally be able to do cut and paste? | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Yes, it will. And what better way to demonstrate the most obviously "missing" feature on the iPhone than by booking a flight that would get you Lost? "I'm going to reserve a seat on Oceanic flight 815," said Scott Forstall, the senior vice-president of Apple's iPhone software development, on Tuesday as he showed off the method by which one can highlight text in an email - and from there choose cut, copy or paste. The fact that Oceanic 815 is the one that in the TV series Lost crashes on to the mysterious island where nothing is quite as it seems was not lost on the audience at the company's Cupertino headquarters.
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