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David Johnson

Texting, TV and Tech Trashing Children's Attention Spans | Ellen Galinsky - 2 views

    Two studies on teachers' views of the impact of digital media on children's learning were just released, one by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project and the other by Common Sense Media.
David Johnson

Professor says teens' social media lingo hurts writing skills | Technology | NewsObserv... - 2 views

    Shelby Hill, a Howard Middle School student from Orlando, sits in a writing camp sharing her ideas about a character she created for a zombie script. Shelby, an eloquent 13-year-old blogger, is an avid user of Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
David Johnson

Guest column: Texting, social media sites causing bad habits in our students | - 1 views

    This is part two of two in a series addressing our children's education. Question: Are texting and social media sites harming our children's literacy skills? I love my students, and I love teaching. However, my job has become significantly more challenging than it was when I began my career 28 years ago.
David Johnson

Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis? | UCLA - 2 views

    As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to research by Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology and director of the Children's Digital Media Center, Los Angeles.

30 Reasons Reading Should Take Priority Over Technology and Social Media - Reading Hori... - 0 views

  • The internet and technology haven’t only impacted the way we read, but it has also created several distractions and alternatives to reading.  We are still reading via technology (text messages, status updates, and articles) but there are ever-increasing distractions from choosing to spend our time reading a book or other activities that build reading comprehension and fluency.  I’m not saying there aren’t merits to technology but taking time to slow down and read a book offers more than enough benefits to make it worth the effort:
  • Creates an Active Mental Process
  • Improves Vocabulary
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  • Improves Analytical Thinking
  • Improves Concentration and Focus
  • Improves Memory
  • Improves Self-Discipline
  • Reduces Stress
  • Improves Creativity
  • Improves Writing Skills
  • Builds Expertise on a Subject
  • Helps One Make More Money by Improving Skills and Expertise
  • Enhances Accuracy (less prone to mistakes with more knowledge)
  • Changes Lives by Providing New Perspectives and Attitudes 27.    Helps Break Slumps 28.    Promotes Self-Discovery
  • Promotes Language Development in English Language Learners (ELL) 30.    Provides Escape from Digital Distractions

Social Media Has Good and Bad Effects on Kids: Experts - US News - 0 views

  • Younger children may try to lie about their age to get on to sites, like Facebook, that have strict age limits, said O'Keeffe. She said parents shouldn't condone this. "Facebook is geared toward teen age and up. There are ads and content on the site for an older group. Normally, you wouldn't let your 11-year-old hang out with 16-year-olds. Plus, if you let younger kids on these sites, you're teaching them that it's OK to lie."
  • Kids have always wanted to look at nude pictures, and today, taking and sending a picture can be done in a second," Primack said, adding that such pictures could come back to haunt children years later.
  • "We need more technology infrastructure, and pediatricians need to be ready to intervene and help educate young people and their parents on how to be more media literate, and how they can evaluate the types of things they're exposed to," said Primack.
    Social Media Has Good and BAd Effects on Kids

A decrease in litercay skills - 1 views

    I highlighted the important information

2 Pros And 2 Cons To Education Technology - Edudemic - 1 views

    Use of education technology is a somewhat problematic premise, because it has generated a heated debate on whether it helps or hinders learning. Recent dramatic increases in technology in our society have led to proliferation of technology in the learning institutions (from elementary school to the graduate school) at a rapid rate.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers in the Basic Writing Class... - 1 views

    Dave DeBaker Technology in a Basic Writing Classroom If you walk on any campus, from middle school to college, you'll hear the word technology mentioned over and over again. Schools are adding more and more technology into writing classes - specifically more computers, word processing programs, web browsers, and website authoring software.

