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ScienceDirect - Public Relations Review : Media preferences of digital natives' interna... - 8 views

  • Over the past few years young workers born approximately after 1980 have begun entering the workplace and will be growing continuously as an employee segment.
    • nicole heyd
  • This paper focuses on this new generation by assessing their capabilities and expectations as well as their attitude towards both existing internal media channels and new communication media. The main research in this study centred on one key question: what media preferences do digitalnatives have regarding internal communication channels?
    • Michel Roland
      note démonstrative pour le stage de Strasbourg
  • Blossom (2009) defined social media as: “…any highly scalable and accessible communication technology or technique that enables an individual to influence groups of other individuals easily” (p. 29). Applications emerging from this new technology offer a wide range of opportunities for reaching two of the main goals of internal communication: communication to inform and communication aimed at creating a community (Elving, 2005). Companies should not ignore the specific needs and expectations of digital natives. It is important to think about ways of adapting internal communication and its channels to the digital age, since this group of employees is the future innovative potential of any company.
    • Jacques Reibel
      ce paragraphe est intéressant
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • This paper focuses on this new generation by assessing their capabilitie
  • Each of the tested variables was represented by a multi-item scale consisting of four to six closed-ended questions asking respondents about personal and professional attitudes and behaviour concerning digital media usage as well as some general attitudes. Respondents were also asked to indicate all social media they have used, both privately and for business purposes, in the past month. The third part presented eight actual communication situations occurring in the company. Respondents were asked to rank the social and traditional media identified previously. Social media analyzed in the study included blogs, microblogging, wikis, social networking, podcasting, video and photo sharing and instant messenger as well as discussion forums. On the other side, traditional internal communication media included employee magazines, intranet news, corporate television, e-mail and the “board-of-directors’ newsletter” as well as face-to-face communication and employee meetings. Finally, demographic questions including age, gender, nationality and line of business ended the questionnaire.
    • chargui mohammed
      Remarque 1
    • chargui mohammed
      Très juste
  • ires were usable and were analyzed. Just over two-thirds of the respondents were male (68 percent) and one-third were female (32 percent). The respondents were on average 27 years old, meaning that they belong to the older part of digital natives. Almost 90 percent of respondents spend more than half of their time in their offices and only 11 percent work mainly outside the office. Therefore, most of the respondents can be reached regularly by internal communication me
  • After clearing the data
  • In order to explore
  • AbstractContemporary generations of employees are living in a completely different environment than previous generations, shaped by easier information gathering and access to knowledge. For employers, it raises an important question: what media preferences do digital natives have regarding internal communication channels? This study revealed that employees still favor traditional internal channels, in spite of a strong preference for social media in their private lives.
  • Visiting social networking

ScienceDirect - Public Relations Review : Media preferences of digital natives' interna... - 5 views

    • chargui mohammed
      A lire dès que possible
  • After clearing the data, 310 questionnaires were usable and were analyzed. Just over two-thirds of the respondents were male (68 percent) and one-third were female (32 percent). The respondents were on average 27 years old, meaning that they belong to the older part of digital natives. Almost 90 percent of respondents spend more than half of their time in their offices and only 11 percent work mainly outside the office. Therefore, most of the respondents can be reached regularly by internal communication media. More than half of the respondents are Asian (out of which 80 percent are Indian), one-fourth are European and a group of around 12 percent consists of employees from the USA and Canada.
    • chargui mohammed
      A comparer avec la note ci-dessous

Evernote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Evernote is a suite of software and services designed for notetaking and archiving available in a paid version or a more restricted, advertising-supported, "free" version. A "note" can be a piece of formattable text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachments. Notes can then be sorted into folders, tagged, annotated, edited, given comments, and searched.
    salut : ici plus d'info sur Evernote, signalé par notre formateur sincèrement, Cathy

dotEPUB - download any webpage as an e-book - 4 views

shared by Constanze Armbrecht on 16 Dec 11 - Cached
    • chargui mohammed
      Voilà une bookmarket à rajouter au navigateur
    • Cédrin Mounziégou
      Effectivement, il n'est pas mal
    • Constanze Armbrecht
      ok ça marche
    • Michel Roland
      il n'y a pas mieux
  • In the immersive mode, links will be removed, you will not be offered the possibility of keeping images and there will be no indication where removed images and videos were
  • FeaturesDownload webpages to any epub-compatible device:  e-readers, tablets, smartphones, netbooks, desktop computers...
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In the immersive mode, links will be removed, you will not be offered the possibility of keeping images and there will be no indication where removed images and videos were.
    "dotEPUB is software in the cloud that allows you to convert any webpage into an e-book."
    "dotEPUB is software in the cloud that allows you to convert any webpage into an e-book."

