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Vasili Gian

UNITY: Game Development Tool - 0 views

    Unity 3 is a game development tool that has been designed to let you focus on creating amazing games. If you've tried Unity before, see whats new in 3.5. If this is your first time, take a look around or try Unity for yourself. Mentioned in many presentations.
Vasili Gian

AgileBill's Blog Agile Dimensions | Travel Less. Do More. - 0 views

    This is a typical discussion on the merits of tools for distributed collaboration, and which tool to use. I made a block diagram of agile. I include business analysis, planning, lean execution, and feedback. Former IBM engineer.
Vasili Gian

Memonic - the Twitterverse visualization tool Youtube Video - 0 views

    Memonic -It is a data display presented in virtual space, that looks for keywords in geo-tagged tweets, and displays their relative location and time of occurrence across a virtual geographical landscape. Link shared during a presentation by Lyr Lobo
Vasili Gian

3D GameLab Guildsite - Let the journey begin! - 0 views

    3D GameLab, a quest-based online learning platform shifts into open beta on April 2, as we kick off with a 3 week online spring camp for teachers and instructional designers. We provide you the tools and the training to turn your class into a living game!
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