technology ruined handwriting - 2 views

  • (CNN) -- Semi-ambidextrous Nicholas Cronquist rebelled against third-grade cursive lessons. "I remember I hated it and I told my teacher I thought it was dumb," he says. Cronquist, now 26, eventually learned to like using his left hand to inscribe strings of words. But typing papers while at the University of North Dakota and choosing a career rooted in technology drastically decreased the amount he wrote by hand, causing writing in cursive to become uncomfortable and painful. So he switched to printing right-handed while still signing his name with the left. "I don't even think I know how to write in cursive anymore," says Cronquist, who now lives and works in Laos. Technology is constantly increasing communication speeds, often anticipating words before our brains can send signals to our fingers. But experts say handwriting is being sacrificed for the sake of technology's convenience. People like Cronquist say they communicate so much via laptops, phones and tablets that they rarely need to scribble a handwritten note.
  • This trend is reinforced by a 2012 study that found 33% of people had difficulty reading their own handwriting. Docmail, a UK-based printing and mailing company, conducted the study and concluded that one in three participants had not been required to produce something in handwriting for more than half a year. It also found that updating calendars, phone books and reminder notes was more likely to be completed without using a pen. Finally, more than half of participants said their handwriting was noticeably declining. The state of handwriting in the United States, which celebrates National Handwriting Day every January 23 -- John Hancock's birthday -- is not much better, says Wendy Carlson, a handwriting expert and forensic document examiner. Carlson works as an expert court witness, maintaining offices in Denver and Dallas. She says the dramatic decline of handwriting is causing "great" deterioration of the mind.
  • "Texting played a role in it because people are trying to write quick short sentences," she says. "People aren't using their minds and they are relying on technology to make the decisions for them." Carlson says cursive writing combines mental and physical processes which involve both sides of the brain. She says she's noticed that the number of people who write cursive decreases as technology becomes the most dominant means of communication. "If you are typing or texting, it's a matter of punching and finger-moving," she says. "You are doing very little thinking because you are not allowing your brain to form neural processes." Jan Olsen is the founder and president of Handwriting Without Tears, a company that creates handwriting curriculum guides and workbooks for teachers and students from kindergarten through fifth grade. She says handwriting, especially cursive, is viewed as old-fashioned by some.
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  • Lernstift smartpen checks your spelling as you write "The only reason to write anything is to retrieve it later," she said. "So you need to have it legible." Cursive requirements in U.S. public schools have declined as access to technology increases. Alabama, California, Georgia, Idaho, Massachusetts and North Carolina require cursive and several other states are considering it.
  • The Washington Post reported in April that 45 states have adopted common core standards for education. Such standards are designed to provoke thought while at the same time preparing students to pass standardized tests, but they do not include a cursive learning requirement. In other words, many kids today are growing up without having to learn the looping, elegant script that was demanded of their parents and grandparents. Going forward, it will be up to individual states to decide whether to require cursive and then up to school districts to make it a focal part of the curriculum. Burdened by budget cuts, it is likely many states and districts will choose to have students type instead of write.
  • Olsen, 72, says the writing styles used in technology and handwriting conflict. Texts and instant messages require use of communication English, while writing requires use of standard English, she says. "To achieve in the world, people need to use standard (English)." But the irony is that Olsen, who communicates via text message on her iPhone, says Handwriting Without Tears must be tech-savvy to remain competitive. In addition to its workbooks, the company offers an electronic teaching guide and an app. "At work we have technology up the kazoo," she says.
  • Nation of adults who will write like children? Francis Smith, a bank officer living in Gibraltar, says that while technology allows instantaneous communication, he is nostalgic about handwriting due to its permanence and tangibility. "If there is no electricity, none of (technology) will work," he says. "Notebooks have served us for a couple thousand years." Smith, a former civil servant, used to write for work, but has spent the last 23 years typing on a PC. He says it has negatively impacted his handwriting to the point that people would never guess he won a handwriting contest when he was a child.
  • "It's a shame that now when you write quickly it looks like it's by someone who has not had an education," he says. Smith, 52, says he's started using a fountain pen to try to improve his penmanship. "It's got a lovely feel to it," he says. "It's not very practical." Smith says he wants to recapture his ability to write cursive. Cronquist, however, is happy that printing allows him to write legibly. "My right-handed printing is not too terrible," he says. "It's slow, but readable."

TV found to have negative impact on parent-child communication and early literacy compa... - 2 views

  • Since the first television screens lit up our living rooms scientists have been studying its affect on young children. Now scientists in Ohio have compared mother-child communication while watching TV to reading books or playing with toys to reveal the impact on children's development. The results, published in Human Communication Research, show that watching TV can lead to less interaction between parents and children, with a detrimental impact on literacy and language skills.
    It's funny how it is put here, "since the first television screens lit up our living rooms scientists have been studying its affect on young children," ultimately leading to the detrimental impact on literacy and language skills.

Debate evidence - List | Diigo - 10 views

    I can't seem to find a way to directly add my list to this group, so here's a link to a list I made for our debate.

OMG! Texting may ruin grammar skills, study says | Home & Garden | The Seattle Times - 2 views

  • "Results show broad support for a general negative relationship between the use of techspeak in text messages and scores on a grammar assessment," the study results said.
  • The researchers had kids ages 10 to 14 take a grammar test. And it turned out those who sent or received texts recently performed worse on the exam.
    I think that this could help us with our debate.
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