Nicholas Carr sur la veille et la surcharge informationnelle « bibliothecaire ? - 2 views

  • « It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure. » / « Ce n’est pas une surcharge d’informations, c’est une défaillance des filtres. »
    • Cédric ABBEZZOT
  • Pour défendre sa thèse Carr pose une distinction entre « situational overload » et « ambient overload ».
  • Au contraire de la surcharge « environnementale ». Ici ce n’est plus de l’information (l’aiguille) définie a priori que nous allons chercher sur le réseau mais à l’inverse de l’information qui vient vers nous depuis le réseau (push vs. pull), par le biais des flux de syndication notamment, mais aussi des alertes, des lettres d’informations, etc., des outils de veille en général.

Information Overload, Then and Now - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Edu... - 2 views

  • Reactions to overload have often been emotional, whether hostile or enthusiastic. Early negative responses include Ecclesiastes 12:12 ("Of making books there is no end," probably from the fourth or third century BC) and Seneca's "distringit librorum multitudo" ("the abundance of books is distraction," first century AD). But we also find enthusiasm for accumulation—of papyri at the Library of Alexandria (founded in the early third century BC) or of the 20,000 "facts" that Pliny the Elder accumulated in Historia naturalis (completed in AD 77). Though we no longer care especially about ancient precedent, we hear the same doom and praise today.

FocusWriter - Gott Code - 1 views

    "FocusWriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as possible in your work. The program autosaves your progress, and reloads the last files you had open to make it easy to jump back in during your next writing session, and has many other features that make it such that only one thing matters: your writing."
    un autre éditeur txt "distraction free"

Les discours politiques. Approches interactionnistes et multimodales - 1 views

  • Comme le rappelle Charaudeau (2005, p. 30), ce n’est pas le locuteur qui fait qu’un discours est politique, ni le contenu de son discours, ni les lieux de son expression ou les types d’activités, mais c’est la situation d’interaction.
    "Envisager les discours politiques dans une perspective interactionniste, c'est considérer que la nature politique d'un discours s'établit en fonction de la relation instaurée entre les acteurs et auteurs de ces discours et les différentes catégories de récepteurs."

Ajaccio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views


Gérer ses signets en ligne (avec Diigo, Delicious ou Connotea) - Éduscol Disc... - 0 views

    Informations sur DIIGO

Diigo, un gestionnaire de bookmarks et d'annotations collaboratif | Gaettro - 0 views

  • Points forts : la page d’affichage est claire et structurée… On ne se sent pas perdu au premier abord comme avec Simpy ou ; Bookmarking Public ou Privé (comme Simpy) [et la conversion public-privé est simplissime] ; Possibilité d’importer ses bookmarks depuis ou de les importer/exporter vers son navigateur ; Mais, encore plus fort, possibilité d’enregistrer simultanément une page dans Diigo et ou dans 8 autres gestionnaires en lignes ou l’envoyer à quelqu’un par email ; Il est possible de souligner du texte, de l’annoter avec un ‘post-it’ (là encore option publique ou privée sont disponibles); Mais aussi d’afficher des commentaires qui seraient déjà associés à la page par un tiers… cela ouvre de vraies perspectives de travail collaboratif ! Intégration au blog avec la possibilité de rédiger un commentaire depuis Diigo qui est posté (pourvu que l’on a réussi à identifier son API endpoint… ce qui n’est pas encore mon cas.). Les blogs supportés sont Blogger, WordPress. Important : ne pas oublier d’enregistrer le bookmarklet « diigolet » et de l’utiliser pour activer les fonctions de soulignement et d’annotations (ajax).
    points forts de diigo

L'édition électronique ouverte | Le carnet du Cléo - 0 views

    c'est parfait

Mots. Les langages du politique - 0 views

  • Région Rhône-Alpes
  • La revue Mots. Les langages du politique s’inscrit dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, à la croisée des Sciences du langage, des Sciences du politique et des Sciences de l’information et de la communication.

My Library - 2 views

shared by Phandary BOU on 16 Dec 11 - No Cached

ScienceDirect - Journal of the American College of Cardiology : Abnormal Sympathetic In... - 0 views

  • Myocardial infarction was induced by mid-left anterior descending coronary artery balloon occlusion in 11 pigs. Positron emission tomography (PET) of tissue perfusion and catecholamine uptake and storage was performed with [13N]-ammonia and [11C]-epinephrine 4 to 12 weeks later. Magnetic resonance imaging and invasive electrophysiology (electroanatomic mapping, basket catheter, VT inducibility) were performed within 1 week of PET
    • soraya abdo
    • soraya abdo
  • Innervation might be abnormal in the normally perfused borderzone of myocardial infarction, contributing to myocardial catecholamine overexposure and arrhythmogenic risk

Diigo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Phandary BOU on 16 Dec 11 - Cached
  • Diigo ( /ˈdiːɡoʊ/)[1] is a social bookmarking website which allows signed-up users to bookmark and tag web-pages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page. These annotations can be kept private, shared with a group within Diigo or a special link forwarded to someone else. The name "Diigo" is an acronym from "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff".[2] Premium account holders can perform full-text searches of cached copies of bookmarks. A full-text search also searches page URLs, tags and annotations.[3] This means that premium account holders can choose to omit tags that already appear in the text of a page to be bookmarked (although text inside images cannot be searched). The launch of Diigo met with mixed responses, from the unimpressed[4] to the enthusiastic.[5] Diigo beta was listed as one of the top ten research tools by CNET in 2006.[6] Outside the website, Diigo's graphical user interface includes an optional bookmarklet, or a customizable toolbar, with various search capabilities. Highlight is enabled by a menu, that can either appear automatically when content is selected, or be embedded into the context menu. In March 2009, Diigo acquired web-clipping service Furl from Looksmart for an undisclosed price.[7][8] The site also has an extension available on the Chrome Web Store [9].
    Diigo (play /ˈdiːɡoʊ/)[1] is a social bookmarking website which allows signed-up users to bookmark and tag web-pages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page. These annotations can be kept private, shared with a group within Diigo or a special link forwarded to someone else. The name "Diigo" is an acronym from "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff".[2] Premium account holders can perform full-text searches of cached copies of bookmarks. A full-text search also searches page URLs, tags and annotations.[3] This means that premium account holders can choose to omit tags that already appear in the text of a page to be bookmarked (although text inside images cannot be searched). The launch of Diigo met with mixed responses, from the unimpressed[4] to the enthusiastic.[5] Diigo beta was listed as one of the top ten research tools by CNET in 2006.[6] Outside the website, Diigo's graphical user interface includes an optional bookmarklet, or a customizable toolbar, with various search capabilities. Highlight is enabled by a menu, that can either appear automatically when content is selected, or be embedded into the context menu. In March 2009, Diigo acquired web-clipping service Furl from Looksmart for an undisclosed price.[7][8] The site also has an extension available on the Chrome Web Store [9].

The mechanisms underlying overgeneral autobiographicalmemory: An evaluative review of e... - 0 views

  • ► OGM is a proposed risk factor for depression and PTSD. ► The CaR-FA-X model proposes three mechanisms that may underlie OGM. ► The author reviews the current state of support for the CaR-FA-X model. ► Overall, rumination, cognitive avoidance, and executive control are linked to OGM. ► Important unresolved issues and suggestions for future research are discussed.
    "► OGM is a proposed risk factor for depression and PTSD. ► The CaR-FA-X model proposes three mechanisms that may underlie OGM. ► The author reviews the current state of support for the CaR-FA-X model. ► Overall, rumination, cognitive avoidance, and executive control are linked to OGM. ► Important unresolved issues and suggestions for future research are discussed."
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